《Silverstone》CHAPTER 9



His white bedroom door was closed shut, hoping it wasn't locked I pushed the door open.

It was giant, a literal lounge.

What laid among my eyes is probably the most beautiful hotel room I have ever seen. With his black curtains shut closed blocking any light in to the humongous bed with a white comforter, flat and straight just like it was brand new and just been made.

As I skimmed the room with my eyes, I automatically noticed how he had a giant closet with the doors open. I'd die for this room.

It was a walk in closet a literal corridor, with clothes hanging from the sides and mirrors covering any white patches for the perfect view.

After I was done fangirling over how big his closet is I started search the room for anything secretive; a folder, stack of papers? But I found absolutely nothing.

I pushed one of the drawers in and was walking towards the door until I stumbled onto something hard. I fixed my gaze downwards and was staring upon a picture in a picture frame. Written on the bottom of the frame wrote:

"The Blacks"

Weird, I thought to myself after picking it up, getting a better view. There was a semi-tall guy with a man who looked like he could be of age to be a father and two children standing in front of the two men with their arms around each-other. The little boy and girl looked a tad bit familiar same with the older man.

Then it struck me.

This was my family.

It couldn't be could it? The family looked too familiar and I could see my dad, my brother and my features plastered against their faces.

"The Blacks." I read aloud just to make sure I wasn't imagining this. It's our family. But it didn't make sense, why does Leo have a picture of us together. That was him. Arms around my father, looking like they were best of friends by their body language. Baffled as I was, I sat down onto the edge of his bed.


Did I know him? How did my dad know a Silverstone? Why did he know Leo, he was apart of a mafia? Unless-

Snapping me back into reality, I heard a door close and thought it was just Noah and Theo until an intimate voice came closer and closer.

"What are you doing in my room?" I immediately shot up from the bed, hiding the picture behind my back hoping he didn't have a clear view of it.

"Uhm." I cleared my throat and made the stupid mistake of making eye contact with him, Leo's hazel eyes burning into mine.

"I'm waiting? Or do you have short term memory loss or something?" I didn't even realised he used my phrase until a caught the crook of his lip curved into a smirk but shot back down when he looked back at me.

Leo was standing there soaking wet, water dripping down his damp hair onto his bare chest. Oh did I forget to mention he was only wearing a towel around his waist, a clear view of his abs and tattoos spread across his stomach. Like an abstract piece.

"Why don't you take a picture it'll last longer." He looked right at me, I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks as he eyed me up and down.

I realised what he was doing and rolled my eyes.

"I was looking for Theo and Noah." I proudly said chin held high. Internally screaming, hoping he would buy the act I put on.

"Oh yea sure, of course you were looking for them it's not like they left a note on the table. Clear view on what it said." Leo started to move closer to me, are noses almost touching.

His breath was laboured his minty breath ghosting across my face. Completely out of it, I started to look at his lips. Noticing the miniature beauty spot right over the curve of his upper lip.


A nasty laugh spilled out of his mouth, echoing across the silent room. He had just played me.

Something felt wrong. Felt lighter. My hands!

I quickly brought them up, in my view there was nothing. There he stood, all smug and full of himself. Fiddling with the picture in his hands.

Leo started clapping. Why?

"Well done Miss Black you found the treasure!"

He sarcastically remarked, throwing his head back to take a deep breath.

"You found it." He took a step towards me.

I took one back

"Not only blatantly lie to my face, but also snooped through my room." He kept on walking closer until my back hit the dressing table and are body's were closer than ever.

"Ever heard of the word privacy?"

"How- why do you have this?" My breath hitched into my throat clogging it up after my last sentence.

"Your father and I knew each-other, best buddies as he would call us."

"No matter what the age difference was I got along with the Blacks." A flicker of sadness and sorrow filled his face.

"But especially you." He whispered, the air tickling the tip on my nose.

"No." I said trying to keep my voice without breaking.

"Yes." He took a step back, leaving me there looking flustered and confused.

"You know your father and I could of stayed friends until he did the unimaginable." He laughed into the air, grinning widely.

I composed myself getting off of the dresser and walking towards the door. I didn't want to hear more of this story.

Before I could get to the door knob, a strong hand gripped my wrist pulling me towards him.

"Betrayal is the worst this Black, don't you ever forget that."

I gazed at him deeply confused on what he meant or why he was telling me.

He dipped his head down to my level and swooped it to the crook of my neck.

"Your father was the definition of that, betrayal." He softly whispered, a chuckle escaping his lips.

Leo pulled his head back up, we both heard a door close and muffled voices. I turned to the door and opened it heading to my room until I knocked into something hard and wide.

"Woah watch where your going Cinderella."

I stumbled backwards nearly falling until I caught myself. Noah was standing there scrunching his nose, unaware on what just took place.

"I'm going to bed, goodnight." I looked right at them both and said with a monotone voice and headed straight to my room.

"Well no dinner for you, I guess." Theo called out his voice fading away from each step I took to my bed.


I had gotten changed into my black silk pyjamas Theo had bought me, and laid flat onto my bed putting my phone onto the nightstand. I stared at the ceiling with a hush of emotions flowing through me.

"What did I do to deserve this." I mumbled. With my eyes fluttering closed, drifting off to sleep.

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