《Silverstone》CHAPTER 8


I woke up with rays of sunshine beaming through the curtains and the sweet smell of a fry up lingering through my bedroom door.

Okay so that totally didn't happen.

I woke up to the racket of Theo, Noah and the big bad wolf yelling at each-other at god knows what. I swung my legs out of bed and quietly walked to the bedroom door to getting a better listen to what they were saying.

"Does she not know?"

"Yea when are you planning to tell her?"

"I'm working on it ok? Just don't mention anything to her, got it?"

Before they both could answer I opened the door slamming it shut so they could be aware of my presence.

I eyed them all up and down confused on why on earth they were arguing.

"Tell me what?" I stood there folding my arms over one another staring Leo dead in the eyes.

He had a white button up shirt that was tight enough to see the width of his biceps and black skinny jeans.

Theo and Noah cleared their throats and automatically looked down.

"Well?" I motioned my hands for them to continue talking but their mouths were sealed shut, what did they not want me to know?

"You know what fine, suit yourself but I'm going to find out either way". I then turned the other way and went back into my room, to get dressed. I will find out what they are keeping from me no matter what it takes.

I picked out a pair of black jeans and a baby blue button up top Theo picked out for me yesterday at the mall, before the attack.

After that I went into the bathroom to take a shower since I was still in my old clothes.


As the warm water gushed out of the shower head onto my face I felt instantly better.

After getting dressed I then found a hairdryer as started blow drying my hair. Once it was completely dried I flipped my head over running my fingers through my locks since there was no sight of a brush near. I then flipped it back up, leaving me with my hair falling perfectly on my shoulders feeling lighter already.

I made my way into my hotel room and hopped onto the bed staring at wall opposite me.

What really has my life lead up to?

Interrupting my thoughts there were hard knocks on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled from my position.

Noah walked into the room wearing a black leather jacket with a black tee underneath, and shocker, black skinny jeans.

"Uhm we are ordering room service, we were wondering if you wanted anything?" He avoided eye contact looking all around trying not to meet my face.

"Oh so now you talk." I sat up and replied with pure annoyance laced in the tone of my voice.

He didn't say anything but gaze Into the direction of my window.

"Not talking anymore huh? Order me a crepe with a glass of orange juice, hopefully you will regain your voice on the phone." I huffed and started fidgeting with my hands.

He walked out closing the door quietly, and I heard muffled voices coming from the other side of the walls.


"Rapunzel come out of your room, we have food!" Theo called from the living room.

I zoomed out of bed to the door, FOOD!

I then sprinted to the cart with breakfast on it grabbing my plate.

"Well somebody's hungry". Leo smirked at me looking at I was wearing up and down.


"Well somebody will not be able to make baby's if he keeps on talking." I shot at him mimicking the same thing he did, grinning in amusement.

His smirk dropped as he stood up and adjusted his collar walking towards the food cart.

I giggled under my breath at how pissed he was. I'm a black what do you expect.

Leo grabbed a piece of toast and fixed his eyes onto me, silence fell upon the room.

After putting a stack of pancakes onto my plate, I drenched it with maple syrup the light reflecting onto it. His view unfortunately contained me into it.

I put my hand onto his right shoulder while standing.

"What's wrong? You understand you have your whole life to be a pure dickhead so why don't you take a day of today, it's like you have finally come to your senses on how annoying you are."

I scoffed and walked fast enough to get to my room before I got a taste of my own medicine.

I sat on my bed and checked my phone

Okay so maybe it was a little later than I expected, all thoughts aside I still had something to do or shall I say eat.


I grabbed my fork and knife and cut the stack in half, stabbing my fork into one of the fluffy pancakes I could smell the sweet scent of maple syrup drift through the air. I put it into my mouth and groaned in delight.

I then ate the rest in the span of 15 minutes savouring each taste.

I put my plate on my bedside table and chugged my glass of OJ. After eating the whole plate my stomach felt heavier and I could barley get up without wanting to sleep for the rest of the day.


It had been about two hours since I had got up and put my plate back since I wasn't doing anything. Wait , what did they want to tell me.

I know your probably thinking

"Just let it go Julia it was probably nothing and why would u want to get into more trouble the less you know the better." We'll you see I can't wait for the answer to just come to me, I had to go get it.

I can't hear anything from the other rooms in the house so I presume they are sleeping or went out without telling me. I crept out of my room and stepped into the living room which looked exactly the same as before. Except one thing. There laid something pink on the table.

As I walked closer my vision adjusted to see what it said.

So Theo and Noah were out which left the alpha and I together. I heard some shuffling near.

The bathroom!

I knocked on the door.

"I'm coming out in like 15 minutes!" He yelled echoing throughout the walls of the house.

So I have fifteen minutes to get information.

I first quietly scanned the living room for any letters or pictures but nothing.

I started walking towards Theo and Noah's room. I opened the door and automatically a set of drawers met my eye. I started opening them one by one checking for anything but unfortunately.


Only shirts and trousers laid there no trace of anything eye catching. I closed their door and went to the last room that hopefully had something that had any relation to whatever they were keeping from me.


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