《Silverstone》CHAPTER 7


"Was this really necessary?"

"All of us coming?" Noah spat out, clearly pissed off he had to come with Theo and I.

"Can you not ruin this trip, would you rather look at Black in blood stained clothes and have to view her AWFUL sense of style?" He emphasised glancing back at me.

I couldn't be bothered to answer back, with all this commotion of being kidnapped and wanted for something I am totally clueless and unaware about I didn't need this.

It had been about five minutes and the car was already getting heated , you could feel the hot air enter your body whenever you inhaled.

I pushed a square button right below where the door handle was and watched the the smooth glass disappear within blinks, feeling the instant gush of cool air pound my face while my hair danced in the wind.

Savouring every moment, abruptly the car stopped.

"We're here!" Theo exclaimed. Looking right ahead at the vast building among us.


As I walked into the entrance doors of the mall I could hear chatter overlapping the muffled conversation behind me.


"Stay right by us, do not talk to anyone if you see anything suspicious let me know". Leo said whispering in my ear, I could feel his warm breath slither it's way into my ear.

"Alright after you both are done playing Chinese whispers, we need to find you some new clothes so you don't look like you just cane out of the remake of Carrie". He sweetly smiled at me waking towards the escalators.

Before he hopped on the moving steps a specific store caught my eye.

American eagle.

And I most likely know what your thinking, American eagle, really Julia? Probably the most basic store you have ever seen, I'm sorry I'm just a sucker for their jeans!

"Actually Theo can we go in there." Motioning towards the store opposite us.

Jogging towards me , I saw the flicker of disappointment with my store choice plastered over with a smile.

"Sure." He forced out grinning widely at me glancing back at Noah.

He raised his hands up to his chest,

"Don't look at me."


"Oooh this is cute." Theo pointed and picked up a button up Baby blue top.


"Yea it is." He then dropped it into the overly large shopping cart. Piling on-top of the blue and black jeans not to mention the unnecessary amount of jewellery and cami tops.

"These will be good , look at your figure!"

"Alright that's enough, so when are we getting out of here?" He said with clear irritation lingering on the tip of his tongue.

"After you give him your card, you understand that he ain't paying." Noah peered at Leo shaking his head for stating the obvious.

Silverstone shoved his hand into his jean pocket , gazing at Theo not breaking eye contact and slapping his black credit card into the middle of his palm.

"Well that was easy wasn't it?" He knew what he was doing and ran. No. Sprinted to the queue avoiding the consequences he was going to face for blatantly vexing him.

After paying we all walked out of the store after a good two hours of Theo deciding if the clothes looked good on me and making me try on every outfit.

While walking a sudden ping tone alerted all of us. Silverstone took his phone out of his pocket tapping and zooming in on a photo , he froze in place like he had just seen a ghost. A wave of uncertainty painted over his face.

"What is it?" Noah asked with a look of concern written all over him.

"We gotta move , like right now." He looked at all of us and all of a a sudden an alarm went off spreading the sound throughout the whole mall echoing as people stopped their conversations.

"Please make your way to the exit as the fire alarm has been set off, please make your way to the edit as the fire alarm has been set off".

The automated message played over two times while clusters of people were quickly making their way behind us like a zombie apocalypse.

The lights randomly shut off and we all huddled together until I couldn't feel anyone pressing against me anymore.

Randomly the lights shut off nothing but darkness invading my vision. I could hear Noah mumbling something under his breath so I made my way closer to his voice. I was now huddled with Theo, Noah and Miss Black.


I felt a hand tug me and pull me in that direction and just thought it was Theo playing a stupid joke on me but I realised it wasn't him when I could see bright green eyes glowing in the dark. Before I could throw a punch I felt a fist make heavy impact with my nose, my head flung to the side going down with my body creating a big thud sound. As I began to hop back up to strike back, my eyes started filling up with water and it began to get blurry.

Getting back on my feet I could see a faint pair of green orbs moving in the darkness, I crept slowly and quietly towards it and connected my foot to it's stomach , leaving the person laying on the ground helpless, with the aching feeling vibrating throughout its body.

I started to hear more noise coming from the opposite side of the mall. Grunting and loud thumps echoing in the air.

Completely unfocused on my attacker there was no sight of anyone on the ground. Hovering over nothing I was about to jump onto my feet until I was facing downwards on the marble floor feeling the blood dripping down the back of my head.

The sound of broken ringing forced its way into my ear canals making it hard to hear the voices around me. With all my strength I pushed myself onto my side, falling upwards staring at the white tiles on the ceiling of the building.

Nothing but pitch black around me was in my view, I could hear muffled thuds and voices on each side where I was standing. I felt someone put their arms around my waist and drag me backwards before I could let out a scream , a hand slammed against my mouth. I tried to fight the person off my kicking them or moving side to side but nothing seemed to work. I had an idea.

I bit down on the palm of the person hands and automatically they let go letting out a whimper. I darted to right in front of me trying to find one of the guys. Panic rose inside of me while I was running as I could hear footsteps creep behind me. One by one the lights started flicker and turn on square by square I could see my surroundings clearly. Hot tears started to prick my eyes and glide down my cheeks while out of breath. Four thumps start to vibrate through the mall floor.

Not looking where I'm going I crash into something hard, my body throws itself backwards, smacking my head onto the cold ground the wet patch of blood dripping down the back of my head. Inaudible sounds make its way closer towards me, my vision starts to blur and my eyes slowly start to close.


As I start to gain consciousness over my body I feel two strong arms scoop me up holding me in the air.

"I knew this trip was a fucking bad idea."

"We almost lost her." Leo grumbled.

"Look how were we supposed to know that the nightingales would pop out of nowhere and attack us."

"We? Who you calling we Theo this wasn't my idea." Noah exclaimed defending himself.

"Just open the door would you?" He said out of irritation.

I felt myself being laid into a bed someone covering me with a blanket, radiating warmth on my cold limbs.

A familiar voice interrupted the silence.

"God why do these stupid things always happen to us."

"I know this is stupid to say and I know your not awake so this makes this even stupider but I don't know what I feel Julia why do I have this sudden nerve to protect you, I captured you to get it out of you now I'm not sure that I'm willing to risk it".

Get it out of me? What's it? All these thoughts drifted inside my head until I realised what he said.

I'm now talking to a sleeping person, well done Leo you have officially lost it completely.

It's weird. I mean everything I say. One day I actually want her dead and want to see it with my own eyes on how much she angers me but then next all I want to do is protect her. Why?

All these thoughts drifted inside my head until I realised what I actually said.

I planted a soft kiss in the middle of her forehead .

I slowly walked away thinking.

Am I really falling for Julia black? Or is this all a phase?

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