《Silverstone》CHAPTER 5



Julia's POV:

As we got to the door he pushed the key in the hole and unlocked it. Woah. Dark brown carpet spread throughout the whole room threaded gold spiralled in the crevices. In my view there was one king sized bed with a white duvet and two large pillows.

Weird, probably another bed somewhere inside.

Stepping inside getting a better look, a brown wooden table near the bed with a grey lamp. There laid a black couch that could fit six people on it and a glass table with a vase of roses in the middle. I have never seen a better hotel room in my life. I started waking towards another door which led to a medium sized bathroom.

A shower , bathtub, a marble sink and a toilet who would've known? The design was beautiful with the colour pallet of black, white and grey.

"Woah this place is so amazing." I stepped out of the bathroom. And to my surprise nobody was there.

A neon yellow square was glowing from the glass table. Written on.

"Going out coming back in 3 hours don't answer the door only if your ordering room service.

- Leonardo."

There laid my phone and my necklace. MY NECKLACE. Before my mom committed she gave me a locked with a picture of her and I in it, cliche I know but I've held on to it ever since. I don't know what happen that night she wasn't acting weird or anything it just happened and I'm eager to find out why.


I made my way to Luke's room to ask him a few things.

I knocked three times and he still hadn't answered.


No answer.


No answer.

That's weird surely he would of heard me by now.

I opened the door and to my surprise nobody was in there.

His room is trashed.

There are clothes everywhere and his computer was still on but my brother was out of sight.

"Oh shit."

I made my way to his computer screen and It showed a conversation.

- so are you gonna make it to Ace's party?

- yea you?

- I'm coming but what about your mom and sis?

- dw I got that under control they probs will think I'm sleeping or something

- K I gtg but see you there

- yea ttyl

- ttyl

That was the last message sent. Moms going to kill him and me for not keeping an eye on him he is going to be in so much trouble. There's literally nothing I can do now. I can't go to the party for obvious reasons and I don't want to bust my brother either. I guess I'll just have to distract my mom being the good sister I am. Thinking of mom where is she?



I go to the bathroom and someone's in it.

Knock knock.

No answer

I knock again.

No answer

"MOM you in there?"

No answer


I open the door and it's not locked, I immediately slap my hands over my eyes because I ain't being scarred today.

I hear no voices or my mom just something wet on my toes and sleeping through the small space between my feet and the bathroom floor.


I take my hands off of my eyes and I see mom leaning against the cabinets under my sink with her arms facing inwards so you could see her wrists, blood seeping out of them.

Julia take her hands off of her eyes and is in the view of her mother leaning against the cabinets at the bottom of her sink on the floor dead with her wrists exposed and blood seeping out of the wounds.

Her knees go weak and a lump forms at the back of her throat, she drops onto the floor hovering over her mothers body.


"Wake up please no you can't go not-not now!"

Julia is on the floor sobbing hysterically in the sight of her dead mothers body. With all her strength she lifts herself up and grabs her phone from her room , her hands shaking as she calls her brother.

I can barley bring myself to lift the phone up to my ear.

"What is it Julia save them lecture." You could hear music booming the background.

"L-Luke you n-need to come home-e now-w". I couldn't get myself to talk without stuttering horrendously.

I try to keep myself from breaking down on the phone, he has no idea what's going on.

"Jules whats wrong?" You could hear the concern is his voice creeping up.

"It's mom, I found her in the bathroom s-she's gone."

Tears trickle from my cheeks onto my sweatshirt I quickly wipe them away when I hear the door opening, it was now 9pm how long did that last?

I immediately make my way to the bathroom to freshen up before Leo sees me I don't want to cause anymore problems then there are already.

I hear two knocks

"Black you in there?"

"Yea sorry one second."

I open the door and go and sit on the couch grabbing my phone out of my pocket.

"You understand I'm standing literally opposite you right?" His arms folded against his chest, clenching his jaw.


"Yes I'm not blind." I quickly said looking down at the black screen of my phone.

We sat there in silence for about five minutes until I gathered up the courage to ask him something.

"Can I call my brother?"


"I said can I call my brother, you know to tell him that I'm okay maybe, you don't want the police to start making me a missing person that would draw too much attention." I try to reason this as best as possible.

" I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know it's a simple yes or no question and plus it's not like I'm going to tell him that I am being held against my own will by a murderous mafia leader because somehow I matter to them now".

"Actually yea call him I don't want any extra attention being put towards you right now".

I get up waking towards the bathroom until I feel a hand on my shoulder turning me the other way.

"Where do you think your going?"

"To call my brother do you have short term memory loss or something?" You could hear my tone building up laced around the sound of my voice.

Before I acknowledged what was happening I was being held to a wall with a hand wrapped around my throat cutting off my air supply.

"You think you're funny huh?" He asked while holding a straight face.

"I - I can't breathe." I replied trying to gasp for air.

"I swear to god if you make another snarky comment like that I will end you no matter what you hear me?"

"Y-yes". I croaked out.

He let go of my throat and I dropped to the floor on my ass , coughing violently . Trying to get as much air in my system before trying to speak.

"Well go on call him, I don't have all day."

He motioned towards the couch.


Shakily I searched for Luke's number and pressed call. The only sound I'm the room was the ringing of my phone, I internally begged for him to pick up because I don't think I would get the chance to call him after what happened.

"Julia hey what's up?" Luke spoke, directly into the phone you could hear his breathing pattern.


"Jules what's wrong?"

"Nothing I'm just happy to hear your voice". I lied.

Tears pricked my eyes.

"Where are you? You didn't come home it's been days." He asked concerned.

"I'm sorry I didn't call I'm actually out of town with one of my friends right now, are you okay?" I glanced at Silverstone, he considered me a friend so why can't I?

"Yea I'm fine and don't worry have fun I'm actually with dad right now!"

Dad? I haven't seen him after I recovered from my surgery.

"Dad? Since when did he come back?"

"The day you left he came back at about 10pm anyways he's staying with me right now and we are catching up so have fun with your friend and you can stay how ever long you want since I have him to keep me company no offence."

I was laughing while tears rolled down my face into the phone.

"None taken take care of yourself ok?"

"I will don't worry Jules, I gotta go".

"I love you so much you know that right?"

"I do and I love you too".

The line cut off. My hands were shaking when I put the phone down, I buried my face deep into my hands and started to cry quietly. I heard footsteps louder and louder come closer.

Black put the phone down and I could tell what was coming next. She put her face in her hands and I heard muffled sniffles come from her directions. I'm not the best at people or comforting so I didn't know what to do. I did the first thing that came to mind.

I walked towards her and sat down next to her.

"Hey, hey".

She kept crying quietly into her palms.

I put my arm around her neck and brought her head right below my chin not too close or too far away just right. I then got my other arm and swooped her fragile body onto my lap so her legs were hanging off me and her head was under my chin resting below my collarbone.


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