《Silverstone》CHAPTER 4


Julia's POV:

I woke up with someone shaking my body vigorously.

"What the-"

"Good you're awake, get up Leonardo wants us to be moving as fast as we can."

"I can barley get up and you want me to move locations?"

"Well you looked fine yesterday when you and Leo had your intimate moment". He wiggles his eyebrows up and down.

"Oh shut up". I rolled my eyes and got onto my feet and to my surprise could hold myself up.

"I have nothing to wear?"

"Then we'll have to go shopping later on Miss Black."

a butterfly

From what I assume a small butterfly tattoo was drawn onto Noah's left hand.

"Take a picture it'll last longer". He smiled in amusement.

"Didn't know you were a sweet animal lover."

I grinned at him.


I rolled my eyes and walked to bathroom. A toothbrush , toothpaste and a hair brush was laid on on the marble.

"Oh and fix yourself up because you look like crap!"

What a way to make me feel better


I finished brushing my teeth and stared at myself in the mirror. Well he didn't lie.

I quickly brushed through my hair and washed my face to wake myself up. Two days ago I was going to meet my friend at her house and now I'm here?

Oh and I'm still in the New York sweatshirt and black yoga pants from the morning I left my house. The only difference is that the words

"NEW YORK" Is stained with a bit of red.

How nice.

I walked out of the bathroom and made my way downstairs dreading for what awaits for me.

The three men were talking downstairs and abruptly stopped when I stood there.

"No don't stop on my account carry on". I smiled and motioned at them.

Silverstone stood up and started waking towards me

"Don't act smart Miss Black".

"Who said I was acting?"

"You understand that I can end your life in a split second."


"And do you understand that you won't do that because your keeping me here for a reason and if you killed me you wouldn't get what you want."

"And what do I want?"

Before I could start a sentence there was a knock at the door. Theo walked towards ur and opened it to my surprise nobody was there but when I walked closer there was a car in the driveway. I glanced at Noah and he came closer.

"Took you long enough , get in the car."


"Do you not understand the use of modern English I said, get in the car."

"Where are you taking me?"

Leo huffed

"We have to move locations so they don't find you now get in".


"Okay, gosh who pissed in your Cheerios this morning."

I replied as a stepped into the car.


We all sat there in silence until I spoke up.

"They're after her, after HER!"

"And they aren't going to stop until they get what they want."

"Look Leo we don't have much time so we need to think fast they want her because they need more stock".

"Your point is?"

"My point is that why don't we just give them stock instead of them getting the girl and have you even thought on how we're gonna get it out of her without blowing it up?" I could tell he was getting aggravated.

"No Noah I have definitely not thought about how we are going to get it out of her without killing her whole. I definitely haven't thought about the Kings or Nightingales either, but thank you for your input."

"Look I'm just saying-."

"I know what you're saying , we'll find a way."

"Whatever you say."

About an hour in the car journey I was already tired and bored, I wasn't going to nap since I don't trust Silverstone as much I would like to.

"So as we're going to be in this car for god knows how long and spending time together I might as well get to know you".


I didn't think your boredom drove you that far".

He softly chuckled in amusement.

"Fine be like that".

"I don't recall me saying it was a bad idea..."

"Do you ever take days off from being a complete asshole?"

"Only 4-5 business days I like to piss people off".

He grinned.

"You know what let's start , whats your favourite colour?"

I knows stupid idea but I had to start off with something.


Gee who would of thought.

"Aww cute it matches your heart".

I pointed at his chest.

"Haha very funny".

He replied with a sarcastic smile.

"Well mine is green".

He looked at me like I had said the funniest thing in the world.

"Green ? Green seriously out of all the colours you pick green".

He erupted in laughter.

"What's wrong with green yours is black?"

"Now what's wrong with black?"

"Multiple things it looks like your going to a funeral every single day the only good thing is that it makes you look hot."

"So you think I'm hot?"

He smirked.

I just made a big mistake.

"No- I never sai- oh my god."

I buried head In my hands feeling the heat get to my face.

He continued laughing I swear he was crying along with it.

"Don't twist my words!"

"Have I?" He choked out still hysterically laughing.

"Yes you have now shut up."


"Do you want me to spell it out for you or say it slower?"

I mocked.



We're here".

"Yay I'm so excited to spend all my time with you".

I sarcastically smile.

He rolled his eyes and got out the car. He made his way to by door and opened it.

"The nicest thing you have done since you stole me."

"Alright so you don't want me to open it."

He then closed some of the door.

"I never said that!"

I shouted from the inside.

He then opened the door wide open.

"Thank you."

I then got out and looked around.

"Whatever you say."


We started walking to the entrance of the hotel, seriously he's staying here, HERE a hotel with a bunch of people? Isn't he worried that they will know who he is?

"3, 2 , 1."

"What are yo-."

People with large cameras and flashing lights came jogging towards us flooding our area.

Well this is nice

"Mr Silverstone whats your latest project".

"Nothing to be discussed right now".

He replied.

"How have you been doing".

He ignored his comment.

"Is that your girlfriend".

"No she's a friend".

"Who's the girl".

"My friend didn't you get that already."

There were so many questions and lights. I held onto Leonardos upper arm trying to keep up with him. He put an arm around me by the waist and led me to the hotel.

"Stay close."

"Don't answer their questions."

We finally got inside the hotel lobby making our way through all the family's.

"Are they always going to follow us around."

"They usually don't but if you see anyone like them make sure to tell me ok?"

"Yea I will don't worry."

"Is your job that important?"

"It's not a job."

"Well are you going to tell me what it is?"

"Hm it starts with an M and ends with an A, take a wild guess Julia."

He whispered in my ear.

One word



After we got through the cluster of camera women and men we got to the receptionist desk. Leonardo and the woman behind it exchanged fewer words and she gave him a key for our room and a piece of paper.

Her number.

He isn't that good looking.

I saw him scrunch it up and put it in the trash can as we were walking.

"Slow down, gosh this isn't the olympics."

He ignored my comment and started running to our room.

Oh how I'm going to love this.


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