《Silverstone》CHAPTER 3


"Theo how long does it-".

Silverstone walks in.

I am dead.

I quickly pull away from him and look down.

What was I thinking? He most literally abducted me and now I'm kissing him?

Theo glances at me to say something.

He better be joking .

"Boss I swear it was-."


He said with a stone cold look on his face.

Theo plastered a confused look on his face.

"I said GO!".

He sprinted out of the room leaving the first aid kit next to me.

Oh boy I was in trouble

He walked towards me and sat just where Theo did. And slowly opened his mouth to speak.

"So you enjoyed it? Why don't you kiss me as well as you can't resist."

I looked down to avoid his stare.

"He kissed me first."

It's true tho he did! What was I suppose to say yes Silverstone I do fuck around with your associates what are you going to do about throw a tantrum and expect everyone to listen to you huh?

"Oh yea pull out the I'm innocent I did nothing card, I didn't see you pull away so you're as bad as him".

"Look why do you care so much?" I shot up from the couch trying not to stumble backward and cause some major deja vu.

" I don't fucking care I just want you to know your place with my people".

"Your people? Your people. Huh I don't remember you having a dog leash on them or your name engraved on them!"

Before he could start a sentence a loud thud echoed throughout the house.

Leo looked at me and then ran out of the room . I followed him downstairs being discreet as possible.

Five men were in the living room. Three on floor looking injured and two attacking Theo and Noah. One of the men with a black beard jumped on Noah's back. He then slammed his back towards the wall, making the guy fall down with him and groan in pain.


One of the men with piercing blue eyes started walking towards me.

What the fuck is going on?

A cold hand lunged towards me. But no impact?

To my surprise Silverstone was hovering on top of him and throwing aggressive punches all over. On his jaw, cheeks and eyes. When he stood up he started kicking him in the stomach, making the guy groan loudly in agony begging for him to stop.

I couldn't make out the mans features due to the amount of blood that was covering his face.

"Don't ever fucking touch her you hear me?"

"I hear you". He attempted to say but you could barley hear him.

"I'm sorry I can't hear you over your choking I say do you hear ME?!"

"Yes yes I do". The man croaked out.

Noah got up and eventually held Silverstone back. Without a warning both Theo and Noah pushed the men onto the floor and kept on questioning them.

"Who are you?"


"Who sent you?"


"Are you deaf? I'm asking you a question."

"The kings we work for the kings we are here for the girl ". It was not long after they both passed out and there was blood, broken glass and bodies laid on the floor.

I stood there in shock not knowing what to do or what my place was in this.

"Take her upstairs now".

It didn't take Noah a split second to disobey Silverstone. Theo and Noah started dragging me upstairs.

The kings we work for the kings we are here for the girl".

They croaked out and then passed out their bodies thudding onto the marble floor. Every inch of me wanted to kill these guys but something or someone was holding me back.

"Take her upstairs now." It didn't take Noah a split second to disobey me he knew that if he did he'd be paying for it.


It pissed me off on how she kissed Theo or should I say how he kissed her first. And before you come at me yes I got made at her for kissing Theo but I also believe that Theo kissed her first, why would she want him when she could have better? I could show her better.

I picked up two of the guys and threw them over my shoulder and carried them out Theo did they same as we carried them into the woods.

"Look I'm sorr-."

"God do you ever stop talking?"

If that was Julia she wouldn't of held back by a snarky comment.

What's wrong with me why am I thinking of HER?

Julia's POV:

Noah brought me upstairs and put me in a room with one king sized bed, a bathroom, a mini fridge, a couch and a beautiful balcony view. We exchanged fewer words on him telling me that I will be staying here for a few nights. That's all he said after he left and said he had some unfinished business he needed to do and I knew exactly what he meant when he said that.

It was getting super late and I just finished the sandwiches Noah made and gave to me so I wouldn't have to leave which is probably for the best and when I say the best I mean Leo and that got me thinking about him. I dont get why he cared so much and I still don't get what he mean when he said.

"The key to all our problems".

I laid there in silence staring into the ceiling with all these thoughts swarming through my head what have I really got myself into?

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