《Silverstone》CHAPTER 2


Julia's POV:

My body aches as I start to move my legs.

Somethings different.

I slowly open eyes and a white room fills my vision.

I'm on something soft.

A bed.

"Took you long enough."

A man wearing a black leather coat says.

The one who tried to put the gagger on me.

The other man who was holding the cloth walks towards me.

I quickly attempted to get up but my body gives out.

The one who was going to blindfold me (I assume) laughs.

"Childish much?"

"And she speaks!"

The one wearing black says.

"She's awake, and alive."

A new voice enters the conversation. Both of the men step back while "Silverstone" steps forward.

What are they scared?

"Silverstone, what happened?"

This is the first time I've seen some sort of emotion flicker into the wish version of Damon Salvatore's eyes.

"Nothing, nothing I just wanted to see how our key to everything is doing". He smiled wide with teeth.

Key to everything?

I scrunched my nose in confusion.

Why am I here again?

"What am I doing here?

I ask again as you all don't seem to understand the use of modern English".

Word vomit

"What did you just say?"

" I said, what am I doing here?"

I lift my legs up and throw them over the bed.

I am not holding on a lamp shade.

My new best friend.

"Want me to spell it out or say it slower because I will happily do it.

W-w-w-h-h-a-a-t-t a-a-a-m-m-m I-I-I-I

d-d-d-o-o-o-I-I-n-n-g-g-g h—h-e-e-r-r-e-e?

I can also tell you the meaning

When someone is wondering why, they are in a place-."

I'm thrown into his body with something wrapped around my neck.


"Wow I didn't take you for the kinky type Silverstone. Can I call you that?"


He laughed quietly.

"I like you Black."

"But not enough."

He pushes me on the wall as my head hits the lamp.

So much for a best friend.

"Don't get mouthy with me Julia. Can I call you that, Julia?"

My lips formed a straight line as I lifted my self up and attempted to walk out the room.

I seem to be attempting a lot of things lately.

Why not try suicide!

He latches onto my arm and grabs my wrist.

"Didn't your parents ever teach you to have good manners?"

"My parents are dead."

I look him dead in the eye and yank my wrist out of his lethal grip.

Well that was fun.


I gaze at myself in the mirror and analyse all the cuts and bruises on my face and arms. Pain soared through my stomach.

Slowly lifting my shirt up to get a view of it, a large purple bruise coated the middle.

Along with grazes probably from the pavement covering the sides of my waist.

A big gash on my forehead laid there, blood trickling down onto my nose dripping onto the sink. I tried to wash my face without groaning as the water hit my raw wounds. Flushing them out.

I got most of the blood off but the bruises were still there and the cuts flowing with a small amount of blood . Fewer tears fell onto my cheeks and dripped onto my sweater.

After my mom everything went downhill I blamed myself after it happened and still do. She killed her self took her own LIFE after she did my surgery. What if maybe just maybe I wasn't clumsy and didn't fall and injury myself.

Maybe the pressure after the surgery got to her,

or I said or did something wrong I don't know but my mom wasn't the sad or depressed type she was happier then ever .I just don't know what went wrong.


Three loud knocks snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Who is it?" My voice broke at the end of the sentence while thinking of Luke and if he was okay or not.

"Theo, open up I need to clean your wounds!"

"Why should I trust you?"

I yelled back at the door.

Does he expect me to just open the door not knowing what he was going to do?

"Uhh so you don't look like a panda?"

Ah why not.

"Still waiting".

I throw open the door while rubbing my eye.

"Wow Sherlock Holmes you sure are so smart!"

"Funny, and I'm only following orders so come with me."

I start to follow him.

Down the two halls.

Down the stairs

And here we are.

"So you have so many rooms but decide to put me in a disgusting old cellar?"

"You're exactly like he describes you."

He smiles slightly.

"Who describes me?"

I question

"Nobody, sit."


"On the window ledge".

He rolled his eyes and pointed to the couch I weirdly missed.

I sat down and he sat next to me motioning for me to sit towards him.

He started with cotton balls and putting some water looking thing on it. Dabbing it on my forehead.

I wince slightly.

"Sorry about that it might hurt a little more just hold on".

"Look I'm done you pulled back at the right time!"

That's what she said.



I question.

"I think I left fluff in your cut."

He moves towards my face and pinches at the wound.

So much for hurting a bit.

I don't know what was happening but I guess we just got caught in the moment and the next thing I know he crashes his lips into mine and I move forward to get a better angle with him.

what was I doing? He literally kidnapped me!

But then again he is kinda cute. Gosh snap out of it Julia!

Before I could pull away I hear footsteps coming towards us.

"Theo how long does it-".

I am dead.


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