《Silverstone》CHAPTER 1



Julia's POV:

As my eyes fluttered open I attempted to lift myself up but failed as pain shot through my limbs slumping my body back on the cold concrete. Each limb ached as if I was being kicked over and over until I couldn't bare the pain anymore. I pushed my palms against my only source of comfort and attempted to lift myself up. I leaned my back against the wall and gathered my senses.

A bright light shone from far, reflecting onto a small set of stone stairs. No sort of cushion or carpet near, was all hard stone and wood.

A cellar?

I continued to attempt to get onto my feet but was held back by my wrists.

Metal chains were connected to the wall. It's attached to my wrists, my eyes start to linger below to my shoes. Two iron cuffs are holding my ankles hostage, there is a faint red mark underneath.

With all the consciousness I have left I'm trying to remember what happened before this.

What actually got me here?

"Okay my necklace is on I have my wallet in my back jean pocket all I need is my perfume where is it?"


"What?" I shouted back from my room.

" I can't find my deodorant!"

"Bathroom drawer all the way at the back!"

I heard some noise of drawers opening and closing.

"Find it yet?"

"Yeah I did thank you!"

"No problem now shut up cause I'm going to end up loosing my voice!"

Laughing erupted from Luke's room.

I quickly made my way into the kitchen and grabbed a banana before heading out.

He walked into the room.

"Hey are you sure your going to be okay alone listen if you want me to-".


"Nah I'm good I don't need a babysitter."

I quickly walk out of his room checking that I have everything.

"Okay just call me if you need anything."

I shout from the corridor.

I left the house and start to walk up to Adara's house.

A black car pulled up near the sidewalk.

Two men get out of the car. One in a brown suit and one in black suit step out the car.

I turn the other way and walk quicker.

A cold hand touches my back.

"Are you Julianna Black?"

The man in the brown suit asks.

"Yes and it's Julia."

There was something in his eyes that sent a chill down my spine.

I turn around and walk.

The sound of his footsteps echo behind me.

I pick up the pace and walk faster. I'm technically jogging at this rate.

My head hits something hard as I am knocked out of my sense.

I feel the cold damp concrete smack against my forehead. Black and blue spots invade my vision.

"We got her boss it should take us about 15 minutes to get back".

I tried to calm myself to speak but nothing came out. A rag was placed on top of my mouth. Only the sound footsteps from above echoed throughout the cellar. My heart sank to my stomach as I heard faint voices. I started to make as much noises as possible with the little energy I had left.

I lifted my arms up groaning in the process and I started to hit them on the ground as I did the same with my feet. Loud metal clanking echoed throughout the room. Muffled noises came out of me while I am screaming for help.

The sound of footsteps made its way closer and closer towards me. Two men stepped in the room. One wearing a black coat and the other wearing a brown open shirt with a white t shirt under. They were whispering to eachother while looking at me.


"Hey. HEY!" The guy in the brown shirt yelled.

"Stop making so much noise or he will come down!".

He? Do Hansel and Gretel expect me to know who everyone was now?

"Times up".

The guy with the bright blue eyes said.

Times up?

My vision went blurry and I couldn't make out who was coming towards me.

He was tall , muscular, in a suit and had hazel eyes.

"Take it off ."He ordered and pointed to my mouth.

Noah then took the gagger off my mouth and I was able to breathe again.

"What do you want from me?".

I croak out.

The three men laughed loudly as their voices echoed around the cellar.

"What the hell am I doing here?"

I accidentally said aloud. So much for thinking. Great job Julia.

They all stared at me like I was a baby like I took my first few steps.

"It's so cute how she's so confused". The guy in the brown shirt said.

"Shutup Theo". Noah demanded.

"I'm sorry did I pierce a hole through your ego Noah?"

" I swear to go-".

"Enough!" The tallest one roared.

"Sorry Leo".


"Boss". They corrected them self in sync.

I gained enough courage to speak up what could they do, kill me? They put me here for a reason you don't just go kidnapping someone out of the blue. Or do you ?

"Why are you keeping me here?" I yelled.

"Demanding much?" He chuckled evilly.

He slowly walked away heading for the stairs.

"Silverstone one more thing". I called

He turned around and made his way towards me.

I spat on his face. Cold saliva dripping down his nose.

"I wonder what helpless brother Luke would think about your actions. You're making this harder and harder Julia. Actions come with consequences."

"You should take your own advice. There's a reason there's saliva dripping down your nose."

"Put it on her."

Both of the men walked towards me.

One holding the gagger and the other holding a piece of cloth.

"Get away from me."

The man in the brown shirt opened his mouth to speak.

"What are you going to get up?"

The other guy chuckled.

The ones wearing black attempted to put the gagger on me.

I bit onto his hand as he screamed out in pain.

There was a loud thud.

Black spots start to cloud my vision.

I don't know what I've got myself into but it's definitely not good.


hey! I hope you enjoyed my first chapter I apologise for any spelling mistakes or grammar that was used wrongly!

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