《Hybrid's Possession: Possessive Alpha's Book 1》What I Missed



Ellie and Liz scream the second they see each other. I watch as their bodies collide into a hug, I don't think they'll be out of for a while. I see her brother Keith behind the girls waiting his turn. He eyes me skeptically as I walk closer. Not that I blame the poor guy.

Last time we were in a room together, my fist was connecting with his face. Both girls bring an arm out, so Keith can join in, and it becomes a group hug. I can see Ellies face, she looks so happy, like an angel.

"I trust you both have been well accommodated since you arrived?" I say casually.

Liz is the first to break away, and she eyes me skeptically. Haven't seen the girl up close, and never met her in person, but I can tell right from that look alone she's got fire in her veins. Good, she will need that if she's going to remain by my Ellie's side.

"As accommodating as your vampire friend, and the big bad wolf of yours can be." Liz snubs my way.

That makes me laugh out right. Once my body stops shaking, and I wipe the tears from my eyes, from laughing so hard, I straighten my suit jacket. Standing to my full height, so I come off as a little intimidating, I like the fire this girl has, but don't need her thinking she can snowball me in any way. She may be Ellies best friend, but she is nothing to me, and I won't take her rudeness if it is directed at me in any way.

"Yes, I can see you and Joshua hit it off well." A salacious smile grows on my lips, and her skepticism turns into full blown pissed off in a matter of seconds.

She goes to take a step in my direction, when both Ellie and Keith grab her arm, bringing her back to them. Good. Not sure what she thought she could do against me, but I'm sure it could have been entertaining had they let it play out.

"Well, I can see you all have some catching up to do." I walk up to their group and make my way to Ellie. Snatching her by the waist I bring her into my body and away from them. I kiss her so hard her knees go weak.

Knowing that this is just pissing her brother and friend off even more, makes it that much more fun. Licking her lips, she opens her mouth and allows me in. Then, it goes from fun to passionate in a matter of seconds. It takes a throat clearing minutes later to get us away from one another.


"Don't mean to interrupt, but its urgent we talk man." Bursts out of Tony's mouth. He turns and leaves the room so fast I don't have time to reprimand him for the interruption.

I tell Ellie to go and catch up with her brother and friend. Before she can walk away, I move close to her ear, "be a good girl and I'll do all the dirty things you're thinking about to you tonight." I whisper.

When I let her go, she looks up at me, her eyes are dilated, and her breathing has picked up. I see the want and need in her eyes. She gives me a nod and turns to walk away. For the hell of it I slap her ass before I turn and walk to my office.

When I open my office door, I know I'm in for a rough time. Joshua, the usual calm one is pacing the floor, Tony is cracking his knuckles something he does when he's pissed, and Martin is on the phone in the corner cussing up a storm. As I walk to my desk Martin hangs up the phone, Joshua stops pacing, and Tony sits in the chair in front of me.

"So, what has happened in the last five days?" I sit and give them my full attention.

"Your father went into hiding. His most trusted men went with him. We can't find him anywhere." Tony starts.

I figured he would do that. He was never one to fight his own battles, not why would he when he has all his followers to fight and die for him. He always was a coward.

"Any news on Ellies mother." I ask Martin.

"They think they may have found where Connor has been hiding her all this time." There's a long pause and his face looks solemn.

"Where Martin?"

He takes a deep breath, "Right under our noses Kayden. She's been dancing at the strip club they run. Then, going home with him every night." Martin sits down at the other chair in front of my desk. He puts his face down into his hands.

"We hit there first. Took out about twenty men. All the women were in the back. Some were on top of some old fuckers giving them their moneys worth." Tony adds on.

"Her mother was their man. He never took her with him. He had her chained to a wall, and she was bleeding out. He must have known we would look for her first." Tony is getting worked up the more he tells me. He shoots out of the chair and takes over the pacing.


"There was a note stapled to her stomach. It said you can have her know I've had my fun." Martin finishes.

There's silence in the room for a long time. None of us know what to say about it. How sick does you have to be to do some of the heinous things my father and his right-hand man have done?

"Where is she now?" I'm trying to calm myself. The rage in me is growing fast.

"We took her to see Doc. She lost a lot of blood, and he's not sure she'll be able to recover this time. Whatever he did to her he wanted to make sure there was a good chance she wouldn't make it." Martin can barely get the words out.

I nod my head, so he knows I heard him. What the hell am I supposed to do in this situation? All this time we thought she was dead, to find out she's been alive, and now she may not make it before Ellie ever gets to see her.

"Where are they?" All three of them have confused looks on their faces at my question.

"At the underground hide away. Where all the other men are." Joshua finally speaks.

Standing from my chair, I button my suit jacket, and make my way to the door. They all follow me as I walk down the hall, grabbing my cell phone from my pocket I dial my driver. I'm going to need him to take me to Doc and Ellies mom. I need the guys to all stay here.

Walking into the living area I see Ellie and Liz talking. Her brother Keith has fallen asleep with his head on the girls' laps. She looks so happy I don't want to ruin that right now. She'll have enough misery these next few weeks with everything that's about to happen.

I turn away and make my way out to the front of the house. Turning to my friends as I get to the side of the car, I look at each one. I know they will look out for my woman while I take care of this.

"I need the three of you to stay here. Tell Ellie I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Wait, what are you about to do?" Martin asks with worry sketched on his face, and I can hear it in his voice. He thinks I'm about to do something stupid. Like, go after my dad on my own.

"Not what you think. If Connor could heal her all this time, I'm sure I can too. I must do everything within my power to make sure Ellie get reunited with her mother. To be sure she has at least one parent in this world with her." They all have fierce looks on their faces. They know I mean business now.

"Do not tell her anything about her mother yet. Not until I know for sure if she will make it or not. I want to be the one to tell her."

They all nod their heads in understanding. "What would you like us to do?" Martin asks.

"Well Martin, I need you to sit in the house with them. Don't let any of them out of your sight, especially Ellie. If anything does happen, I need her well protected until my return." He doesn't wait another second; he turns and walks back into the house.

"Joshua, I need you to inform the men around the grounds what's transpired. I need everyone on high alert. I'm sure my father now knows for sure Ellie is alive and well." He doesn't miss a beat; he takes off running into the woods that surround the hideout.

"Don't even say anything man, I'm going with you. I'm one of the most powerful warlocks, and maybe I can help you with Ellies mom." He holds up his hand stopping me from replying.

"Before you say anything, don't try to fight me on this. I'll just meet you there anyway. So, you may as well get in the car, and I'll take the front. We will go together."

When he sees my trepidation, he touches my shoulder and looks me dead in the eye. "You don't have to do this alone. We are all together on this you know that."

I exhale an annoyed breath. What can I say, he's right? This is all our fight. We are in this together until the very end. I give him a nod. He smiles one of his most genuine smiles at me, and we make our way into the car.

I look back at the house as the car pulls away. Hoping Ellie won't be mad that I had to leave her right now. Wishing that I save her mother and can bring them together again after all these years. After the ordeal, her mother has been through, and the heartache Ellie has had they both deserve that much.

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