《Hybrid's Possession: Possessive Alpha's Book 1》Time She Knows Everything



I know whatever is about to come out of Kayden's mouth it's going to be bad, but I cannot focus on that. To be honest I cannot focus on much of anything. My entire body feels like it's on fire. Can feel the blood flowing through my veins. Along with something else. Whatever that something else is it's growing somehow.

"It hurts." I tell Kayden as I look up at him with tears in my eyes.

"I know baby girl; I'll help you ease some of that pain."

Not being able to comprehend what he is talking about; I feel his hand make its way down my body. My breathing picks up, and I'm waiting for the ultimate release I know that will come only seconds once he touches me. It's like my body's senses are on high alert. The smallest touch will have me feeling the most glorious orgasm, and somehow my body needs it so bad, can barely wait just the few seconds it'll take for him to get his hand down there.

He touches me over my pants, and the friction is good, but I can't seem to get to where I need to go. "Under the pants. Touch me bare. Please." I give off on one long moan.

"I know baby, just seeing where your body is at." He says while making his way inside my pajama pants. Feeling my bare pussy with his fingers. I know I'm soaked; my body is ready for whatever he can give me.

"Oh, baby girl, you're so nice and wet. We are going to have so much fun together." He says with a salacious smile forming on his lips.

His entire hand is now on my pussy. He has two fingers inside, moving in and out. He's using his thumb to hit my clit, and the palm of his hand is making the friction I need on the rest of my pussy. Within seconds I'm writhing from beneath him and coming so hard I almost black out.

Moments later, I'm holding his shoulders with both my hands. So tight I'm sure I'm leaving nail marks in his skin. Opening my eyes, I see the most beautiful smile on his face. One I haven't seen since we were kids. It makes me give a smile in return.

"You a little better now?" Giving him a nod, he maneuvers so he's lying beside me.

Turning my body so I'm facing him I get as comfortable as my body will allow right now. So, I can finally hear everything he has yet to still tell me.

"Sweetheart, the things I'm about to tell you aren't going to be easy to hear." Taking his hand, he moves some loose hair away from my face.

"I'm going to tell you some things, and I just want you to remember that I'm me. I love you, always have, always will. I've protected you all our lives, and I will continue to do so until my dying day." He says firmly.

"Why are you telling me all this? What's going on?" We lay in silence for what feels like forever although it couldn't be longer than seconds.


Finally, he takes a deep breath, and everything he lets out I wouldn't have imagined possible. "My father is the one that tried to kill you all those years ago. He knew you Father James wouldn't allow that, so he ordered for the slaughter of your family. What his men did to your parents was awful, but there is something even I didn't know about that night."

He pauses and looks deep into my eyes. I can see the heartache within them. See every emotion he is feeling currently. He has tears in his eyes. I know he's a proud man, and won't allow them to fall, but he must know I don't blame him for the actions of another. Even if that other person is his own father.

Scooting closer to him, so our bodies are now touching, I hold his face in my hands. Looking deep into his eyes so he can see the truth with what I'm about to say, I give him a kiss, and let the truest words I will ever speak reach his ears.

"Kayden, I don't blame you for the actions of another. I remember that night, and you did everything to protect me. You always have. I remember us as kids now, our past, and you have always done everything for me." I give him a kiss and bite his lip.

Tasting the crimson blood on my lips, the cliché kiss turns into an inferno. We are grabbing one another. His hands begin in my hair, then somehow are moving down my body. Not leaving anything untouched. When both his hands are grabbing at my ass, he brings my pussy into direct contact with his hard cock.

Both of us are rubbing on one another. Like our lives depend on it. I know he needs this right now. To know that no matter what, he is always going to be mine, and I his. That I still need his touch to feel alive. Need his lips on mine, his hands touching my entire body, awakening every nerve ending.

Pulling away we look at one another, I see a fire in his eyes, that are now black as coal. We are both out of breath, and every time my chest touches his, it makes me want to rip his clothes off. Have him rip mine into pieces and ravish me.

"Wait baby girl, there's more." He pants. I know it's hard for him at this moment. He wants what I want bad. To be inside of me in every position our deviant minds can think of.

"What else?" Comes out of my mouth in a barely their whisper.

He lays back, moving his body away from mine. I almost whine from the loss of contact. When he lifts his hands, and rubs them down his face, then back up into his hair, I know this information is killing him.

"Tell me." I bring my upper body and lay down onto his. He looks at me, and I know there is a part of him that doesn't want to say it. Either he doesn't want to or just cannot get the words out. Perhaps both.


"We will work through this together Kayden." Hope he can see the truth in my eyes. Hear it in the sound of my voice. Know I mean everything I am saying right now.

He expels a breath and says it quickly. I was not prepared for what comes out of his mouth at all.

"Your mother is alive."

There's a silence between us for a long pause. My heart is racing. My entire body goes numb. Alive! All this time, where is she? What's been happening to her? Why does he know now?

"Hey baby girl," his hands are back in my hair, and he's pulling me close to his face. Bringing our foreheads together. He closes his eyes and listens as I begin to cry. He brings both his arms around me, rolls me onto my back, and hovers above me. He must know that I'm about to have a panic attack.

"It's okay sweetheart. Just let it out. I'm here, I'm not going anywhere. I'll hold you through this."

I do as he tells me. Big weeping sobs come out of my mouth. My arms are around his neck, bringing his body down on top of me completely. I bury my face into his neck and let it all out. My entire body shaking.

He doesn't do anything but hold me. Giving me the comfort, I desperately need now. I don't know how much time goes by, but when he lifts his body to wipe my tears away, I suddenly feel exhausted.

Knowing midnight is coming up soon, I know I won't be able to sleep. Hell, real soon I won't want to sleep. I just need to know before the transitioning begins. Must ask him one thing.

"Is," I lick the salty tears from my lips, "she hurt or in pain."

He looks at me, and the second his face falls, I know my answer before the words come out of his mouth. "Yes, the monster that has her isn't known to be anything but cruel."

"Who?" I sniff the tears away.

"Who has her, please I need to know."

He lets out a breath that sounds like his heart is breaking for me. "The man that has her is my father's right-hand-man. His name is Connor, and he's a sick and twisted individual."

"How did he get her. I mean I thought she was in such bad condition that night. That she didn't make it."

He rolls back to his side, taking me with him. He holds me in his arms as he tells me what he found out tonight. How his evil father came to the estate and told him how he knows I wasn't killed. That Connor went back to the accident, and seen my mother, who he has always been obsessed with was barely breathing.

Connor called, and asked for permission to take her to his home and use her for his own sick pleasure. Kayden's father gave his permission on one condition. They use my mothers' gift of sight, to see what happens in the immediate future. Agreeing, he took her and healed her, just to break her repeatedly.

I hate to think of all the horrible things my mother has been through all these years. And being all alone. Thinking her husband and young daughter were killed. Before she recently saw a vision of me, and it was after my transitioning.

That's why his father made his way to Kayden's estate. To let it be known that he knows it all, and that a war was brewing. He knows Kayden won't give me up to him. Nor will he allow any harm to come to me. Here we are, in the mist of a war coming between powerful supernatural's.

Kayden has said that he is having Joshua pick up my brother Keith and best friend Liz. They are on their way here which makes me happy. Of course, I won't see them until after the transitioning. We still don't know how long that will be.

I can only hope that we are ready for this. I have a gut feeling there will be much blood shed, and many innocent lives torn apart. Just hoping we can be the victors at the end of this.

Feeling the dread making its way into my bones, Kayden rolls me to my back. He gives me a kiss that conveys everything I need to know. That he and his men will do everything within their powers to be sure we win this war.

"Now baby, lets talk about this more in a few days. I do believe we should get into a hot tub to relax before our fun begins." He gives me one of his most devilish smiles,

Standing up, I watch as he takes slow steps towards the bathroom. Not once taking his eyes away from mine. He begins taking his clothes off slowly, giving me one hell of a show.

Biting my lip, to hide the moan that wants to erupt from my lips, I make my way out of the bed. My pussy is wet, feels like a tsunami hit down there. My juices are dripping down my thighs.

"Yes, please make this good for me. I'm a little scared." I squeak out. Feeling embarrassed I look to the floor.

He has my chin in his hands and lifting my face before I can even comprehend what's happening. His lips are on mine, and his now naked body is molded to mine, almost as though we are one body. He's walking us backwards, and I'm losing clothes as we go.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I'll make this so good for you. There won't be any pain at all. You have my word." He smiles as he brings his lips to mine once more.

Once we are right outside the bathroom door he breaks our kiss, and brings his lips to my ear, "besides your body is all mine baby. I know just how to take care of you." He slaps my ass, winks at me, and runs into the bathroom. The chase is on.

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