《Hybrid's Possession: Possessive Alpha's Book 1》Part II: His Arrival


His Arrival


Not quite sure what's going on right now. I just know Cici, and Martin came into the library abruptly, and told me that we had to leave. I didn't have time for many questions. The ones I did ask went unanswered. I just followed them, book in hand, to a car that was waiting for us in the front of the mansion.

Being so aware of Kayden's presence I could feel his eyes on me. Knowing he was watching me I looked up at the window to his office. We stared at one another, neither breaking eye contact. I blew him a kiss, and him me.

Telepathically, he told me to get into the car, and he would be with me again tonight. So here it was hours later, and still no sign of him. I may not know what entirely is going on, but I'm not an idiot. I know it's serious, and I know it involves me in some way.

All I have to say is he better be prepared to answer some questions for me tonight. I will not allow him to dodge them, or tiptoe around the truth any longer. My birthday is tomorrow, and I need to know who he's protecting me from. What exactly that someone is trying to do, and how to fight them.

Car tires pulling into the driveway grabs my attention. My feet have me moving out of bed, and over to the window before I realize what's really happening. I see Tony and Joshua get out of the front. I wait to see if Kayden is with them. When the back door opens and I see him climb out of the car, buttoning up his suite jacket, I don't wait a minute longer before I'm out my bedroom door and down the stairs.

Just as I'm opening the front door, the three of them are walking my way. I want to throw my arms around his neck and give him the biggest hug, but the look on his face has me pausing in my tracks. Looking from one man to the other, I see they all have strenuous looks on their faces. My stomach drops, and my heart speeds up. I have a feeling I'm not going to like what is about to come.


"Come inside the house sweetheart, it's not safe out here." Kayden tells me as he turns my body towards the inside of the house and guides me in with his hand upon my back.

"Why is it not safe for me outside?" I ask as we walk in, Joshua and Tony right behind.

Turning my body fully his way, I fold my arms over my chest. Sticking out my hip and raising my brow I await his answer. He gives me a sad smile. I know that's the best he can do right now with whatever is going on.

"The cabin has a protective spell around it. You can't go outside this door. I need you kept hidden for a little while longer." He walks by me, telling Joshua, and Tony to meet him in his office.

Grabbing his cell from his pocket, he calls Martin and tells him he needs to come to the office immediately. Don't like how he's acting as though I'm not even in the same room as him. He's being distant and cold. I have no idea why, but I'm not enjoying this side of him.

"What's going on Kayden?" He holds up his finger for me to wait a moment, as he says something into the phone to Martin I can't quite hear.

When the call ends, he pockets his phone, and faces me. His mouth is in a tight line and his eyes are conveying all the anger and aggravation he's feeling right now. He holds out his hand to me, palm facing up. I know he wants me to take it, but I don't trust him.

He's not himself. Looking from his hand to his face I keep my arms planted against my chest. He huffs out an annoyed puff of air and takes a step in my direction. Taking one back I try to keep the distance between us. Judging from the look in his eyes, he doesn't like this one bit, and he reaches out for me.

I'm not fast enough to maneuver myself from his reach, and he brings my body flush against his. Trying to wiggle my way out of his hold, I'm moving my body to the left and right, and trying to get my arms loose so I can shove him away. This only makes his hold tighten.


Feeling his chest move up and down in exertion, the same as mine I know his is for a different reason. I'm pissing him off, but from the feel of his hardness against my hip I'm guessing my movements has also turned him on.

Looking up into his eyes, I try to convey to him why I'm being this way. How I'm terrified and confused about all that's going on. How I'm sad he's treating me as though I'm invisible. Finally, I try to tell him I just want him to be here for me. To hold me in a way that makes me feel safe, not like this. As though, I'm just a thing he needs to protect.

He must understand, because his body loosens, and I'm able to put a little more space between our bodies. When my arms are no longer stuck to my chest, I bring my hand out and touch his face. He rubs his cheek along my palm and takes a deep breath. Knowing he's trying to calm his rage helps my own body deflate and relax into his.

"I didn't mean to scare you baby girl. It's just been a rough morning." He looks into my eyes and gives me a smirk. Giving him one back, I move into his body, and put my arms around his neck.

When our faces are inches away from one another, I put my other hand around his neck and hug him. Trying to give him all the comfort I can.

"Want to tell me about it?" Praying in my head he will finally tell me everything.

"Soon," at his answer I step back, dropping my arms to my sides, and look at him in disgust. Still keeping things from me. I hate this!

"No baby girl," he pulls me closer to him again. Brings his face directly into mine, "you don't pull away. You didn't let me finish. I just need to brief Martin on what happened and discuss some plans with the guys." He gives me a kiss on the lips.

Pulling away from me, he grabs my hand and walks me along the cabin. Making our way to the master bedroom, he opens the door, places me just inside, and tells me to stay in here.

"I'll be up soon, and we will discuss everything." I stay quiet as he barks orders at me.

He must see my annoyance because he walks into the room, kicks the door shut, and swings me around. When my back hits the now closed door, he devours my mouth like it's his life source.

Somehow, my hands are in his hair pulling him closer to me. My leg is wound around his hip. Aligning his cock against my sweet spot. My hips move on their own accord.

What am I doing? Doesn't my body know that I'm mad at him right now? Apparently not since I can't stop. I need the friction. Need something to feel good. So, I can forget about this morning.

"Baby," He pulls his mouth from mine. When he looks into my eyes. I can see all the anger from earlier has been replaced with hunger. "I need to go to the office and have a meeting. Then I promise I will tell you everything."

Taking a couple breaths to calm my racing heart, I give him a nod, so he knows I heard him. He touches a hand to my face and gives me one last peck on the lips. Looks at me for a long moment, as though he wants to say something.

Bringing his forehead to mine, he closes his eyes, and we just stay like that for what feels like hours, though only minutes. When he opens his eyes, I see what looks like pain in them.

"Please don't hate me baby." He whispers as he moves me away from the door. He hands me my book I was reading before he arrived. Gives my forehead a kiss and leaves the room.

Leaving me curious. How could I ever hate him? What could he be hiding that he would think could make me hate him? Laying on the bed, I close the book, setting it aside. I fall to sleep.

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