《Hybrid's Possession: Possessive Alpha's Book 1》News



Sitting here in my office chair, looking out the window to the beautiful grounds along the mansion, I cannot help feeling euphoric. Last night was the best night I have had in a long, long time. The way Ellie gave herself completely to me. There's a part of me that cannot wait to see what she'll want to do next.

A knock at the door has my focus returning to the moment. Right, time to get back to being my badass scary self. "Enter."

Tony opens the door wide, and I see Joshua and Martin behind him. Oh, goody we get to have a talk about my sex life again. A chuckle comes out of my mouth from that thought, and how ridiculous it is. I swear since Ellie has come back into my life the three of them want to gossip like we are a bunch of high school chicks.

"So, heard you got some action last night." Tony expels from his mouth as he plops into the chair across from my desk. At my sudden growl, being the bastard he, his smile only grows showing all his white teeth.

Normally, I don't give a fuck if anyone says something like that, but this isn't just some random that I needed to take the edge off. This is the person that means the most to me in this world. The one I share a blood bond with.

"Don't mind him, he hasn't found his blood bond mate yet, so he doesn't get it." Martin intervenes.

"Neither have you." Tony whines.

"Yes, but I have been in love with someone. So, I know what it's like when someone talks that way about her." He gives me a sad smile.

Martin had been in love with Cassie, an immensely powerful witch. Their families didn't approve because neither have ever intermingled. Always stuck to their own kind. Cassie being the people pleaser that she is, broke it off. Leaving Martin, a shell of who he once was. He's getting better over time; it was three years ago.


"Sorry, just saying good for you man that's all." Tony grumbles breaking into my thoughts of the past.

Joshua doesn't say much. Not that he ever really does. He just gives a little laugh from the corner he is standing in. Shaking his head at Tony's antics I can only assume.

"You're forgiven. This time." When Tony laughs, I rise from my chair and lean over the desk. My hands are placed on the desk, and my body is shaking with rage. No one, and I do mean no one defies me.

Not entirely sure what I look like, but whatever he sees on my face and in my eyes shuts him up immediately. He even looks down to the ground in surrender. Feeling a little better now that he knows I'm serious I straighten my body, fixing my cufflinks, and sit back in the chair.

Once a little time has passed, I clear my throat to get all their attention. "There is another reason you all are in here?"

Joshua stands taller. His neck is corded tight. Arms at his sides, and he's rolling his shoulders. Usual signs of something bad is about to go down, and he's preparing for a fight.

Looking at Martin I see worry in his eyes. His jaw is tight. His hands are placed in fists. He doesn't look forward to fights, but he's one of the best warriors we have.

Tony jumps up from the chair. Looks me dead in the eye, and I see the pissed off look he has on his face. Telling me what I need to know.

These three have been by my side since childhood. They will continue to fight for me and our cause. I know they will protect Ellie with their lives. Apparently, it may be sooner then later.


Abruptly I stand from my chair and dial my maid Cici. "Yes sir?" She answers right away.

"I want you to get Ellie from the library. Pack a small bag and head over to the hideout cottage immediately."

"Sir." Cutting her off before she can finish that question, "we don't have time for questions just do it."

"Right away sir." She hangs up the phone and I know she will do as I ask.

"Martin, I want you to go with them. You're the fastest out of us all. You can hear for miles if there are any danger. Plus, you know how to get into the hideaway bunker out there if anyone finds the cottage itself."

He doesn't even question me, just opens, and walks out the door. Looking to Joshua and Tony, my two trusted soldiers and friends I tell them to get ready.

They begin to crack their necks, knuckles, and jumping up and down. Getting ready in for a fight in case one happens. Since he's on his way here who knows. He could already know that Ellie is alive and well. He could be bringing his men here as we speak to try and take her away from this world. Worse away from me.

I won't let that happen! She is mine. Always has been, always will be. I will lay down my life for her. Just as my friends and the rest of our soldiers will. Nothing is going to happen to her. He wants a war he will get one.

Walking over to the window, I look out once more. I see Martin getting Cici, and Ellie into the car. She looks up, almost as though she can feel me watching her. She blows me a kiss, and I one to her.

Telepathically I tell her to go with Martin, and I'll be coming for her later tonight. She nods, and I watch as they drive away.

"Come on, we are ready for you. Let's finish this once and for all father."

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