《Hybrid's Possession: Possessive Alpha's Book 1》Memory



I give her my best smile, trying to make her feel more comfortable with the situation. Perhaps I'm just trying to make myself feel better too. This is what she needs, and what I must do for her. Hope she knows how serious I am about being here for her. Always have been and I always will be.

"Everyone out." Not taking my eyes off Ellie I can hear the guy's footsteps on my hardwood floor, open the door, and walk out. I know they will be right outside waiting in case I may need help getting her through this.

I take a deep breath, move over to the seat next to her. Ellie faces me, looking vulnerable and scared. Picking up her hands I hold them tight in mine, "this is what we are going to do. I need you to close your eyes. I will place my hands on each side of your head. You will hear me say truth be shown, and it will take us to that day. We will be watching it play out almost like a dream but cannot communicate or interact with anyone."

"No one will be able to see us, or know we are there at all?"

"Correct sweetheart." I give her a smile.

"I'm ready Kayden, just..." she looks down to her lap. I give her a moment to collect herself. I know this is going to be hard. When she looks back up into my face there are tears forming in her eyes. One slips out and falls slowly down her cheek. I take my thumb and wipe it away.

"I will be with you the whole time I promise." She gives me a nod, then closes her eyes. Here goes nothing. Placing my hands upon her head I take us back to that day.

There's giggling coming from down the hall. I recognize the house immediately. I grew up here. Looking over I can see Ellie still has her eyes closed. There are worried lines forming between her brows. I know she's trying to talk herself into doing this.

I wait and give her all the time she needs. It's her mothers voice that calls her name, that makes her eyes pop open without a second thought. Her mouth hangs open seeing the little girl and boy running toward us from the end of the hall. They go right through us and climb down the stairs all while laughing without a care in the world.

"That's me." She looks at me, and I give her a full-blown smile.

"Yes, it is baby girl." I agree.

"Come on, we need to go down those stairs. I want to see my parents." Without a backward glance she runs to the bottom of the stairs. Suddenly, frozen to the spot, I make my way to her. Looking around the corner, I see her mother putting her coat on her and giving her eschimo kisses. Little Ellie giggles hysterically and hugs her mother tight.


The mood plumets with his voice and Ellies fathers voice coming from the dining room.

"Well, I don't see how that is relevant. I mean our families will be fine I'm sure of it." Ellies father is saying as he walks up to his wife and little Ellie.

"We shall see, times are changing, and I think we need to change with them." He says, and the sound of his voice almost makes me want to heave.

"Do you all have to go, it's still early. You just got here." I smile at the little me.

"I'm afraid so, we have things to do." Ellies dad looks down at me with that little smirk of his.

"Well can't Ellie stay the night. I mean she is mine after all, so she should be able to stay with her man." The adults all bust out laughing, and it's hard for me to hold back mine.

Ellie turns to me, with a shocked look on her face. "Oh, wait sweetheart." I nod my head telling her to pay attention.

"I think Kayden is right daddy, I should be able to stay. We love each other, and I don't want to leave him." Little Ellie says with her hands on her hips.

Ellie gasps, I walk up behind her and whisper "this is how we always were Ellie. Every time it came for you to leave. We never wanted."

"To be apart." She finishes.

"Yes, it hurt when you were away. It's been hurting for many years without you."

"I know. I feel the pain every day. It's been better these last five days. I just never..." She quiets, but I don't have to hear the rest to know what she was going to say. That's how it has always been with us.

"Well sorry pumpkin, but we have to go." I didn't understand back then but watching this play out I think her father knew that something wasn't right this night. His body is tense, and he seems to be looking around like he's expecting something to happen.

Little Ellie and myself hug, give each other a peck on the lips, and as they walk out the door, I make my way to the window to watch as they pull out. He yells to my mother to get me into my bedroom and to keep me there. Which I find odd because he's never made me stay in my room.

Once my mother walks me to my room, tells me to be a good boy and stay put until she comes to get me, my little self knows that something isn't right. Especially, since mama had tears in her eyes. She never cries. We watch as the little me mumbles something under his breath, and makes his way out of his room, and sneaks into his father's office.


Ellie looks fearful for me, but I tell her not to worry that what I had said was a spell to make me invisible to everyone. Her tense shoulders relax, and we follow him into the office.

He has his five most trusted soldiers in the room with him. His face is all red with rage.

"We cannot let this happen. She grows up and they become the most powerful beings this world has ever seen. I will not let that happen."

"How do you know that sir?" Connor his right-hand man asks.

"Because I saw it. And it'll be a cold day in Hell I let anyone have more power than me." Everyone is silent for a minute. Waiting to see what his order will be.

"I want you to kill her."

Ellie gasps next to me. Looking over I see all the color has drained from her face. I place my hand in hers and bring her closer to me so she's in my arms.

The little me is expecting for all the men in the room to be surprised. But not even one is. Nor will they fight him.

"Of course, sir, but what of her parents?"

"Though it pains me, James has always been a good friend, but he will not allow for anyone to harm his little girl. So do whatever you want to them, but I want all three of them gone by tonight." He walks to the window in his office and give them his back. Dismissing them.

As they walk out, he door I know what happens next, I ask her if she wants to see the rest. After a moment of deliberation from her, you can see her thinking about it, she gives me a slight nod. Although, it pains me to do this, I forward to the road where it happens.

"Where are we? It's nothing but an abandoned road, and mountains here." Ellie looks to me.

"You'll see." I say as we hear a car coming around the corner. She faces that way, and I watch her face. For any sign of this being too much. Because I will stop it at any time.

We watch as her father's car gets hit from behind, and crashes down the side of the mountain. She runs to the side before I can catch her and looks down. I know what she sees. The car is latched onto a tree, her mother went through the windshield. Her father is unconscious on the driver's side.

Before she can run down there, I grab her around the waist. "Look over by the trees." I point to the right. She sees us hiding behind a tree. Her little self is fighting with everything she must break free from me. She is screaming for her mother, then I put her to sleep.

We watch as I go to the back of the car, break the window, and make a trail of blood from the car. Her father wakes up and looks right at me. "Keep her safe Kayden, please. Always keep her safe." You can see me debate on what to do as I look up to the road and see headlights. Can hear the car doors slam, and foot falls making their way to down the side of the mountain.

"Go," That's the last thing her father says to me. I make my way to sleeping Ellie and hide us in the trees. I say an incantation, but we can't hear what I say. I remember it was the one I just learned to make people see what you wanted them to see. In this case, Ellie bloody and on the ground.

"Ellie, I'm not going to lie. The rest of this is bad. The things they do here." I take a minute to contain myself.

"I don't want you to see this sweetheart." I feel her body shaking against mine. I know she's crying, and it breaks my heart.

"Take...me...home." She just makes out, and without another word I get us back to my office.

We open our eyes, and before anything can be said she jumps into my lap. Buries her face in between my neck and shoulder, and cries. I'm not sure for how long we just sit there, but as the sun is going down, and nighttime comes upon us I finally hear her little snores by my ear.

When the door opens Martin walks in. He looks at Ellie in my arms and sits quietly on the chair in front of my desk.

"You need anything?" he whispers.

Shaking my head, no, we both sit in silence. Letting the memories of our past wash over us. He and all his followers think they won. Think they are the most powerful beings in the world. They don't know I have her, and all of us will fight back soon enough.

Authors Note: I hope you are liking the story so far. If so please vote or leave a comment. Would love to hear what you think.

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