《Hybrid's Possession: Possessive Alpha's Book 1》Waiting Game



You would think I have worn a hole into my floor, pacing as much as I have waiting for Ellie to come down to my office. I know I must tell her everything, it needs to be done, but that doesn't make it any easier. I want her to want me more then anything in this world, as I do her, but a part of me fears once she learns everything, she won't want anything to do with me.

Even if it's true we share a blood bond with one another, there's a chance of her fighting it with everything she has because of what I am hiding from her. For I share blood with some of the evilest monsters in this world. I can only hope she doesn't put me in a group with them, and that she can see what she means to me. How much I genuinely care and love her.

The sound of a light knock on my office door takes me out of my thoughts. Thank goodness for the reprieve from my inner turmoil at this moment, who knows if I would be able to stay calm much longer thinking such things.

It is to my surprise that it is not Ellie when I open said door, but Martin, Tony, and Joshua looking back at me. I grumble, move to the side, and let them into the room. I'd ask what they are doing here, but I already have my answer with their presence.

"Sorry to disappoint you man, we know you were hoping it would be Ellie." Martin says with a wince. I'm guessing my face said it all.

Was I hoping it was Ellie, and that I could maybe distract her more with foreplay right now? Hell yes! Was I going to do everything I could to make her forget about finding out about our past? You bet your ass I was. Now that they are here, I know I'm going to have no choice, but to tell her.

Knowing that in the long run it's the best thing to do, for we are running out of time. I do what I can to calm myself down. Both my temper and my dick. I'm still hard just thinking about her taste in my mouth. Can still smell her on my hands, and it makes me hard as stone. As tempting as it is to kick them all out just thinking about the taste and smell of her, I know I must do this. So, they get a pass...this time.


"You going to tell her everything, or just the basics on what she really is, and how powerful she is?" Joshua asks point blank. Leave it to him to get right to the point.

"I haven't quite decided yet, on one hand if I tell her everything it could be a lot to take in," I leave out the thought that plagues me the most once she knows it all.

"On the other, if she knows now, we have the rest of our time before her birthday letting her come to terms with it all, and maybe she'll still let me touch her when transition hits."

"She will still let you do a lot more then touch her; she won't have much of a choice. No one can fight the pull of a blood bond." Tony says in his normal snarky tone.

"That's not the point," I must have said that a little louder than I intended because Tony looks to the floor in embarrassment. I take a few deep breaths trying to get my emotions under control. I cannot let my fears get the best of me.

Clearing my throat, I continue with my thought. "I want her to want to let me touch her, worship her, and make love with her because it's what she wants as much as I do. Not just because of some bond we cannot control."

As I look from one man to the next, I'm hoping they can understand how I feel. I know it's difficult for them. Being none of them have met the person they share a blood bond with. They don't understand it completely. They don't really know it's not just a pull to that person, but you really have true feelings for them. You want the best for your blood mate, and for everything you feel to be reciprocated.

"We can understand that I'm sure Tony didn't mean anything by what he said. We are only trying to be here for you the only way we know how." Leave it to Martin to know what to say to help diffuse the situation.

Before anyone can utter another word, the door opens to Ellie peeking her head in. She sees everyone is in the office, and I can tell she wants to say something along the lines of she'll come back later, but I beat her to it.

"Please, Ellie do come in. We are all just waiting for you, you're not interrupting anything at all." I give her a smile trying to help the awkwardness she must be feeling.


"Oh, okay I just wanted to be sure, I guess. So, what did you need to see me in your office for?" I can read the trepidation on her face. She's as terrified as I am about this situation.

"Please come and have a seat on the couch." She does as I suggest, and we all just sit in silence for a couple moments.

I can see Joshua perched his ass on my chair and has his feet up on my desk. Martin is sitting next to Ellie on the couch giving her his best smile. Standing behind me along the wall is Tony, he has his arms crossed over his chest, and one foot against the wall behind him.

I'm sure the poor girl is uncomfortable with all of us here. Maybe I should make them leave? Just so we can talk. Although that could be a horrible idea because I may want to take her right here in my office. There are many surfaces I would love to Christian with my Ellie. Oh, all the things we could do, and the many different position.

"You okay over there," Ellie asks me to rip me out of my salacious thoughts.

"Yes, I'm fine just wondering where to start." I lie.

"How about we start with me asking you the questions I have, and you just answer those. Then, we can move onto the bigger things." She gives me a smile.

I know she saw the look in my eyes, and she knows exactly what I was thinking about. Grateful that she let it slide, without giving me any lip.

"All right, what would you like to ask first?"

Ellie takes a deep breath, then gives me a look I can't decipher.

"What exactly are you?" she asks looking me right in the eyes.

"That's the first thing you want to know?" She nods her head, and I hear the slight noise of the guys snickering.

"All right, I am a hybrid. I have Some vampire and werewolf in my blood line. As well as some warlock."

She nods over and over as though she's taking in all the information.

"And you come from some of the most powerful families ever to be in existence, correct?" I smile at that.

Sweetheart you have no idea just how powerful my families are. No idea how much power is in me. Hell, you have no idea how much power you with hold.

Think she gets her answer from the look in my eyes alone because she moves along with asking some basics about the supernatural world, and what exactly Martin, Joshua and Tony are. She gives little smiles when they answer her mundane questions about themselves.

Before we are aware of it a couple hours have passed. We haven't been able to talk about the heavy stuff yet. She must realize this as well because she grows quiet. There's nothing but silence in the room for a few minutes. Everyone is waiting for her to ask, but I'm beginning to wonder if she is too afraid to know.

"Ellie," she looks up at me and I can see all the questions there. Lurking, wanting to come out but stuck inside of her. I walk over to her, and before I can think about what I am doing I find myself on my knees in front of her.

Her hands are in mine, and I can feel her body shake. In fear, sadness, or discomfort I'm not sure. It could be all three. It's breaking my heart. So, I do the only thing I know will calm her body down. I give her a searing kiss.

Shocked she gasps almost as though she wanted to say something, but instead giving me a way to deepen our embrace. My tongue is in her mouth battling with hers. The next thing I know her hands are in my hair holding me to her, and mine are rubbing up and down her legs.

I'm so tempted to take this further, but I know my men are in the room watching this exchange. I know I must my body to calm down. Put out he inferno that is building within me.

Breaking the kiss, I hold her face in my hands. Bringing my forehead to hers I say the only thing I can.

"Ask me baby, and I'll tell you anything you want to know." Looking up into her eyes I see tears shining back at me. With one more effort I give her a barely their kiss and tell her I'm here for her. Always have been always will be. She has me that will never change.

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