《New Earth: Supergirl》Chapter 38


"Did not think we'd be back in space so soon." Mon-El said as he and Kara sat in the new command chairs that Brainy had installed into the Legion Ship as they flew to the coordinates Novu had given them.

"Neither did I, but we need to check out this planet Novu told us about before we give its location to the rest of our people, since who knows, maybe this could serve as a safe haven for the Daxamites too." Kara said to her husband.

"Maybe, but let's agree that after this, we stay on earth for a while. At least until our honeymoon." Mon-El said and Kara smiled.

"Agreed. While I think we should have at least a small part of it on Earth so that we have pictures to show any normal friends we might make, I think we should spend most of it offworld so that we can fully enjoy our honeymoon and not risk being distracted by our duties." Kara said and Mon-El smiled.

"Agreed." Mon-El said as the computers beeped, indicating that they'd arrived as the ship dropped out of lightspeed.

"What Star System are we in?" Kara asked her husband as he checked.

"It looks like we're in the Karvas System." Mon-El said.

"I've never even heard of that system." Kara said as Mon-El checked the records.

"That's because it's in deep space, so deep that its existence wouldn't be known to any database of this time period. The only reason the Legion ship recognized it is because." Mon-El said.

"It's from the future." Kara said.

"Exactly." Mon-El said.

"Well, we shouldn't have to worry about any threats finding our people here then." Kara said, as the planet came into view.

"I swear I'm hallucinating, because that planet looks exactly like Krypton." Mon-El said. Before his wife could respond, they were hit by some kind of blast.

"What was that?" Kara asked as a voice came over the comms.

"Attention unknown spacecraft, you are traveling through restricted space. You have two minutes to leave or be boarded." The robotic voice said as they saw another craft approach them.

"Sounds like the planet is already inhabited." Mon-El said.

"Then why would Novu send us here?" Kara asked, though the ship's design looked somewhat familiar to her.

Before she could ponder it any further, the ship shook as they heard the sounds of the other ship docking with theirs.

"Let's go see what this is about and then see if we can pound an explanation out of Novu about why he sent us here." Kara said and Mon-El nodded as they headed to the cargo hold.

They arrived at the cargo bay just in time to watch the doors get forced open and they saw two heavily armed individuals step on board the ship.

"I'd drop your weapons if I were you." Kara said.

"You invaded our space." one of the boarders, a man, said.

"Besides, you don't even have weapons." The second boarder, this one a woman, said.


"I think you'll find that my wife doesn't need a weapon." Mon-El said dryly as Kara's eyes flared and she blasted both weapons with ease.

It was only then that the woman noticed the glyph on her chest.

"Who are you that makes you think you are worthy to bear the crest of the great house of El?" the woman demanded, taking Kara aback.

"I am a member of the house of El. How do you even know of it all the way out here?" Kara demanded.

"Liar, how dare you claim to be a member of the house of El. I should blast you for pretending to be related to our saviors." the man said.

"She is a member of the House of El. Her name is Kara Zor-El." Mon-El said as the two looked at each other.

"Is it possible?" the man asked as the woman took a closer look at Kara.

"She does look a bit like the images of both Alura and her daughter." the woman said.

"And we know that both she and Kal-El were sent to Earth before the destruction." the man said as he quickly left the ship to contact the planet.

"How do you know about Kal-El? Who are you and what is this planet?" Kara asked, but before the woman could answer, a trans mat portal opened and out stepped a man who's very appearance answered most of Kara's questions.

"One word for it would be home. After all, what else would Kryptonians call New Krypton." the man said.

"New Krypton?" Mon-El asked, noticing how his wife had become frozen in shock.

"She claims to be your niece sir." the woman said.

"She is. Even after all these years, I'd recognize my brother's daughter anywhere." the man said and Kara finally managed to pull herself out of her state of shock.

"Uncle Jor-El?" Kara asked.

"Yes Kara, it is me. Now come and give your long lost uncle a hug." Jor-El said as he smiled at her kindly and Kara smiled as she rushed into his arms and Mon-El couldn't help but smile, though he knew he'd have to interrupt this reunion.

"Did you say New Krypton?" Mon-El asked again as Jor-El looked at him.

"Yes I did and don't even think about it Daxamite." Jor-El said, but Kara looked at her uncle pleadingly.

"Uncle Jor-El. He's not a threat. He's my husband." Kara said, shocking Jor-El.

"Your husband. It appears we have much to discuss." Jor-El said.

"Yes, like how are you still alive and why do you call this planet new Krypton?" Kara asked.

"Perhaps we should continue this conversation on the surface sir? I'm sure your wife will be eager to see her again." the woman said.

"Of course. Lara would kill me if I denied her the chance to see you. The patrol ships will guide your craft to a landing field and then we can begin to bring each other up to speed on what we've each missed." Jor-El said and Kara nodded in agreement, though she wondered which of them had more explaining to do.


When the ship landed on New Krypton, Kara could easily see why it was called that. Nearly every aspect of the planet reminded her of her old home.

"How did you do all this? There's no way you found a planet that looks exactly like Krypton and how did you even survive the explosion?" Kara asked her uncle, eager for answers.

"I'm sure you remember the tales of when the Coluans tried to invade Krypton?" Jor-El asked and Kara nodded.

"Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?" Kara asked.

"Your father and I each attempted different methods to preserve parts of Krypton and we only sent you and Kal-El away because we weren't sure if it would work. My attempts at least did here on Kandor, thanks to repurposed leftover Coluan technology." Jor-El said.

"You bottled Kandor to protect it from the blast. Brilliant." Kara said and Jor-El nodded.

"It took time for the remaining members of the science guild and I to modify the technology to our needs, but it worked enough to protect us from the blast. Over time, we found a way to use the tech to allow Kandor to return to its original size, while still using the coluan technology to preserve our atmosphere." Jor-El said.

"How did you go from a city to this?" Kara asked.

"By turning to our history. You're aware of the age of exploration, how the Kryptonian explorers colonized planets to suit their needs." Jor-El said.

"World Engines." Kara said and Jor-El nodded.

"We found one on an abandoned outpost in the Regulon system. It took some time for us to get it fully operational, but by the time we had, we'd come across this planet. It's far past any known system, so we thought it would give us time to rebuild our civilization without the threat of any invasions." Jor-El said.

"So, you used the world engine to terraform this planet into a new Krypton." Kara said and Jor-El nodded.

"While we have some ships, none of them would've been capable of making it back into the main galaxy, nor did we want to risk drawing any enemies of Krypton following us back. Until now." Jor-El said as he looked over at Kara's husband distrustfully.

"Mon-El is not a threat and neither are his people. Our marriage was partially meant as a sign to unite our planets." Kara said.

"You trust him?" Jor-El asked.

"With my life and my heart. And for the record, my parents approve." Kara said, knowing that would get his attention.

"Your parents are alive?" Jor-El asked and Kara nodded.

"My father used Harun-El to create a shield to protect Argo. I found them about a year ago, along with discovering the truth about my aunt Astra." Kara said.

"Astra, is she?" Jor-El asked.

"She's alive. She's actually reformed and she's on Mars, helping to end the civil war there." Kara said and Jor-El nodded.

"So, Zor-El and Alura approve of their daughter marrying the Daxamite prince?" Jor-El asked.

"It was my mother's idea. Mon-El's people attacked Argo, thinking that he was being held prisoner there, but after we arrived and explained things to his father, he stood down and then he agreed that the best way to unite our people and end the pointless feud between our people was for us to get married. The prince of Daxam marrying the daughter of one of the most influential houses on all of Krypton was enough to ensure peace. However, Mon-El's mother didn't believe in peace and she actually destroyed Argo's harun-el generator. She was arrested and the Daxamites actually offered Argo's citizens safe haven on their ships." Kara said and Jor-El was impressed.

"Perhaps this could be the start of a true kinship between our races." Jor-El said and Kara nodded.

"Promise me you'll be nice to him." Kara said.

"I'll be sure he does Kara." Lara Van-El said as she joined them.

"Aunt Lara." Kara said as she hugged her aunt.

"It is so good to see you Kara. However, there is someone else I'm more concerned for." Lara said and Kara smiled, since she was surprised Jor-El hadn't asked yet.

"Kal-El is fine. He's on Earth. He actually got there first. If I'd known what was here, I would've brought him with me." Kara said, knowing how much it would mean to Kal to finally get to meet his birth parents.

"Tell us about him." Jor-El said.

"I'll do one better. Come back to Earth with me." Kara said.

"What?" Jor-El asked.

"Kal and I both have responsibilities on Earth and you should meet the people that he's come to call family." Kara said.

"I would like to meet the people who raised our son. And you." Lara asked and Kara sighed.

"Yeah, things didn't go as planned. When Krypton exploded, the blastwave sent my pod into the phantom zone for years until it got loose. By the time I finally made it to Earth, Kal-El had already grown up. He took me to humans who would help me adapt to life on earth. We were raised by different families, but we were still close." Kara said and Lara nodded in understanding

"At least neither of you were truly alone. And I look forward to telling him of this place, since while he may have made a home on Earth, I would like him to also make a home here with us." Lara said.

"I'm sure he won't mind." Kara assured them as they continued talking while Jor-El left them to make arrangements to cover for his and Lara's absence while they went to Earth to finally meet their son.

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