《Bellatrix Lestrange》Chapter 13


"Would you love me if I were a vampire?" She asked.

"Of course!" He replied. "Wait, are you hinting at something here..."

"Of course not Rodulphus, don't be silly." Bellatrix said, resting her hands on her large stomach. "It just confuses me why you love me. I never returned your feelings until more recently."

Rodulphus sat down next to his wife, many people thought that Bellatrix was tall and scary, but in reality she was just scary. She was about 5'5, but wore heels so no one could tell. It was a wonder she didn't fall over considering how mobile she was when in the field. "I have loved you since the first time I layed eyes on you."

Bellatrix laughed and fake gagged. "You are a little weirdo Rod."

Rodulphus looked at his dark mark and frowned. "Bella, I'm sorry but the dark lord has requested me, I'll see you tomorrow."

Bellatrix sighed. He was always out doing things for the dark lord. "Fine."

He kissed her forehead and apparated away. Bellatrix layed back on her bed and thought about what she had seen a few days ago, before Lucius had poured water on her face. It had been blurry, more than normal, and it wasn't strait forward, it kept jumping from place to place. At first it was in a nursery, at first she thought it was Cordelia's, but the wallpaper was blue and there was someone else by the cot. She wasn't told it in the vision, but she could feel that when this happened she would not be present. The lady by the cot had ginger hair, but Bellatrix couldn't see her face. She seemed afraid, sad from what Bellatrix could hear, but it was muffled and it strained her ears to listen in. Then it became clearer.


"You are so loved..." And then nothing. A scream and then a green light filled the room and Bellatrix was transported to another building. He was standing in the street, it was dark and raining, but the rain drops were going right through her. Bellatrix looked at the sign above the doors, they read 'MISS HARVEY'S HOME FOR GIRLS'. It looked filthy, but what could Bellatrix except from a muggle place.

Bellatrix stepped into the building, it was different from anything she had seen before. It was one big room, with rows and rows of beds, each one with a little girl in it. Then a lady, a muggle Bellatrix suspected, stepped in and started to a couple. Then the lady leading them started talking.

"So your both dentists.." She said.Then it felt like she was falling through the floor, and to the hogwarts main hall.

It was the first day of term it appeared, as there were all the first years standing in a clump and the front. She heard the hat shout "GRYFFINDOR!" And then fell again, this time into consciousness.

She kept trying to piece it all together, but it seemed like all these events were years apart, and in reality Bellatrix wouldn't be there for any of it. Probably just someone messing with me She thought.

She sat in silence for a while, before she heard someone walk in. Someone and something, so she didn't think twice before putting her occlumency shields were up. She then bolted upright, but let her eyes face the floor.

"My lord, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Bellatrix." He said, his snake hissing with approval. "I came to see you, I haven't seen you in months."

"I have stayed at home at your own request my lord." She said, praying he didn't see anything fishy going on.

"How is the baby death eater, I believe you have decided on the name Cordelia?" He said, in his calm voice.

"Yes my lord. They will be greater than I, you'll see,"

"I approve." He said. "It will be nice to have another female in my ranks."

"Thank you my Lord,"

"Now Bella, rest. If your lucky, the baby could be in my inner circle by the time it reaches 16,"

Bellatrix ginned madly. "Yes, my Lord."

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