《His Royal Arrogance | KTH | ✓》20.


How did he know?

Hyein was doomed. She wasn't expecting him to purposefully lure her out there, away from people, alone where he could do anything. And no one would know. Sh*t!

"Why don't you come out Pumpkin?"

Hyein contemplated whether she should oblige. Being alone with Park Jimin was never a good idea.Especially, when she knew he was the Xman. As if he sensed her thoughts, he shook his head.

"It wasn't me."

Hyein stepped out from behind the car. "Why should I believe you?"

"Because he's not the only one who received threats." Jimin replied. Hyein's eyes went wide, but soon they narrowed to slits. She scoffed.

Seeing that she was not convinced, he explained, "I am serious. It began a few weeks ago. Someone started breaking into my house and leaving notes saying that they would kill me. I didn't know who it was, so I thought it was Taehyung.

Taehyung? Why would he suspect him?

"Taehyung was always sensitive when it came to the company and its inheritance. Though he was named the successor, he was always on his guard against me. So I began watching him.

"I watched him closely, day after day but I could never get anything against him. At first, I even suspected you but then I found out that wasn't the case.

"I got attacked by a stalker a few days ago. I almost got stabbed but thankfully, I escaped with a mere cut." Jimin pulled down a corner of his collar to show a long red cut dangerously close to his jugular veins.

"And do you know, he was the same guy you had chased after the other day. Do you remember? You don't know how dangerous it was. That's why I stopped you."


"But why were you there in the first place?"

"As I said, I was watching you guys. But when I saw you chasing him away, I knew that wasn't the case, and today I saw what happened down the hallway." Jimin averted his gaze guity and disturbed as Hyein's stare bore into him.

"Look, I know you don't believe me, but this is all I have." He gestured to his cut. Hyein didn't know what to do. Jimin seemed sincere and he wasn't pushing it either. He didn't portray anything a person with a guilty conscience would do. Hyein was reminded of a phrase she had heard that day.

Either you are telling the truth or you are a skilled liar.

"Then...," She hesitated, but if he was telling the truth, there was only one option left, " are you telling me that it is Jungkook?"

Jimin's perfectly arched brows shot up, a look of surprise painting his face. It looked as if Jimin hadn't considered that thought, but now that he thought about it, there was the slightest possibility that it could be true.

"I... I don't know. We've never been close. The three of us." Jimin said softly. It seemed as if he was ashamed of it.

"So it's possible." Hyein said. She wanted to be sure. She wanted that confirmation from Jimin before she did anything. Jimin seemed hesitant. Hyein could understand. Anyone would hesitate when it came to family. But then reluctantly, Jimin nodded, confirming her suspicion.

"It is possible that Jungkook is behind all of this."

"Excuse me?"

A cold yet familiar voice reverberated through the parking lot. Hyein whipped her head around to see none other than the subject of their discussion, standing a few feet back. Hyein didn't know if it was just her but, suddenly she felt like the temperature at the parking lot dropped a few degrees as Jeon Jungkook walked towards them. His eyes were still as menacing as ever and Hyein felt the chill run down her spine every time they were directed towards her. This was not how she would have liked things to go, but now that it had turned out this way, a direct confrontation was needed.


"Were the two of you plotting against me just now?"

Jungkook asked softly, as he walked up to them, his eyes narrowed. Hyein felt the hair behind her neck rise. He was intimidating; however, she refused to show it.

"No, We were just deriving conclusions from facts." Hyein corrected.

There was a suspenseful pause. "I am not the one who did it." Hyein couldn't help the look of scorn that appeared on her face.

Jungkook suddenly fished out a couple of familiar looking notes out of his pockets and handed it to her. They were all threats, similar to the one Taehyung had received and the lettering in them were all the same. No, I can't quite trust him. He could have as well forged the notes for himself. That was one of the classic ways of avoiding threats after all. As if he had read her mind, Jungkook held a hand up. "And let me tell you this before you go jumping into conclusions." He looked straight to her eyes and pointing a threatening finger her way, he said, " If I was the culprit, you would already be dead."

There was a certain chill to his tone that made her skin crawl and she knew he meant it.

"And killing him won't be that hard considering the fact that he is dumb." Jungkook added nonchalantly, like an afterthought.


It took her a few seconds to figure out that the word had accidentally stumbled out of her mouth. She didn't mean to say that aloud. Jimin burst out laughing at her instant response and she smiled back awkwardly. When she looked towards Jungkook, Hyein could have sworn that he had smiled. However, his eyes had considerably warmed up and it no longer held the cold chill it had just a few moments before. Noticing her stare, Jungkook awkwardly cleared his throat. "At least you are smart."

Hyein didn't know how to respond. A part of her felt that she was being traitor and another part of her felt that it was right. Hyein felt that they were telling the truth. The brothers, Taehyung was so quick to suspect, were nothing but innocent. She was wrong. She should have gathered enough evidence before suspecting them and meanwhile, who knew what clues she might have missed due to her ignorance. Hyein felt resolute. She was going to do this the right way and she would catch the X man herself, just as she had promised Taehyung.

Hyein smirked, dimples sinking into her cheeks and said.


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