《His Royal Arrogance | KTH | ✓》8.


(Turn on the media for immersive reading.)

Hyein sat on her desk outside Taehyung's office. The desk was a quite nice one compared to her previous cubicle and it provided a wide space for her to place her favorite photographs on the side. It was her own cozy little space and Hyein smiled to herself as her eye fell on her, a photocard of her favorite Boyband group carefully placed among her other personal items.

As she went back to typing the days' correspondence, she felt a familiar pair of eyes on her as she looked up. Taehyung was up in his office staring back at her as if she were some alien object he was trying to figure out. His office was right in front of her desk and the window gave her a wide clear view into his office. Hyein made a face. Picking up her telephone connecting to his desk, she ordered. "Stop staring. It's creepy."

"Nope." He simply replied, a bit childishly. And did he just pout?

Hyein was traumatized but it wasn't the first time.

It took Hyein 5 business days of working with Taehyung to conclude that he had massive mood swings. It was the reason for his random acts and sudden personality changes. At first, Hyein was puzzled. Taehyung would be angry at one moment and the next moment he would be smiling and laughing. It wasn't something that he couldn't control either. Hyein had concluded as such from the way he behaved in the office. He had better control over his actions and he always remained the businessman he was but whenever he was alone, he would let his personality roam freely. And there he was sitting in his office pouting like a child staring back at her. Hyein didn't know what to do about the sudden changes and it was highly conflicting because


One: it made him unpredictable leaving her speechless

Two: it made it hard for her to despise him. (Seriously who could despise that baby face.) She wondered whether he was doing it purposefully to make her life more troublesome.

Taheyung was now smiling mischievously from his table, a childish smugness painting his face like a baby who had gotten away with his ways. Yes, he was probably doing it on purpose.

"Would you please stop making that face?"

"I don't want to," Taheyung replied and through the window, Hyein could clearly see him pursing his lips.

"Shall I make an appointment with the psychiatrist, Mr.Kim? Because your mood swings are getting too out of hand." Now she had done it. Time for his next mood to come out. Taehyung slammed the receiver back on the telephone, an angry pout forming on his lips and Taehyung pressed his remote and shut the blinds of the window, hiding him from her view. Hyein smiled, shaking her head as she went back to her work.

A few hours later Hyein was sitting in his car with Taehyung by the side, the angry pout still in its place.

"Mr.Kim, should I reschedule the appointment with the Rochesters tomorrow?" Taehyung didn't respond. Oh, so he was going to give me the silent treatment, huh?

"And about the Monroes, they wanted to review the terms of their contract again with you. Are you going to do it, Mr.Kim?" Taehyung still didn't respond as he sat there folding his hands over his chest.

"Mr. Kim."

. . .

"Yah, Taehyung!"

"What did you call me?" Taehyung asks, turning to her surprised and annoyed.

"Now you know how to respond, huh?" Hyein smirked smugly.

"How dare you call me Taehyung? Do you know that I am 2 years older than you?" Taehyung asked indignantly.


"So what? You expect me to call you Oppa or something?" She asked casually as she turned on the ignition to the car. The question had caught him off guard and his mouth hung open momentarily in surprise. Suddenly, he was finding it hard to make eye-contact with her much to her amusement as he replied, "J-just call me Mr. Kim."

"Then answer me when I call you that," Hyein said aptly making her point and Taheyung hmph-ed begrudgingly.

"About what happened yesterday, to find out who did it we need something more substantial than just a paint smudge. For now, I think you should be careful." Hyein said seriously and Taehyung regarded her suggestion. She was right. The paint smudge or the notecard didn't have anything in particular that pointed towards the culprit. The notecard was a plain ordinary one that you could buy from any of the stationary shops and there were no signatures. The culprit wished to be hidden but he still held a deep grudge or animosity against him. The Lavender flower, though, was another case. Not many people knew about his phobia. Whoever was the culprit knew about it. So it was a stalker. . . or else, a betrayer.

"And we should wait for their next attack." Taehyung looked up and saw her eyes grave and warning.

"Something tells me that it'll come soon."

Hyein stepped down on the accelerator.

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