《Izuku's leveling system. [On Hiatus]》Trigger


(Third Person Perspective)

We see that Izuku and Izumi, both are waiting outside of their homes after changing into clothes fit for attending a concert and waiting for Izumi's friend to arrive.

"Do remind me why I let you bring me along, I'm not even interested in concerts." Izuku says with a sigh.

" Oh! Shut up and don't be so negative. You never go out at all, this'll be fun. You don't have to be so serious all the time. " Izumi replied in a snap.

Earlier when she had asked Izuku to come to the concert with her and he refused, she had gotten pretty angry at him and said that even she won't go if Izuku refused, which is what forced Izuku to go along with them.

In a few minutes, came along Saki's car. Her father was the one driving it. At first he was concerned seeing a boy along with them but that concern faded away when he came to know that Izuku was Izumi's brother. And so they began heading towards the concert, Izuku sitting silently in the front, besides Saki's father while Izumi and Saki were in the back seat, talking and gossipping the whole way.

Inside of a cold dark warehouse, we see a person, with his clothes cut around his forearm to reveal two blades of flesh coming out of the forearm, with arms locked up and sitting on a chair with his mouth and eyes covered, making him unable to see or speak anything. Suddenly a figure approached and enter the warehouse in the darker side, who looked like a man in his mid to late thirties of modern height, wearing a business suit and holding a suitcase in his hand.

" Well well well, now whatever shall we do with you. Your dosage has finally arrived." The person who entered said as he kept his suitcase on a table and opened it as he started laughing like a maniac.


" This version of the trigger is still in the testing phase so it might not work properly but that's why we're testing it out on you. Thank you for willingly offering yourself for testing. " As the person said this and loaded up the suringe into a machine connected to the other man's arm who was shaking and trying to speak but he wasn't able to say anything because of his mouth being muffled.

" Now now, no need to worry, you won't even notice when it happens, and so I'll be going now. I definitely don't want to be anywhere close to you when it takes effect. I'll check on you later. " The person said as the syringe was loaded up. He then took a remote with a button on it and exited the building. After a while, he hit the button on the remote and the syringe started pouring the fluid into the man's body.

Wrestling and thrashing to free himself, the man's body eventually stopped moving after all of the fluid was inserted in him. In a few seconds, his body started to twist and bend as it started to transform. Arms growing longer, a few more legs popping out of his body, and the blades of flesh getting joined to his hands. Eventually, he resembled a giant Praying Mantis, almost as if he was a monster coming out of the gates.

The man had lost all of his precious human cognition which was now replaced with pure animalistic instinct to hunt and eat. This new form of the person was closely similar to a giant muscly 8-feet tall praying mantis. The previous bindings attached to the guy had been to small to accommodate this new form of him and broke, leaving the guy free to do whatever it pleased.


As he was standing there in the concert, all bored and wondering why he ever agreed to come with his sister, when he saw how his sister was enjoying it and he was happy with that.

All of a sudden his eyes went wide, goosebumps all over his body as he suddenly started a strange yet strong power emerge from somewhere a few block away from him. The only thing that bothered him more was that the power level was still going on increasing and not stopping. After a while, when it stopped increasing, Izuku could tell that the power level was pretty high, for appearing so suddenly. Too much to leave alone, Izuku was sure he needed to check it out.

"Hey listen! Izumi. I'll have to go, Something important has come up. Stay with your friend, call me if you need something from me. " Izuku said to Izumi, who was going to stop him, but saw the tension on her brother's face and did not question him and just agreed.

As soon as he got out, he began rushing towards the location where he caught the trace of this power surge. On his way, he remembered his need to hide his identity. Luckily there a medical store nearby, from where he bought a face mask, to cover and half of his face and wore his hoodie up, to hide himself.

(These are the clothes izuku had

worn here and plus he wore a

face mask with hoodie up to hide himself. This is not showing his built, just the clothes he was wearing. )

As soon as he bought a mask to hide his face, he began heading on towards the location he sensed the increase in power.

We see a figure on top of the building, looking at a radio in his hand, wearing all black with a white scarf and long and flowy black hair. All of a sudden, his radio, which was tuned in to the local police radio frequency, started buzzing and a voice of another person spoke.

"Requesting all personnel in the city for back up, there is a breach in the city, I repeat, there is a breach in the city. Some monster from a gate has somehow appeared in the middle of the city and is on a rampage. Requesting hero and police backup. " The voice in the radio spoke.

Upon hearing this, the man, who was crouching down, stood up and sighed.

" *Sigh* Guess my Night duty isn't over yet. " Said the man in all black as he jumped down and began heading on towards the location.

[To Be continued.]

Author's note :- Thank you all for being so supportive and helpful to me during my tough time. But now I'm back and expect more chapters from now on. I had almost forgotten the story and had to go back and reread all of it, so it took a little longer than usual, that said. I hope you liked this chapter. ❤☺

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