《Izuku's leveling system. [On Hiatus]》Night mysteries


What intrigued Izuku more however, was the fact that this time he had a choice while selecting his rewards.

" Blessed and Cursed random boxes, now what exactly makes you different from regular ones... Let's see... " Izuku said as he observed the screen to make his decision.

( First Person Perspective)

" Blessed or cursed, I have only one option from both of them, so before I choose any, I should know what's the difference... " I said as I started looking at the description of both of the boxes one by one.

[ Item : Blessed Random box

Item class : S.

Item Type : Random box.

A special type of random box of the highest rarity. It gives you something that you would truly desire. ]

[ Item : Cursed Random box

Item class : S.

Item Type : Random box.

A special type of random box of the highest rarity. It gives you something that you would truly need. ]

" Hmm... Something I would truly desire, Or something that I would truly need.. It's a pretty tough choice honestly. If going by what the description says, the safest choice is to choose the blessed random box, however, I don't know if how it will give me the thing I desire.. It could work in the opposite way and give me what I want but in turn harm something else, on the other hand, cursed random box will give me what I need, what if it gives a useless item which I'll need but can easily obtain in some other way.... but what if and if so, then ." I began saying as I went on my usual nerdy ramblings. Then all of a sudden one thought clicked in me...

" Mom... " I said to myself. " My main reason for becoming a hero is to make sure I have enough money to treat my mom and make sure she recovers, but till now, there haven't been a single case of anyone recovering from eternal sleep... What if I truly desire something to cure my mother... Will the blesses random box give it to me.. " I continued, still unsure of myself.


' I have no way to know other than try it, I guess. ' I think to myself as I select the blessed random box, and accept it together with the other rewards.

[ All stats have been increased by 3 ]

[ You have received

Blessed random box ]

[ Status recovery accepted, your Hp, Mp and fatigue is restored to normal. ]

As soon as those messages popped up from the system, I looked through my inventory and took out the '' from it. The chance for me to make sure my mom recovers from this cursed illness, all I need t do now is think clearly about wanting to heal mom...

Hesitantly, I open the box with closed eyes and hope with all my heart that I am correct in my assumption. The box began to glow as I opened it, different from the rest of the random boxes and as I checked what was in the box, the feelings I had were a mix of confusion and sadness.

What came out from the box, wasn't anything that can cure mom of her illness but something completely different. It was.... A key.

But not just any key, the key of an 'S' ranked dungeon. Why did the box give me the key of a dungeon, and an 'S-rank' dungeon in fact. The description said the box will give me something I desire, and I desired to cure mom, yet it gave me this key. Perhaps there's a reason for it.

The system hasn't been wrong till now so my only option will be to trust in the system and go to that dungeon. Other than that, there's nothing I can do about it. I thought as looked at the description of the key.

[ Item : Demon Castle Key

Item class : S.

Item Type : Key.

The key to the Demon Castle dungeon.


Can be used to enter the dungeon from the entrance of Tokyo Tower]

(Third Person Perspective)

" Hmm.. This key, the location of this dungeon is in Tokyo, that's pretty far from here, would take a day to come and go normally, not to mention I'll have to come up with some sort of excuse for me being missing for the time i am in that dungeon. I'll probably try this sometime later when I have the spare time. " Izuku was talking to himself on his bed when he heard a knock on the door of his room.

" Nii-san, are you busy? " Izumi's voice spoke from the other side.

" No, it's okay, you can come in. " Iruka said as he put the dungeon key back into his inventory and Izumi entered his room. She was dressed up as if she was going out somewhere.

" Nii-san, did you know, the Marukane's performance agency is holding a concert in the city because of their new branch building being built here. " Izumi asked

" I didn't know about it , but I believe, that has something to do with how you're dressed at the moment. " Izuku ased suspiciously.

" Hehe.. You see, I just thought of trying this lottery that was in the shopping area yesterday when I was with my friends, and would you believe it... I won. And what I won were three tickets to the concert of today. " Izumi replied with a smirk on her face.

" That's fine, but how are you planning to go there, it's late already and it'll be even late by the time it ends. " Izuku asked.

" Don't worry about that, Saki's mom said she'll drop us and pick us up. I'm going with her and Mizuko " Just as she was finished saying this, she got a call on her phone, which she turned around to answer.

" Yes Mizuko, what happened, are you guys here? " She asked

" ...... "

" Wait, why? But... Agh! Fine. It's okay. Don't worry about it. "

" ...... "

" Okay well, take care. Byee. "

After her call finished, she immediately called someone else.

" Hey Saki, listen, Mizuko isn't coming. She told me she had somewhere else she had to go. Do you have anyone else you wanna invite ? "

" ..... "

" Well, I don't think anyone else will be ready at the moment. "

" ...... "

" Hmm. Okay then I'll try asking him. See you in a few minutes. "

Just as the second call had finished she turned around to face her brother.

" Nii-san, you're free right, then do you want to come with us to the concert? " Izumi asked his brother.

To be continued.

Author's note : Belated happy new year readers. 2020 was a hell of a year, ( in a literal way. ) and so let's just hope 2021 goes better than how 2020 went.

Sorry if the chapter felt short, I had to catch myself up with the story when I continued writing the chapter, and not only that, my f*ing college even started the new semester. So things are pretty much back to normal. Except I have gotten many new distractions to spend time with. So expect the normal speed of uploads, how it used to be.

Thanks again for reading and I hope you enjoy the chapter. Sorry for making you guys wait so long. 😊

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