《Izuku's leveling system. [On Hiatus]》Rewards of the secret quest


( First Person Perspective )

' ' I thought as I began continuing my curl-ups . While many of my classmates were doing it without any problems, there were a few who were not used to all this training and were still trying their all. It was clearly visible from having a single look.

I continued my training till I heard the notifications from the system stop, I opened the quest box to see where it stopped. The counter had stopped after reaching 200 curl-ups.

' Hmm, so the counter stops at 200, I'll have to be quick in the other exercises. I think it'll be 200 for the other exercises too. ' As I was busy in my thoughts, I didn't notice that All Might had given the command to start the next exercise.


I instantly felt a sharp chop from All Might hit me in the head .

" Stop spacing out young Midoriya, I already gave the command for the next set of exercise. " All Might said. His chop didn't hurt much but I could still feel his strength.

" I'm sorry All Might, I was just thinking about something, won't happen again. " I said, showing an embarrassed smile.

" No worries Young man, just see to it that you pay attention to class. " As he finished saying that, he caught Mineta and Kaminari slacking off and rushed to discipline them.

I then continued the exercise quickly so as to finish this secret quest.

Timeskip brought by chibi

Class 1A doing their exercise.

Third Person Perspective

After the exercises were finished, most of the class was out of breath, some were more tired than the other and some were less tired.

Izuku had accumulated the total fatigue of only 10, thus wasn't as tired as the others. He had to improve his stamina, but it was more than the rest of the class.

Now the only thing left for Izuku to do for the secret quest was running, rest of the parameters had stopped after reaching 200.

" ** ** Got to say, this is all really tiring. And we have to do it almost everyday ? " Kaminari said while sweating.

" Well, what do you expect low budget Pikachu, we're in the Hero Course. We have to be able to show our top performance regularly. " Bakugou replied with a snap.

" I know right, we have to be super manly and improve ourselves. " Kirishima joined in.

" But I guess you're not tired at all, am I right Midoriya. You're barely sweating " Iida said as he adjusted his glasses.

" Not really, all this is just a little more than my regular exercise. " Izuku replied.

Before long, their short break had ended and next was an obstacle course for each of the students to go through one by one. It tested almost each parameter of the student's mobility. How good the student was in path with multiple turns, how good the student was at climbing, how fast the student was, the course tested all of it.

Lastly came the time for personal training with Ectoplasm sensei, where each student was encouraged to improve the stuff they were both weak and strong against. Terrain movement, analysis of the surrounding, and many different basics were started for various students.


Before anyone knew, time went by quickly and their exercise had come to a close. As for the matter of the secret quest, Izuku had completed the requirements of each task. Each of them had stopped at double the original amount.

[ curl-ups. (200/100)

Push-ups. (200/100)

Squats. (200/100)

Running. ( 20km/10km) ]

After each of the tasks had reached double the original goal, they stopped going any further, this gave Izuku the signal that the task was completed.

When all four tasks were completed, Izuku had received a message from the system regarding the secret quest.

[ You have completed a

Secret Quest.

Your Rewards have arrived.

Will you accept?

YesNo ]

Even though Izuku received this message, he didn't answer the message as he was still in class. He wanted to be alone when he got the rewards.

After the final exercises had been finished, everyone in the class proceeded to head to the changing room to get in their uniform after take a shower, which surprisingly were exactly neighbouring each other.

" You know, I was thinking, since we are friends, we should go to everyone's houses one by one, so that we can enjoy together and get to know everyone. " Uraraka talked to Iida and Izuku on the way to the

" Hmm, your idea is a great way for us all to bond with each other, but how we wait for the weekend for this, we still have homework from the classes to complete. " Iida replied.

" Okay, no problem. " Midoriya replied.

Four people were standing in front of the school gate discussing about what happened during the lunch break. The four people in question, turned out to be Principal Nezu, Miss Midnight , Miss Chiyo Shuzenji (Recovery girl if you didn't know) and someone in a spacesuit.

Looking at the front gate of the school, they were shocked at it's condition. It was as if the gate had melted away. They weren't shocked because the gate was broken, but more so because the gate had three layers of ultra-hard alloy which seemed to have melted away completely. Not only that, but no one was aware of who did it too.

" Do you think one of the reporters did this? " Recovery girl questioned.

" Perhaps, perhaps not. Perhaps something evil has entered the school grounds. Perhaps someone intends to declare war on us. Who knows. But we should have caution." Nezu replied, staring at the gate.

The students had finished their hero basics class and were in the changing room to take showers and freshen up. When something unexpected happened with Izuku.

As soon as he took off his top to go and take a shower, he was stopped by some of the boys.

" Whoa dude, you're pretty jacked aren't you. Since when have you been working out bro. " Karishma said, as he had began changing.

" He obviously works out dude, didn't you see his physical strength even without using his quirk. " Kaminari chimed in.

" What's your quirk actually though, I have only heard that you used fireballs during the entrance exams, so was that your quirk? " Sero also joined in,

" Well Yes, but actually no. You see, it's part of my quirk. Even I don't know all the things I can do with it so I haven't given it a name yet. You can say you're partially right though." Izuku said, not wanting to tell everything about his quirk.


' I really need to come up with a proper quirk name which can justify all the stuff I can do, or else people would just continue asking. ' He thought.

Todoroki, who was just about to leave the changing room stopped for a moment at the door after hearing this, then silently left after eyeing Izuku one last time.

The boys continued chatting for a while, when Izuku was done changing and about to leave and about to leave, Mineta called him suddenly.

" Hey! Midoriya, look here. I just made a fricking sick discovery here. " Mineta said as he gestured Izuku to come towards him. " Look behind this poster, this hole right here. I guess our seniors left a gift for us here. And you know what's on the other side don't you, the girls changing room. " He continued.

This immediately caused the heads of the various other boys of the class to perk in his direction. They were still teenage boys after all.

" Cease this kind of behavior at once, you strive to be a hero yet perform such acts of perversion. Peeping is an offensive crime, stop that. " Iida immediately began lecturing mineta, but he was cut off by mineta just as quickly.

" Shut up you prude, you wanna know what's a crime, the condition of my little mineta on imagining what's on the other side, if you know what I mean. " Mineta yanked off the poster and quickly began to look before anyone else could say anything.

" Just imagine, Yaoyorozu's big honkers, Ashido's thicc booty, Hagakure's floating panties, Uraraka's beautiful body and of course, how can I forget Asui's slender fig- Aahhhhhhh!!!!! " Mineta's peeping was cut short by an earphone jack coming straight through the hole in the wall, but it it had stopped just barely in front of his eye, an inch away from hitting him in the eyes.

Looking back he found, that Izuku had grabbed him from his collar and pulled him backwards.

' ' Izuku thought, looking at the earphone jack poking out of the hole.

Meanwhile on the other side, the girls thanked Jirou for what she did as they continued changing, angry at the pervert. She was standing by the wall with one jack inserted in the wall and the other inside the hole.

" Thanks a lot Jirou " Said Asui.

" He's despicable, wait a moment, let's quickly plug it up. " Yaoyorozu chimed in.

' . ' Jirou thought.

"Sorry about that girls, I'll try to keep him in check if I'm nearby from now on. " Izuku said loudly from the other side, causing a slight blush to appear on each of their faces.

Later after everyone was done, Izuku left together with Iida and Uraraka , after a while Iida had to go the other way which left Uraraka and Izuku with each other going along the way talking with each other. Suddenly, as if remembering something, Uraraka stopped and began rummaging through her bag.

" Just a minute Midoriya, I forgot something. " She said as she continued to search through the bag.

" Sure, no problem. " Izuku said, stopping in his tracks and waited for Uraraka to find whatever it was, which she found after a few moments.

" Ah! there it is. " She said as she took out a box from her bag, from which she took out a single hot pink coloured begonia flower which was fully bloomed.

" Here Midoriya, for you " She said as she stretched her arm towards Izuku to give him the flower, " This is for helping me that day during the entrance exam. You know, if it weren't for you, I probably wouldn't have made it. Think of this as thanks. " She said as she showed a genuine smile.

Izuku however, was caught by surprise because of this. He hadn't expected anything in return of helping her but the scene in front of him caused him to be dumbfounded, he still reached out and took the flower Uraraka was giving him.

" You know, i heard hot pink flowers symbolise gratitude and appreciation. But it's not only that, I hope we become good friends going forward. And if you ever need my help, please let me know. " Uraraka spoke as she joined her hands together while

" Thanks, I hope so too. " He said as both of them went in separate ways to each of their homes.

After reaching home, Izuku was finally free for the day when he remembered the rewards for the special quest he had completed and thus proceeded to open the rewards screen for that quest.

" Now then, let's see what I got... " Izuku said as he opened the screen with anticipation.


You have the following Rewards from the Secret daily quest.

You can accept rewards individually, or all together.

=> Status Recovery

=> All stats +3

=> Cursed Random Box.


Blessed Random Box. ]

Upon seeing the rewards, Izuku was too shocked to speak for a moment. These rewards were of much higher value than the regular rewards. With this he gets a total of 18 stat points, even if he doesn't get to allocate them freely, that alone is more than enough to to make the secret quest worth it.

What intrigued Izuku more however, was the fact that this time he had a choice while selecting his rewards.

" Blessed and Cursed random boxes, now what exactly makes you different from regular ones... Let's see... " Izuku said as he observed the screen to make his decision.

To be continued.

Author's note :- Hey guys! Author-san here, first of all, I'm really sorry for the long break, but a lot happened, a writer's block, I vent on vacation, spending time playing video games and many others. I almost forgot the story up to this point and had to catch up myself. 😂.

But here's the thing, my college is having mid-semester exams from 5th, ( it came out of nowhere) and thus I'll be busy studying till a few weeks of September, but I'll try to write in my free time. That's all.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the story. 😊

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