《Izuku's leveling system. [On Hiatus]》Secret Quest ?


( Third person perspective )

As soon as he had discovered the location, Izuku planned to go there and catch the person. From his location, a normal person would need at least 10- 15 minutes to reach his location, that was if he would be in an extremely fast vehicle, but not for him.

Izuku looked around the room and once again checked if there was anyone nearby, and confirmed that no body was there. He instantly activated two of his skills that he had probably used the most, '' and '', Making him invisible, and slowing down everything around him.

Getting out of the class he saw that people were still filled around the exit and the stairs leading downstairs, making it impossible to go through without moving them aside by force.

' ' Izuku thought while looking at the crowd.

' ' he thought as he looked at the window.

' Hehe, I'm crazy probably, this is the fourth floor,.... Ah well, we'll see what happens later. ' he began walking towards the window, checked if anyone was looking at the window , then opened it.

When he looked out, the building looked tall, which it totally was. He thought about whether or not the fall would hurt, took a few steps back then jumped out of the window after rushing towards it.

' This was a bad idea... ' is what was going through his head.

When he landed on the ground, he had Face-planted right into the ground. He was surprised he wasn't hurt anywhere as this might not be considered as physical damage, But decided to proceed further.

' I'm an idiot, now I should quickly move to where that aura was. ' he thought , laughing internally.

As soon as he locked on again onto the aura, he noticed something, the aura was at the same place but gradually getting weaker.

' Shit! This isn't a time for jokes. ' he got serious and instantly started rushing towards the location.

By the time he reached the place, he felt the aura was close to nothing. The place he had reached was some sort of giant dome building. He felt the auras of the people being inside of the building and thus opened the door, but at this point it was useless.

One of the two auras had completely dissapeared, he only saw a small fist-sized cloud of purple smoke in front of him which was shrinking very quickly in front of him.

He tried to run quickly ahead and catch whatever it was but he only phased through it. In the next second, the aura of the other person also vanished with the smoke cloud.


' Someone was here, I was just a little late, but don't worry whoevee you are, Mr. Breaking and entering, I have memorised both of your auras. If we meet ever again, then I'll know who you were. ' he said as he looked around.

The thing was huge from the inside, there were also 3 more smaller domes present inside of it. The structures inside resembled many various locations. One was like a destroyed city, one was like some mountain area, one was a lake area, and others. Thinking of not staying there for too long, he decided to go out and report back to Aizawa or All Might about what he found, so he began running back while still keeping the skills activated.

By the time he reached the main gate, the reporters had already been sent out and nobody was outside. He quietly looked around for an empty hiding spot and went there to deactivate his skills.

After getting out of place, he checked the time and came to know that the lunch break was just about to end. He decided to tell them about this later and headed to the changing rooms with his gym costume before he headed to the gym gamma.

After reaching there with the rest of the class , he saw that there wasn't one, but two teachers there this time. One of them was easily recognisable as All Might due to his body structure, the second one there was Ectoplasm sensei.

" All right kids, you might be wondering what you are going to do today, well today isn't going to be something huge that's why we are here. " All Might started saying.

" The next big thing you'll be doing is going to be next week. Till then we're here to help you prepare your body and help you in different ways. I'm the assistant for these physical improvement exercises. " Ectoplasm said.

" So listen kids, you all have 3 hours everyday of you hero training practicals, every so often we will have you take on something big, like how yesterday it was Heroes vs Villains battle training. For the rest of the days you are to come here to improve various aspects of your quirk and body. " All Might said as he took out a piece of paper and started reading.

" Of the 3 hours you have, we have assigned 30 minutes to physical exercises like simple push-ups, sit-up and many others to help you get your body in shape. Then 30 minutes for the obstacle course, made by Cimentoss that will help improve your movement, he would be here in a few minutes. After the obstacle course, you have 1 hour of combat training and the last 1 hour to work on your personal improvement regarding your quirks. " All Might concluded.


As soon as he concluded, All Might started saying the exercise routine for everyone, it was pretty simple. Probably just to help everyone warm up. It contained all the basic exercises like, pull-ups, crunches,

, curl-ups, stretching, push-ups, jogging around the gym, and squats. Some of the students were a little reluctant to do all this. Nonetheless, many quickly got why this was necessary training.

" So we are supposed to do all this every day ? " Sero asked Worriedly.

" Makes sense, heroes risk their lives everyday, fighting against both villains and monsters, thus they need to be in their best form. " Tsuyu said.

" Yeah, and they're also helping us find new ways to use our quirk. It can be very beneficial. " Momo said.

" Yeah let's do it Midoriya, Iida. Let's do our best. " Ochako said to Midoriya and Iida.

" Oy Midoriya, I have an idea for a fun manly game. Let's see who can complete the exercise routine the quickest. How about it? The same is offered to you too, Bakugou. I know you like a challenge. " Kirishima popped out from the crowd to ask him that.

" Oh you're on shitty hair. I'm gonna beat you so bad you won't ever challenge me again. You too Midoriya, I want a rematch. You're just one more person who I want to surpass in this world. Get it, so don't hold back. " Bakugou challenged Izuku too.

" Oh well, fine then kacchan and Kirishima-kun. " Izuku replied to them.

" If you're doing a challenge, then don't leave us out guys. " Kaminari said and the rest of the guys agreed.

" Boys will be boys. Always so competitive. " Jirou said with a sigh.

" How about we also join them, it looks fun. " Hagakure asked while jumping around.

" I think we should look at this as a self-impro.... " Before Momo could finish Mina Excitedly stood up and went towards Hagakure. Together they went to the boys.

" Oh boys, We all would also like to be in the challenge. " Mina and Hagakure said.

" Don't sweat it , Yaomomo. " Ochako said, giving her a warm smile.

" Yeah, ribbit. Think of this as a Team-building exercise. " Tsuyu said.

" Umm... We're still here guys. " All Might and Ectoplasm said.. As if they were dead inside.


[ Time-Skip brought by chibi Izuku and the class doing the exercises. Until reaching to the curl-ups. ]

When Isuku started doing the curl-ups, he suddenly heard a familiar tune.

Each time he was doing a curl-up, he was hearing the same tune as he does everytime he is doing his daily quests. So he immediately went to the daily quest tracker.

[ curl-ups. (102/100)

Push-ups. (100/100)

Squats. (100/100)

Running. ( 10km/10km) ]

The counter on the curl-ups had gone up by two. He thought for a second, did this mean that there was some sort of secret quest of the system..

' ' Izuku thought as he looked at the counter.

Author's note : sorry if you thought this chapter was short. But that's what I Wanted to say. Even during these times, people at my college are such idiots. They want to hold exams when every other college around has cancelled their end-semester exams.

I had barely studied during the Quarantine, so I now have to learn stuff quickly. Even though my tension is close to none as they are taking online exams, but O still have to study. Plus the exams starts from this 22nd June. So expect slow updates or shorter chapters.

Hope you enjoy the book. Thanks for reading. 👋👋

*Le Bonus :

Izuku's stats currently :

[ Status

Name: Izuku Midoriya. Level: 62

Job: Shadow Lord. Fatigue: 5

Title: ' Top of the Generation '

HP: 14930/ 14930

MP: 6340 / 6340


Strength: 313 . Vitality: 253

Agility: 224 . Intelligence: 263

Sense : 203. Luck : 203


Remaining points : 3


Reduction to damage taken.

Power suppression ring.

Helmet of Red Knight.

Necklace of great mage.

Knight's Breastplate.

Steel Armbraces. (x2)

Winged boots. (x2) ]

Izuku's skills currently :

[ * Skills *


??? (Lvl Max).

Muscularity (Lvl 1).

Advanced dagger mastery (Lvl Max).

Eyes of Accuracy. ( Lvl 2).



Quicksilver (Lvl Max).

Vital point strike (Lvl Max).

God's Eyes (Lvl Max).

Bloodlust (Lvl 2).

Stealth (Lvl 2).

Explosive Fireball (Lvl 1).

Ruler's Reach (Lvl 2).

Dagger Throw (Lvl 1).


Shadow extraction (90/130).

Shadow storage (90/130).

Shadow Lord's Domain (Lvl 1). ]

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