《Izuku's leveling system. [On Hiatus]》Explosive Anger.


( Third Person Perspective )

After the two matches by the two Recommendation students, the rest of the teams were pretty hyped up for their matches. After removing the two balls again, the next match came out to be,

Team H vs. Team C

(Heroes) vs. (Villain)

Team H consisted of Hanta Sero and Kyoka Jiro, while Team C consisted of Denki Kaminari and Minoru Mineta. As they had planned, Mineta was supposed to stay in the room with the bomb and Kaminari was supposed to go down and fire an indiscriminate shock and hopefully incapacitate at least one of the both.

As soon as the match began, Kaminari began moving downstairs as Mineta began spreading his sticky balls all around the room and everywhere around the bomb, this however caused him to begin bleeding from his forehead.

On the hero team, as soon as the match had began, both Jirou and Sero rushed into the building and Jirou stuck her earphones into the wall to check for any sounds from the building. She only noticed the movement of one person coming down and informed Sero. As soon as Kaminari came into the same room as them, he fired an indiscriminate shock, sero was caught off guard so he moves Jirou to safety, but both him and Kaminari were rendered useless after what happened.

Jirou moved on and eventually reached the room with the bomb. She had difficulties in finding it as the building had become completely silent for some reason and she couldn't hear any sound coming from the room. Upon entering, she found the room completely empty, but covered everywhere with the purple balls from Mineta.

Seeing the room empty, she thought Mineta was hiding and carefully began moving towards the bomb while avoiding to touch the balls that were spread around. Suddenly, she heard a voice.

" Now, explode!! " Mineta said from his hiding spot where he was sitting silently and waiting for the perfect opportunity. Immediately, all the purple balls began to explode and spread their goop everywhere. Jirou was unable to dodge and got stuck in the slime.

" Ohh! It's you, heroes. You come into my turf and try to take the bomb away, I'll show you what happens when you mess with us. " Mineta said in the best villain voice he could do.

With a devilish smile on his face , he slowly approached Jirou with the capturing tape out.

" Now hero, let me capture you properly, it'll be quick. I'll also see if you will do good in my underground business of bit*hes, Hahahahh 😈😈 " Mineta began giving wierd gestures and walking towards her. She figured out what he was about to do. Many of the girls watching them felt a shiver rum through their spines and felt sympathy for Jirou.


" No. Please! Mineta ,don't do this. Yamete!, Yamete!, Yameteeeee! " Without she struggled to free her earlobes which then aimed for her shoes, immediately, a huge, ear shattering sound wave was emitted from her speakers, this knocked out both Mineta and herself.

" Since both teams are knocked out, this match is a Draw! " All Might's voice rang through the speakers. Both the teams were escorted out and allowed to rest while the other matches happen. The next two teams that came were...

Team I vs. Team B

(Heroes) (Villains)

This match went pretty quickly. Team I had Fumikage Tokoyami and Ochako Uraraka while Team B had Yuga Aoyama and Koji Koda. Before entering the building, tokoyami had something he wanted to ask Uraraka.

" Waiteth a moment lass, before we b

beginneth in the quest to obtain the devil's weapon, I have something I wanteth to ask thee. " Tokoyami asked Uraraka.

" Huh! You want to ask me something? Sure, go ahead. " Uraraka said with a bubbly smile on her face.

" Aye, i did want to asketh thee about Midoriya. Thee seeth, ever since i has't hath met that gent, mine own dark shadow hast been growing restless. " Tokoyami said in his usual manner.

" What do you mean Tokoyami, I don't quite get'cha. " Uraraka askedwhile rubbing her head from behind, confused about what he meant.

" Nev'rmind, we has't a mission to completeth. We can talketh later " Tokoyami said as they both went into the building. The match when went quite easily.

Tokoyami, with the help of his dark shadow, was able to easily handle both Aoyama and Koda at the same time while he told Uraraka to take possession of the bomb. The winner was Team I, Tokoyami being the MVP of the battle.

Later they went onward towards the last match between the two remaining teams it was .....

Team vs. Team

(Heroes) (Villain)

This was the last match between the two remaining teams, Team E consisted of Iida Tenya and Toru Hagakure, while Team D had Bakugou and Eijiro Kirishima. The Villain team was allowed to enter the building first. All the while, Bakugou was silently walking towards the location of the bomb.

Kirishima, who was following him noticed this and asked , " You ok Bakugou, you've been silent the whole time. " While looking concerned. He received no reply, so he asked again, hoping to snap Bakugou out of his trance.


Bakugou who was thinking something the whole time, was snapped out of his trance. As soon, as his trance was broken, he realized what he was thinking about and immediately got mad at himself.

" DAMN ITTT!!!!!! " Bakugou screamed from the top of his lungs. He was quite mad at himself.

" Damn it, damn it, damn it. Listen here, hair for brains, I am giving you two options for things to do. I either you follow me and we show everyone that I'm the top of the class, or you stay here and fu*king protect this piece of sh*t. " Bakugou yelled at kirishima in his usual rage.

" Now that's the Bakugou we all know. Well, you can count me in with you. I can be the unshakable shield while you can become the unstoppable spear. Together we can easily win. So what do you say, Bakugou. " Kirishima said as a smile formed on his face.

As soon as he heard that, an eerie smile formed on Bakugou's face. He wanted to show that he is the top among everyone participating. And eventually, also surpass Izuku. Even though he was still wasn't believing in Izuku's strength.

Meanwhile, outside the building, Iida and Toru were discussing about how they wish to proceed. Toru har removed her clothes and was completely invisible. Iida told her that he would try to buy her some time by fighting both at the same time, so that she could escape and try to touch the bomb.

As this appeared on the screen, Izuku almost choked on the juice he was drinking. He didn't say anything though, because he knew that she was invisible and it required her to be naked. He just went out of the room saying he wanted to freshen up and didn't come back until the match ended.

As soon as the match had started, both Bakugou and Kirishima had started rushing towards both Iida and Toru, who were cautiously moving so as to not alert them. This however backfired, as Bakugou caught them off guard. Due to the explosion, a cloud of dust had formed which caused Toru to cough and some dust to appear on Toru, revealing her position.

Kirishima, who was behind Bakugou, saw her and hardened his body and tackled her at full speed while forming a cross with his arms. "HardRock Spearr!!!" He roared.

This was a move that Bakugou had came up for him on the spot. This caused many to rethink their view of Bakugou. Even though he would look and act all angry, he is a great tactician when it comes to battle.

" Now then four-eyes, it's your turn to go next. " Bakugou said as he began fighting. Iida, who had regained his balance, immediately used his engine to launch a kick straight onto Bakugou's face, which was intercepted by the hardened Kirishima, acting as the shield he promised to be. Bakugou launched blasted from both of his feet and hands to get above of Iida.

He immediately placed the handle on his gauntlets backwards and and removed the pin. This caused all the stored up sweat he had to be exploded in a single huge blast. Pummeling Iida many floors downwards while launching him above, hitting the ceiling with his back.

(Imagine him using this explosion)

( and hitting iida from above like this.)

This caused Iida to be knocked out and the match to be ended as both Iida and Toru were knocked out. Bakugou was scolded by All Might for his use of the last blast, saying that it could have killed someone, luckily Iida was in the armour suit which did not let him have any permanent injury. Kirishima was awarded the MVP in this match. This only further increased the anger that Bakugou was feeling.

" All right, now that all main matches have ended, I believe it's time for your turn next. Right, Young Midoriya. " All Might looked at Izuku who was present in the room.

" Yeah, sure. I'm ready, so who am I gonna fight against, you? " Izuku jokingly said..

" About that, Actually, you opponents for your next round will be..... "

To Be Continued.

well, I don't know what to say. Thank you all. My book just reached 40k a few days ago. Honestly saying, I didn't expect it to grow into this big of a book. I just wanna say, thank you all. 😊

Oh, and sorry for the cliffhanger there. I know you're all gonna hate me for it. 😂. Cya 👋

Author out.

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