《Izuku's leveling system. [On Hiatus]》Reccomendation Students.


While the battle training for class 1-A was going on, Aizawa was summoned by Nezu in his office, so he reached there and knocked on the door.

" Come in. " Nezu's voice said from inside the door.

Aizawa entered through the door and asked the reason for being called. To which Nezu replied.

" I called you here today on a very important question. Another S-rank has came in our school. You should know by now that this information will be shared with the hero association, but what I want to ask you about is whether we should share this information to the media and the public or not. From what happened last time I suggest we keep it from the media until he graduates." Nezu said.

" Well, if you want to ask my opinion, I would say keep it hidden from the public. With how the media swarmed this place after Togata's rank upgrade was revealed, I would say it's better to keep it hidden now until we make sure he is strong enough to survive out there. If his rank were to be disclosed, not only will he become a celebrity in a matter of moments, but it would also drag some unnecessary attention towards him. So I am with you on that matter. " Aizawa replied.

" Glad to hear it. Now, what are the young one's up to, by the way. " Nezu asked.

" Well, class 1-A is currently having their hero battle training going on and Midoriya is made to sit and wait until the training of the rest is over. After all, we have prepared a slightly different one for him. " Aizawa said.

" Oh well, make sure to see that everyone gets proper training. You can leave if you wish. Have a nice day. " Nezu said waving Aizawa goodbye and Aizawa left.


After the match up for the first match was decided, Tsuyu went to All Might to ask something.

" Umm... Sir, don't you think it's a little unfar for Momo as she has to fight alone while the rest of us are in a team. " Tsuyu asked All Might.

" No. Don't worry about it. There are many cases in which a hero have to fight multiple villains at the same time. And that is where they are truly tested. It would be a great learning experience for all of you. The rest of you can go an plan while the match is going on,or you could just stay and watch the match. " All Might said.


Many people who were in teams left, either to prepare themselves or to form plans with their teammates. The students of each team began moving towards the designated location. The Villain team consisted of Mina Ashido and Tsuyu Asui and the Hero team only had Momo Yaoyorozu.

The villain team was first allowed to enter the building and set up their bomb on any floor of the building, while the Momo, who was alone in the hero team was waiting outside and thinking of a perfect strategy of winning.

While this was all going on, many people had been staying at the Monitoring room where the were allowed to watch the matches. They could also leave if they wished to form a strategy with their teammates. Midoriya was in the room looking at all the matches and getting to know everyone's quirk, so as to use that info to his advantage later on.

' ' Yaoyorozu was thinking silently

' them both. That way I could take care of the other one, but if they split up and think of going at me one on one, it will become too easy. All right, I have the perfect plan for this case. ' Yaoyorozu stood up with a determined look on her face.

" All right Tsuyu, let's win this. I say we go ahead and take her head on and go against her two on one. " Mina said to Tsuyu

" As much as I agree with you on that one, she is of a different rank then us, and we still don't know her full strength and if we were to get beaten, then that's it, but if we split up, it will lessen our chances even more. So I'm with you. Oh, and call me Tsu. " Tsuyu said.

" Aaaaannnnd!! We Begin!! " All Might's voice rang through the speakers.

As soon as the match began, Momo immediately created an infrared scanner and night vision goggles and looked at the buildings after wearing them to determine which floor they were located. Meanwhile, Tsuyu and Mina began moving down cautiously to avoid letting Momo slip past them.

' Got it, fourth floor. And they are moving down slowly but cautiously. Just as I planned. ' a slight grin formed on Momo's face as she entered the building after creating some mysterious small balls.


Wherever momo was going, she was placing several of those balls at various places and she also destroyed all the lights she would come across, making anyone barely able to see as it was completely dark in the room. But she was able to see clearly due to the night vision goggles.

As she reached the second floor and had completely destroyed each of the lights in the rooms and spread around more of those balls around, she encountered Mina and Tsuyu.

They were unable to see her but she saw them easily and prepared some of those balls and threw it at them. A few of the balls hit them as they were unable to see. One of the balls which touched them exploded and freezed the surrounding area around them, while one other released a gas around. This all started a chain reaction and one after another each of the balls began exploding. Some freezing the surroundings, while others began releasing the same gas as earlier. Within a matter of seconds, the entire room's temperatures was dropped down and the gas had spread everyone.

Momo had already prepared for this and was wearing gas masks. Mina and Tsuyu who were caught up in this tried to find whoever did this but were unable to do it due to the darkness of the room. All the freezing had began to do an effect on Tsuyu, she gradually began to fall asleep and quickly fell to the ground. Mina began to get drowzy a little too.

" What was in that gas. Why am I getting sleepy.. " Mina asked, barely keeping herself steady.

" Nothing much. Some of the balls were filled with liquid nitrogen, which caused the quick drop of the temperature. As for the gas, it is traditional knock-out gas, or chloroform as normal people say it." Momo replied to her, but before she could have finished, Mina was knocked unconscious on the floor.

" Sorry about this. No hard feelings, It's just a training after all. " Momo said as she wrapped both Mina and Tsuyu with the capture tape.

With this, All Might and everyone who was looking at this was in shock as to how quick the match ended and there was not a scratch on either the villain or the hero team. Some started talking about how she is one of the two students that got in through recommendation and how smart she was.

" The match is over, and the Hero Team Wins. I gotta say, this match ended pretty quickly. " All might Said.

Izuku, who was there looked at his quirk information from the glossary that he had gotten after using observation on each of the students, was smiling. ' ' he was thinking.

[ Quirk :- .

Quirk info :- She can create any non-living object that she has seen and knows what to make that thing of. The creations take from her overall stamina / energy and the lower the energy she has, the less she can make.

Weakness :- when tired, she can not create anything unless her energy is replenished. ]

After she came back from the exercise, Momo was declared as the MVP of the fight and both Mina and Tsuyu were still to wake up. All Might then went for the boxes and took out two more balls, this time the next match up was...


(Heroes) (Villains)

This next match up went even quickly then the earlier one. As soon as the match had started, the kid with red and white hair, Todoroki just touched the side of the building and immediately froze completely, locking both Ojiro and Shoji, who were in the building, in their places.

Todoroki just then went inside and walked towards the fake bomb and touched it, causing him and Sato to win. Todoroki was awarded the MVP of this match.

The students then talked about how he was also on of the recommendation students, and that they sure are pretty great. This interested Izuku quite a bit. Seeing that not there were many strong ones in this class.

To Be Continued.

A/n :- Happy new year to everyone. Hope your 2020 goes well. Thanks for reading.

As I said earlier, I have changed the way of functioning of many people's quirks to suit my this story. Momo is one example. You'll get to see more later on. Author out. ✌.

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