《Izuku's leveling system. [On Hiatus]》??? Class


" Oyy Nerd, Why the hell does the counter say ! " Bakugou shouted angrily.

' Shit! I totally forgot about the power suppression ring. It won't allow anything to sense my power. Gotta come up with something fast. ' Izuku thought.

" Oh! Sorry about that. I forgot to stop suppressing my power. Actually, part of my quirk allows me to suppress it and allow it to not be detected by anyone and I usually keep it on. Well, I am ok with going again and it won't happen again Aizawa sensei. " Izuku quickly said to Aizawa.

' The hell is this kid talking about. Suppressing power to not be detected. Well that means he will show his power. It will be a good chance to sense his power. It's worth the try. ' Aizawa was thinking.

" Alright, fine. Do what you gonna do. I just want to see the level so that I can put you in any class. Just hurry up! " Aizawa said in his grumpy voice.

On hearing this, Izuku quickly went to the equipment section and unequipped the power suppression ring. He was able to do this without anyone noticing because, after his had hit 200, he had been able to just think about the various system commands and skills he wanted to do and became able to. Meaning he did not need to say the command out loud anymore and instantly use the various skills.

Just as he unequipped the 'power suppression ring', a few of the eyes nearby him went completely wide open. They didn't even need to have great sensing ability to confirm it. The one who was in front of them clearly had overwhelming power.

Aizawa was just as shocked as the few kids who were able to sense his power. It caused some of the weak willed ones to have their knees shaking. Meanwhile those who didn't have good sense were just confused as to why everyone around them was so shocked.

Out of all the students present, only two of the students were staring straight at the Izuku. One was Bakugou, while the other was the boy who had scored the highest in the A rank untill now. He had half red and half white hair.

" I'm ready. Shall I begin. " Midoriya asked. This broke the trance that everyone was in and Aizawa spoke.

" Oh! Sure, go ahead. " Aizawa said. Midoriya then went ahead and placed his hand on the crystal. It immediately began to shine brightly. A small cloud of darknes was then seen in the crystal. In a flash, the entire crystal turned pitch black. And before anyone could react, *Boom* .


Before anyone could react, the crystal had exploded and that created a cloud of smoke around the place.

" What the!! "

" The whole crystal just exploded! "

" What is this supposed to mean? "

These were the some of the reactions he received. Aizawa was just as shocked as some of the students. But it was because he knew what this meant.

' ' Aizawa was thinking silently.


" Hey All Might, Mr. Nezu was looking for you. It seems like it's something important. " A female teacher said to all might.

" Thanks Midnight. I'll go see him right now. " All might said as he began walking towards Nezu's office.

In a few minutes, he had reached Nezu's office and knocked on the door.

*Knock* *Knock*

" Come in " The voice of the mouse said from inside.

" You called me, Nezu? " All might asked as he entered the door.

" Ahh All Might, come in and have a seat. I wanted to talk to you about something actually. More specifically, someone. " Nezu said.

" Is this about Midoriya Izuku? " All Might asked.

" Yes, yes indeed. You see after I found out about him hiding his power, I looked up his info and found something which is quite interesting, but can also lead to huge trouble ahead. " Nezu said.

" What is it about? Can we not leave a young boy alone. There would probably be some reason he hid his strength. " All Might said.

" Don't worry All Might. We have not done anything so big. It's just what we found out about an incident that happen around 5 months ago. You see, 5 months ago he went into a C-rank dungeon with a group of other heroes as a porter. But, he was the only one that returned. Unfortunately, the gate closed and no further investigation could be done. " Nezu explained to All Might.

" You mean to say that you think he cleared the dungeon. Alone? He's still a kid Nezu. I'm more worried as to why he needed to work inside a dungeon.... " All Might was cut off by Nezu.

" That's the thing, he lives alone with his sister. So he's the one who is responsible for the income for him and his sister. This is just one of the instance. He used to di this way back with E-rank gates, it's just last 10 months that he had been doing it more often. Well, call it misfortune ore something else, this last incident of the C-rank dungeon can really come back to hurt him in the back. " Nezu said.


" What do you mean by .... " Before All Might could finish his sentence, both he and Nezu went silent. Who wouldn't. The power that they felt was too stong to not be noticed by anyone with good sense who was nearby.

" All Might, did you also felt that? " Nezu asked All Might, who was in front of him.

" Of course Nezu. This power is too large to not notice. It's almost around my current power level. Although I am pretty weakened now compared to my strength at my prime. But I wonder who that is. How about we check it out. " All Might said as both he and Nezu stood up and went out of the office.


" You all must be wondering what just happened and how the crystal exploded. As you all might have noticed, the numerical score was of the range 0 to 10,000. Well, that is not the limit of the quirk power. " Vlad said.

" 10,000 is just the limit up to which it can be measured. Yet, there are many individuals who are able to surpass those limits and have a power higher then 10,000. Their power levels are not able to be measured. These people are given the class known And your classmate here, has also reached that level. " Aizawa explained.

" In brief, of the first year has been given " Aizawa continued.

" But, don't let that fool you. Earlier I said that all your exams and tasks will be set according to the class you are assigned, and will get as the . Now, think what would be the the case of " Aizawa finished his sentence.

" Now that concludes your quirk assessment tests, head back to the class you were allotted with your passing certificate. It will either be 1-A or 1-B. " Vlad said to everyone present.

Most of them were silent, after hearing what Aizawa said, they were shocked to know that one of them is an S-Class already. There were a few who were scared of him, but also a many who wanted to talk to him. Their attention however was broken by something, Aizawa said.

" Oh! And Midoriya, expect the bill of this crystal to be on your yearly fees." Aizawa said, only to be cut off by the familiar voice.

" I Am Here! In A Business Suit! With Principal Nezu! " All Might, who was in his buffed form and in a business suit said.

" Oh My God! It's All Might! " Many people began to fanboy/fangirl over him.

" No need to worry about that, this was a pleasant surprise. The school has finally had an S-Class from the start of school years since All Might. We can overlook something like this." Nezu said.

" Young Midoriya, I knew you were strong, but I didn't know you were this strong. You know, you remind me of when I was a first year in UA. I also broke one of those crystals. But remember this, it is only going to get tougher from here on out. You will be faced with challenges after challenges, you have to just never give up and go beyond your limits. I mean to say...


All Might said.

Bonus:- Izuku as of this chapter...


Name: Izuku Midoriya. Level: 62

Job: Shadow Lord. Fatigue: 00

Title: ' '

HP: 14930/ 14930

MP: 6340 / 6340


Strength: 313 . Vitality: 253

Agility: 221 . Intelligence: 263

Sense : 203. Luck : 203


Remaining points : 0


Reduction to damage taken.

(Items equipped

Power suppression ring.

Helmet of Red Knight.

Necklace of great mage.

Knight's Breastplate.

Steel Armbraces. (x2)

Winged boots. (x2) ]

( He had Re-equipped 'Power Suppression ring ' while Aizawa was Explaining.)

Author's note: I'm back at writing the story. My exams are over and I have my vacations from now on. I just hope that the result comes out ok.

P. S. I still don't know how this book got so many reads so quickly. I mean, it's almost 29k. I don't even know what to say. I'll just say, thank you to all who read this book or liked it. Author out. 👋👍.

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