《Izuku's leveling system. [On Hiatus]》Class Determination Test


It has been one week since Izuku had got the acceptance letter for his admission into UA high school's Hero course. Throughout the week, Izuku had been resting, doing his daily exercise and using his skill 'Ruler's Reach' to do stuff to get a hang of using it.

After reaching second level, he was able to perform many different actions without touching anything and his range to use the ability had also increased.

By the end of the week, his stats were like this.

[ Status

Name: Izuku Midoriya. Level: 59

Job: Shadow Lord. Fatigue: 00

Title: ' '

HP: 14030/ 14030

MP: 6190 / 6190


Strength: 310 . Vitality: 250

Agility: 218 . Intelligence: 260

Sense : 200. Luck : 200


Remaining points : 0

Rasaka's steel scales : 20%

Reduction to damage taken.

(Items equipped:)

Power suppression ring.

Helmet of Red Knight.

Necklace of great mage.

Knight's Breastplate.

Steel Armbraces. (x2)

Winged boots. (x2) ]

By the end of the second week, Izuku had bought many usefull things and stored it in his inventory. He also used to practice with Igris when no one was around, he would also try to find out all the different ways to use his shadows.

Through this, he figured out that whenever any of his shadow is defeated, they just regenerate back to normal and it consumes some of his MP. He also noticed that he can easily tell where any of his shadow is located and what they are hearing or seeing, making them perfect for stealth infiltrations.

One last thing he found out that he could also order the shadows to roam around inside the shadows of other people too, that way he can either order the shadows to protect the person, or use it as a tracking device to track where the person is. Truly, the benefits of these shadows were limitless.

Finally the day of joining UA had arrived. Izuku didn't want to get another penalty so he had woke up early and finished the daily quest. Throughout the week, the limit of '' and '' had increased from to . Izuku was waiting for some chance to get some strong monsters and make them join his shadow army.

After getting in the school uniform and saying his goodbyes to his sister, he started rushing towards UA with all his speed when he noticed something odd. He could feel they there were presence of monsters nearby. He quickly figured out that there was '' going on nearby and there were no heroes strong enough.

Thus, he decided that it was alright if was late if that meant being able to save people and so he changed his direction and began running towards where those monsters were after removing his two trusty daggers from the inventory and he instantly used 'Quicksilver' and 'Stealth' to avoid getting caught.

Even thought it was constantly consuming up to 110 MP every minute, it still wasn't enough to consume his MP because The necklace he equipped had an effect which caused him to regenerate 10% of Total MP every minute, which currently was 619 MP every minute. So technically he could use these two skills for the whole day and it still won't consume even a drop of his MP.


The gate was an A rank gate and it wasn't cleared for some reason in the past week, as soon as he reached there, Izuku saw that there was a young woman holding a newborn in his hands, about to be killed by what seemed like a werewolf. There were also other werewolves roaming around.

Due to his Quicksilver, everyone was pretty slow to him, as if they weren't even moving. In a flash, Izuku started killing each of the werewolves that were outside, one after another and after killing each of them, entered the dungeon to kill the boss.

Inside of the dungeon, there were also many different creatures like Werebear and Weretiger. On his way he killed every beast without any problem and reached the boss chambers and entered.

The boss of the dungeon was a white werelion who was commanding the other beasts, which Izuku killed with ease. On the way, he killed the remaining warewolwes so that none remain. Later he muttered the words,

' Arise '

Suddenly, a large and muscular clawed hand came out if the corpse and soon after the rest of the body followed. It was pitch black in color. The extraction was successful. The details were like this.

[ White WereLion, Leon

Rank : Knight

Level : 1 ]

[ You can name Shadows of Rank Knight and above.

What will you like to name this shadow ? ]

" Leon " Said Izuku. Even thought this was a knight level, it was still pretty week when compared to Igris. Soon after, Izuku used 'Shadow extraction' on the other beasts too and left the dungeon. He had gotten 10 WereTigers, 14 WereBears and 15 Werewolves.

The were of elite rank while the others were of soldier ranks, all being level 1 in their rank. After leaving the dungeon, Izuku quickly rushed back to UA as he had already gotten late.


A guy with long black hair wearing black jumpsuit and having a white cloth wrapped around his neck is entered the office of a small mouse like person.

" You called, Mr. Nezu. " The long haired person said to the mouse dude.

" Ahh yes, Mr. Aizawa, just the person I wanted to talk to. " Nezu said with a worried expression.

" What happened sir, everything all right? " Aizawa asked, confused.

" Well do you remember the c-rank incident that happened a few months ago, well there is one person who isn't happy with how the investigation turned out. You see, there was only one survivor. Guess who. " Nezu asked

" It was wasn't it. Well, we can't say anything about what happened because the gate closed before anyone could check the bodies. " Aizawa replied.

" That's the thing, I want you to keep a close eye on this student. Also I heard from All Might that when he asked him about his quirk, he said it was a secret. So how about you first try finding out what his quirk is, will you? " Nezu asked once again.


" All right then that's all, you can head to your class. I believe it's their first day so it will also be their I suppose. " Nezu said as he said goodbye to Aizawa and he left.


Izuku had been running through the streets with his two skills activated to reach school as quickly as possible. Finnally he managed to reach his school so he deactivated his skills and began running and trying to find his class.

When he was looking around for his class, a certain person saw him.

" Oh! It's you. I wandered why I didn't see you here. " The person said.

Izuku looked at him to see that he was the same blue haired kid from the exams.

" My name is Tenya Iida, and I would like to apologize for how I behaved during the exams. You figured out the true nature of the exam while I was unable to. You truly are a better candidate than me. " Iida said.

" Don't worry about it. As long as you are not my enemy, you're okay. By the way, can I ask where I should go, I don't know where I should be going. " Izuku asked Iida.

" Ohh, about that, everyone from the hero course has been asked to change into their gym uniforms and head to the compounds. You can find your size in the locker room. Follow me, I'll show you where it is. " Iida said as he began walking, Izuku started following him.

" Thanks Iida-kun. Ohh I forgot to introduce myself. I'm.. " Izuku was saying as his sentence was cut by Iida.

" Midoriya Izuku, Right? How could anyone from the hero course this year not know about you. You finished first place this year and the way you took out the giant Zero-Pointer was totally insane. So you have a fireball quirk right, because you used those fireballs to melt the Robot. " Iida asked while they were walking.

" Well it's not completely my quirk. You can said it's a part of it. As for my quirk, it's as little secret I'll reveal when I feel the need to, so don't get offended. " Izuku said as he entered the locker room to change.

After a while he came out of the room wearing his gym clothes and went to the training grounds with Iida. When they reached the training ground, they saw a whole lot of other people standing in the grounds and two teachers standing in front of them.

One was a guy with long black hair in black jumpsuit with a white cloth around his neck. The other one was a white spiky haired muscular person in red skin-tight costume.

When they saw Izuku, they both came to him to talk some sense to him.

" Don't you know the meaning of being punctual. It's the first day of school an you're late... " Before the white haired teacher could say anything, he was cut off by Izuku.

" Sir, I believe that you are currently unaware that a dungeon break had occurred in the nearby district while I was coming here. I couldn't ignore it and let people die and that's why I was late. If you don't believe me, go check the news yourself. " Izuku replied back to the white haired teacher

" Fine then just join the others and stand with them so we can get started. " The Black haired teacher said. Izuku could tell he was curious and wanted to know more but wasn't showing it. The students were whispering amongst themselves about Izuku.

After joining the rest of the students, their total number was 40.

And so as everyone had arrived, the two teachers started.

" Alright, so let's begin now. All 40 of you have been enrolled into the hero course of UA. But as you all know, the heroes are all classified into various classes. So first thing we are going to do is provide you with a starting class and the difficulty of all the test and every other aspect will depend on your rank. Stronger ranks will be given harder tasks and weaker will be given weaker tasks, so as to minimise deaths. " The dark haired guy said.

" After getting your you will be divided into two classrooms of 20 each and one of us will be your homeroom teacher. I'm Sekijiro Kan and this is Shota Aizawa. Some of you might know us as Vlad King, and Eraserhead. " Vlad said.

" Okay, enough of the chit chat. Now let's give you some example. " Aizawa said as he threw a ball at Izuku.

" Midoriya, you were the first place this year. Throw this as far as you can. You are allowed to use your quirk any way you want. I'll tell you in which tests you aren't allowed to use your quirks. " Aizawa said.

' ' Aizawa thought as he activated his quirk and looked at Izuku.

Izuku was standing at the centre of the circle and immediately felt that Aizawa had activated his quirk. But he didn't react to it and just used all of his strength to throw the ball as far as possible. He had also applied his knowledge and threw it on a 45° anglewith the ground, maximizing its horizontal distance.

As soon as he threw the ball, a gust of wind, enough to blow away most things was hurled towards them and the ball launched like a rocket. Some sonic booms were even heard.

Aizawa checked the screen on the display and it amused him the screen had displayed ''. Meaning the ball had escaped out of the atmosphere and was in space. This caused Aizawa to chuckle.

" This kid... " Aizawa said as he stopped his quirk and looked at him.

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