《Izuku's leveling system. [On Hiatus]》Blasting into UA!


( Izuku's point of view )

As soon as I said the words, the bodies of the various knights and mages in the room began to vibrate. Suddenly, a dark and shadowy hand came out of one of the Knights.

Soon after each of the other knights and the mages also followed and within a matter of moments, there was a large group of dark shadow knights and mages standing in front of Me.

[ Shadow extraction limit reached ]

" So 6 mages and 44 knights. Well, it says that I can extract up to 50 currently. But I guess that number will increase the more I use these shadows because of the increase in proficiency. " I said.

[ Shadow Knights

Rank : Soldier

Level : 4 ]

[ Shadow Mages

Rank : Elite

Level : 5 ]

This was displayed on the heads of the knights and mages.

' So it seems my shadows can level up too. Wait a minute, what if I had some boss monsters as shadows? ' I thought as he looked around the Hall and found the body of 'Blood-Red Commander, Igris' I tried to remove one of the knights from his shadow army, A message popped up.

[ You can remove extracted shadows from your army by using 'extraction cancel'. Those shadows will be sent into nothingness and cannot be called back. ]

" I'm sorry even though I'm the one who called you. I'll have to remove around 24 of the weakest " My face saddened and I cancelled 24 Knights and sent them to nothingness. Getting a total of and remaining.

Next I approached the lifeless body of the Commander, it was lying smashed into the wall after my fight with it. It had the same black smoke coming out from it that showed I can extract the shadow. I said the words, "Arise!" To extract it.

The room began to shake a little, and suddenly, I was pushed back by a shockwaves that came from Igris. Another message popped up from the system.

[ Shadow extraction failed. ]

[ Two more tries remaining ]

" I should have guessed. After all, it's been over 4 hours that it has been dead. But I won't give up. I'll just try again. Wait a minute, I got stat points right, let's see. " Izuku said as he opened his status and put all stat points he had gotten into '' .



Name: Izuku Midoriya. Level: 59

Job: Shadow Lord. Fatigue: 00

Title: ' '

HP: 13990/ 13990

MP: 5890 / 5890


Strength: 305 . Vitality: 248.

Agility: 210. Intelligence: 250.

Sense : 190. Luck : 190.


Remaining points : 0

Rasaka's steel scales : 20%

Reduction to damage taken.

(Items equipped:)

Power suppression ring.

Helmet of Red Knight.

Necklace of great mage.

Knight's Breastplate.

Steel Armbraces. (x2)

Winged boots. (x2) ]

After putting all 30 points into intelligence, Izuku hoped that the knight captain will now be able to be extracted, even if there was just a little change in his intelligence stat. He then once again stood in front of Igris's body.

He then said, " Don't just lie there and go to waste. Be my shadow and protect me, instead of the empty throne. " Arise! " Suddenly, the room began to shake a little and the then a dark hand came out of the body of Igris.

Right in front of his eyes, the lifeless corpse of the Red Knight began to slowly raise from it's death. With it's colour changed from to shadowy Izuku looked at it and was surprised.

[ Blood-Red Commander Igris

Rank : Knight

Level : 8 ]

[ You can name Shadows of Rank Knight and above.

What will you like to name this shadow ? ]

' It's name is too big, just Igris will be fine. ' Izuku thought before saying " Igris. "

On hearing it's new name, Igris dropped to his knees as any Knight does in front of the King or Queen of the Kingdom. Soon after every other soldier also dropped down to their knees. Izuku smiled on seeing this and used his other skill, '' to store all the soldiers of his into his own shadow.


The extracted shadow gets stored inside the shadow of the ''.

No MP required to perform skill.

Shadows stored : 27/50 ]

On the way out, Izuku extracted 13 archers, and 10 assassins for his shadow army and left the dungeon after storing them in his shadow, getting a total of 50 shadows.

After getting out of the dungeon, Izuku noticed that it was morning already and the sun was out. Thinking that he would have worried his sister, he rushed back to his home to see her. When he reached home, he was relieved to see that his sister was sleeping peacefully on her with auntie Mitsuki on the other side of the bed.


He then silently closed the door and went back to his room and slept for a few hours to relieve his stress.


One week had passed by since Izuku had went thought the job change quest and now was waiting for the letter from UA. Throughout the week, Izuku had practiced his new skills and the old ones pretty much. His 'Ruler's Reach' had leveled up to level 2 and some other skills also leveled up. By the end of the week, his stats and skills were like this..


Name: Izuku Midoriya. Level: 59

Job: Shadow Lord. Fatigue: 00

Title: ' '

HP: 14030/ 14030

MP: 5950 / 5950


Strength: 305 . Vitality: 250

Agility: 210 . Intelligence: 252

Sense : 200. Luck : 200


Remaining points : 0

: 20%

Reduction to damage taken.

Power suppression ring.

Helmet of Red Knight.

Necklace of great mage.

Knight's Breastplate.

Steel Armbraces. (x2)

Winged boots. (x2) ]

[ * Skills *


??? (Lvl Max).

Muscularity (Lvl 1).

Advanced dagger mastery (Lvl Max).

Eyes of Accuracy. ( Lvl 2).



Quicksilver (Lvl Max).

Vital point strike (Lvl Max).

Observation (Lvl Max).

Bloodlust (Lvl 1).

Stealth (Lvl 2).

Explosive Fireball (Lvl 1).

Ruler's Reach (Lvl 2).

Dagger Throw (Lvl 1).


Shadow extraction (50/70).

Shadow storage (50/70).

Shadow Lord's Domain (Lvl 1). ]

His extraction and storage limit increased from 50 to 70 within the week by just keeping the shadows in his army. He had also learnt a passive skill from a Runestone he bought from the shop for detection which allowed him to see anything or anyone invisible.

As he had completed the daily quest, Izuku was sitting in his hallway watching TV to relax a little while Izumi had her head rested on Izuku's lap, the doorbell rang.

Izuku got up to answer the door and saw the mailman delivering the letters and Izuku saw the letter from UA that he had recieved. The mailman then went away after giving Izuku's letters to him.

" What happened Nii-san? " Izumi asked while peeking out into the hallway.

Izuku showed her the letter he had got and she cleared her throat.

" Well, you said it went good right. I'm sure you'll be accepted " She said with a bright smile.

Izuku went to his room to open the package while Izumi anxiously waited outside. As soon as Izuku opened the letter, a circular disk came out which projected a holographic screen which started a video.

"I am here as a Projection! " The voice of all might came out of the video which surprised Izuku.

" Sorry Young Midoriya, it took a little longer to approach you because of all the paperworks. Actually I came to this town to teach in UA. " All might said. This surprised Izuku even more, because he wasn't expecting All might to be a teacher at UA.

" So now, let's get to your results. Young Midoriya, you passed the written exams wonderfully, coming second to only one student. You absolutely SMASHED! The practical exams breaking every record set in the history of UA. Having a total of 124 attack points. That alone was enough to get you the top position, but you also helped the others who needed help and also saved the life of a young girl. You show the true essence of a hero and you see, there was a third criteria, it was rescue points. And you Young Midoriya, scored a total of 95 points in that department. Bringing your total score to a sum of 219." All might said. Hearing this made Izuku a little emotional, remembering all he went through for getting this strong.

" Young Midoriya, from now on, this is, your Hero Academia. So Go Beyond, PLUS ULTRA!!! " All Might's projection said as the transmission cut out. The letter had the school curriculum, and other info.

Izuku came out of the room and saw that Izumi was standing there anxiously waiting to hear from him.

" What happened nii-san, did you pass. " Izumi asked nervously.

To this Izuku just gave a bright smile with his teary eyed face. Seeing this Izumi began to tear up and jumped onto Izuku hugging him tightly.

' Finally, this is the start of my hero journey. ' Izuku thought inwardly.

To be continued.


[* Skill : Shadow Lord's Domain *

Lvl 1

Create a large circular shadow inside of which all your Shadows's stats and skills are vastly improved.

The color of the shadows changes from Blue-Black to Purple-Black.

150 MP required every minute. ]


Lvl Max

Focus to find the weak point of the opponent and fiercely strike it to cause 200% more stronger attack. Increasing the chance of a critical hit. Requires 40 MP and any Dagger equipped.

Bonus Effect:

+50% chance to hit a critical hit when using skill. ]

[ * Passive Skill : Detection *

Allows the player to see

anything or anyone Invisible

or hiding their presence. ]

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