《Izuku's leveling system. [On Hiatus]》Commnder Of The Knights


After defeating the first knight, Izuku continued to advance ahead into the corridor but before he could move ahead, he turned around to see another squad of knights walking towards him from the other side of the dark corridor.

" Well, if my sword can't cut through you. I'll just use my raw strength. " Izuku said as he charged forward after acrivating his and the knights got pretty slow but we're still fast for some people.

He dodged the attacks the knights were trying and used his fists to punch one of the knights , crush the helmet of the other, and kicked the head of the third one. Each of the knights then slumped down on the floor.

[ You have defeated a Knight ] x3

[ Fatigue : 08 ]

" Hmm... Looks like they have dropped something. " Izuku said as he approached the knights and checked what they dropped. They had dropped and a chest armour '' from what the knights were wearing. It was a better then silk vest so he equipped it.

Just as he changed his equipment, he sensed some presence near his shoulder so he immediately took out and stabbed in the air near his shoulder. Suddenly, an assasin-like person began to fade in.

[ You have defeated an Assasin ]

" The heck, there are even monsters with stealth here. " Izuku was shocked.

A ball of fire began to form behind him which was then launched towards Izuku, Izuku was able to dodge it because of his speed. The ball of fire then hit the wall in front of him an exploded.

' earlier. These are all the skills I have. ' Izuku turned back to see who shot the ball of fire.

There was a hodded Mage standing there who had shot the spell. But he was not alone. There were more Knights and Assasins coming out from the door behind the mage.

Izuku began fighting the horde one after the another while dodging and using as less skills as possible because due to this dungeon's restiction, the necklace that regenerated his MP was and not doing anything.

Due to his he had to use at least skills as possible as it took his MP. By the time that he had finished, there were bodies of all the monsters lying around and none moving.


[ ] x3

[ * Status *

Name: Izuku Midoriya. Level: 53

Job: None. Fatigue: 56

Title: ' Chosen successor of

The Symbol of Peace. '

HP: 10572/ 12630

MP: 3740 / 4670


Strength: 299. Vitality: 242

Agility: 204. Intelligence: 214

Sense : 184. Luck : 184


Remaining points : 0

Rasaka's steel scales : 20%

Reduction to damage taken.

Power suppression ring.

Necklace of great mage.

Knight's Chestplate.

Steel Armbraces. (x2)

Winged boots. (x2) ]

" This dungeon is more difficult than I had imagined. The diversity of monsters here is very tiring. I should rest a little. " Izuku said as he sat down near the wall to rest for a few minutes.

Just as he sat down, an arrow was shot towards him. He was barely able to catch the arrow when it was just inches away from his face. He looked at it's direction and saw another group standing there with in the front.

" At least let me rest for a little while." Izuku said with an annoyed look on his face as he charged towards the group.

After the group appearing and Izuku defeating them, he was finally able to reach to a door at the end of the dungeon.

[ : 69 ]

He had gotten a better Necklace so he switched with it. Standing on the door, he could feel that whatever was back there was pretty strong and probably the boss. As soon as he opened the door, his suspicion was confirmed.

" This feeling in my gut, it's exactly the same as it was in the Double Dungeon. " Izuku opened the door. It was like the throne room of a King.

As he stepped inside the room. He began to hear footsteps as a Red Knight about the size of All might came out of the shadows.

He immediately looked at the name. It was ' Blood-Red Commander, Igris ' and was in Dark Red color. This made deku prepare himself as he knew this would be pretty tough.

' A Knight protecting an empty throne, Huh. ' the Knight charged towards Izuku with his long sword and immediately sliced horizontally at him.

Izuku was barely able to dodge it by ducking and saw that the pillars Behid him were destroyed completely.


[ *Warning*

Fatigue over , movement . Fatigue level of will cause you to ]

He quickly took out and tried to damage the Knight, but it was useless. It didn't even leave a dent on it's armour.

The Knight then lifted his sword and smashed it down, Izuku barely dodging it.

" Well, since the sword is useless on you, I'll just have to beat you in raw strength. " Izuku said as he put the sword back into his inventory.

Seeing this, the Red Knight then dropped his sword, took out his belt which had small daggers in it and took off his cape that he had and threw them all on the ground.

" Chivalry huh. Don't take me lightly." Before Izuku could finish, the Knight was standing in front of him and lunched a punch. Izuku was barely able to guard it with his forearm, but was still sent flying into the wall.

[ HP : 8467 / 12630

MP : 3020 / 4670 ]

' ' Izuku thought.

After fighting with it for a long amount of time and exchanging blows with each other the one to deliver the final blow was the red Knight. It punched the lower left abdomen area of Izuku and he was sent flying.


[ HP lower than 30%.

Muscularity is Activated. ]

He landed on the throne in the room and was pretty hurt and tired. Blood running down his forehead and his arms bruised. The Knight then approached and was standing in front of him. It raised his hand and the longsword he had came rushing towards it .

As soon as the sword was in it's hand, he slashed it vertically towards Izuku. But suddenly a shockwave sent it flying. Izuku had woken up and had block the blade's strike with his hand because of the bonus effect of his armguards.

" Well, I'm pissed off now. I guess I'll just go all out. Since you are the boss, I'll just heal myself later. " Izuku said as he activated his skill, 'Bloodlust' and he got a message.

[ The are for 1 minute. ]

The next thing he did was he activated '' and then he took out his dagger and charged at it and stabbed the only unprotected part of the Knight which was .

He then constantly used ' ' and strike the samepart agin and again. After a little while, the red knight fell to the ground while on his knees and blood was gushing out of his helmet.

[ You have defeated

Blood-Red Commander, Igris. ]

[ Level up! ] ×2

" *Huff* Finally, *Huff* let's check what you *Huff* have on you. " Izuku said as he took the loot from Igris.

There was a helmet, 'Helmet of Red knight ' , a Heartstone , a Runestone , and 1,500,000 G.

Izuku quickly equipped the helmet he got and took the runestone and looked at it's description.

[ Item : ' Ruler's Reach '

Item class : S

Item type : Runestone

A runestone for the skill, 'Ruler's Reach ' . Use it to learn the skill.

Only able to use this once. ]

Next, Izuku used the runestone and he learned the skill and saw it's description.


You can control objects without touching them with a giant invisible hand. Higher level allows for more actions and allows to control heavier objects.

No MP required to perform. ]

While looking at the body of the Red Knight, Izuku was wondering about something.

' Hmm, Why did the usual message from the system did not come? Don't tell me... ' Izuku's face turned shocked on seeing the message that came.


[ The has been defeated.

Job change quest will now start.

'Good Luck.' ]

" The F**k! " Izuku said.

To be continued.

Bonus :

[ Item : Helmet of Red Knight.

Item class : S

Item type : Headgear

The helmet worn by ' Blood-Red Commander, Igris ' . Protects the Head from permanent injuries.

Effect :

Protects from head damage.

+15% Damage Reduction.

+20 Strength.

+20 Stamina. ]

[ Item : .

Item class : A

Item Type : Chest armour.

The Chestplate worn by a High Knight.

Effect :

+10% Damage Reduction.

+10 Strength.

+5 Agility. ]

Izuku at the end of the chapter:

[ * Status *

Name: Izuku Midoriya. Level: 55

Job: None. Fatigue: 91

Title: ' '

HP: 3672/ 13070

MP: 1290 / 4790


Strength: 301 . Vitality: 244

Agility: 206 . Intelligence: 216

Sense : 186. Luck : 186


Remaining points : 0

: 20%

Reduction to damage taken.

(Items equipped:)

Power suppression ring.

Helmet of Red Knight.

Necklace of great mage.

Knight's Breastplate.

Steel Armbraces. (x2)

Winged boots. (x2) ]

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