《Izuku's leveling system. [On Hiatus]》Entrance exam.


After the incident in the C-rank gate, something changed inside of Izuku. He had gotten insensitive about killing anyone. From then on, he had decided that he would never show any mercy to those who are his ' ' even if he had to kill them, and he also wanted to become the greatest hero and set an example so that the fake heroes like Hwang stop themselves.

From then on, he had decided to do all he can to grow in strength and level up. So, from he then went into many E-rank gates and instant dungeons of which he had received keys from random boxes in the 5 months left before the UA entrance exam. This caused growth in his level but it had gotten slower than earlier. He would also exercise to complete the daily quest everyday so that he would get the stat points.

------------------( Timeskip )-------------------

( 5 months later. Date is 26th February. Izuku is 15,Izumi 13.)

It was the morning of the UA entrance exams. Izuku had been preparing for it since the last 10 months. In the last 5 months, he had gotten a few great items from the Random Boxes. Armour, some weapons, some antidotes and many other stuff too . Out of all the stuff he had gotten, he was intrigued by one item the most. It was a 'Runestone'. Izuku had never heard of something like it so he checked it's description.

[ Runestone ' Stealth '



A Runestone that can be used to teach anyone the skill ' '.

Can only be used once. ]

After seeing it's description, Izuku immediately used it on himself. Why would he even think of using it on someone else. After he used it, the Runestone broke into small pieces and Izuku got a message.

[ You have learnt the skill

' ' from the runestone. ]

[ Skill : Stealth

Hide all your bodily presence

and become completely invisible.

( 100 MP Required every

minute of activation. ) ]

It was a great skill and Izuku was very happy he had got it. He had gotten pretty strong. His level had also increased from to 49 . His stats were like this.


Name: Izuku Midoriya. Level: 49

Job: None. Fatigue: 00

Title: '


HP: 11750/ 11750

MP: 4390 / 4390



Strength: 295. Vitality: 238

Agility: 200. Intelligence: 210

Sense : 180. Luck : 180


Remaining points : 0

Rasaka's steel scales : 20%

Reduction to damage taken.

Power suppression ring.

Necklace of great mage.

Silk vest.

Steel Armbraces. (x2)

Winged boots. (x2) ]

Over the time, he had gotten pretty strong. His stat was almost about to reach and his , , and were above .

As for his skills, many of them grew in levels and he also got some new ones. He had plenty skills currently. He had also cut his hair into a new style, and bought new clothes for both himself and Izumi after selling the crystals he had gotten over the time from the gates. He also gave Izumi allowances for herself if she needed anything.



??? ().

Muscularity ().

Advanced dagger mastery ().

Eyes of Accuracy. ( ).


Dash ().

Vital point strike ().

Observation ().

Bloodlust (Lvl 1).

Stealth (Lvl 1).

Explosive Fireball (). ]

Many of his skills reached and the level of '' changed to Max after it had reached the third level.

He quickly checked the time to see if he wasn't late. He saw that there was only an hour left for him to get to UA. So he quickly wore his clothes and started running full speed with his skill ' ' and ran all the way to UA.

Before he could leave, he was stopped by Izumi.

" Nii-san, go do your best in the exams. I know you will pass. Don't worry about me, I have auntie Mitsuki with me if I need any help. All the best! " She said while hugging his big brother and sending him off

Due to the , his speed was increased, even though the boots were hidden to everyone else, just like every other items he had equipped.

With his high speed, he was able to reach the Gate of UA in about 15 minutes. Standing on the gate, he got a little emotional remembering all the stuff that happened before.

While he was on the gate, he heard a familiar voice.

" Oy Deku! " It was Bakugou.

"You finally showed up. I was starting to wonder if you were gonna show up or not. Well, I just want to tell you, just because you look like you have gotten strong doesn't mean that you are the strongest. I'll say it right now, I'm still gonna be the number one. Let's see if you can keep up. " He said as he started walking inside the gate.


" You got it Kacchan, let's see who gets first place. " Izuku replied with a smile on his face and entered the gate and headed to the room where the test was being held .

First, everyone had to undergo a written exam and at least get the passing grade to move on. Due to Izuku's high intelligence stat, the test was as easy for him as if asking a marathon runner to walk.

After the written exams, they were guided to a large auditorium like room with a stage and many seats. Izuku sat in his seat which was again close to Bakugou.

As he got there and sat in his seat near Bakugou, he saw that thought the room was full of talented people, only a few of those people had some noteworthy auras.

His thought was interrupted when he saw an eccentric man probably in his 30's come atop the pedestal of the stage.

" Welcome! To UA High entrance exams. EVERYBODY SAY HEYY!! " The guy said to greet everyone. But due to his quirk, it sounded like it came from a speaker. It was the speaker hero, .

" ....... " Everyone was silent.

" Well, that's alright my examines. I'm here to present you the guidelines for your practical exam. ARE YOU READYY!!! YEAHHH!!! " Present mic said.

There was a silence again.

" In the practical, you will be sent to different testing grounds based on your I.D number. There you have to take down the Robots which each account for , and points. " Mic said to everyone.

" Oh! Look Kacchan, it seems that we'll be in separate testing grounds, so they are separating the consecutive I.D numbers so that friends do not end up in same centers and help each other. I guess our fight will have to wait. " Izuku said while paying no attention to what Mic was saying because he was easily able to hear it and understand it due to his stat.

" Use of your quirk is allowed and attacking other examines is obviously prohibited..... " Present mic was explaining.

" Sir, may I ask a question? " A blue haired boy wearing glasses shot up from his seat.

" Sir, on the UA handout, there are clearly four varieties of robots shown, if this is a blatant error, it's unbecoming for a school like UA. " The blue haired boy said.

"And ! the green haired guy" He added as he pointed towards Izuku.

Seeing this Izuku looked at the boy with glaring eyes.

" YOU have been talking this whole time. If you thinks this is all fun and games then you should just... " His sentence was interrupted by something.

Before anyone in the auditorium could even blink, Izuku was standing behind of the blue haired kid and had his arm wrapped around his neck.

" No I don't think this is fun and games, I just know I'm gonna win because none of you here are strong enough for me. " Izuku whispered into the boy's ears.

" No hard feelings, but you are not going to be a good hero if you are too pent up, try going a little easy. Oh! And don't judge people's character too early, be glad that you are not my enemy, or you won't be standing right now. " Izuku added as he shoved the blue haired boy back onto his seat and went back to his seat.

A shiver went through the blue haired boy's spine and he sat back at his seat and got silent.

When Bakugou noticed that Izuku was standing behind the boy, he checked back where Izuku was originally sitting, only to find it empty.

' When did he !? I didn't even notice it. Just how strong has he gotten? ' Bakugou thought Internally.

To be continued.


[ Item : Steel Armbraces

Item class : A

Item type : Hand armour.

Armbraces made from steel that provides you with offensive and defensive boost.

Also protects arms from being cut.


+30 Attack power

-10% Mobility if strength

less than 80. ]

[ Item : Winged boots.

Item class : A

Item type : Boots

Boots of the messenger god, Hermes. It provides grearely increased mobility and protection of legs.

Protects the legs from being cut off.


+20% increase to mobility.

+ 5% reduced damage taken. ]

[ Item : Necklace of great mage.

Item class : C.

Item type : Necklace.

Necklace previously used by a great mage. Provides MP regeneration.


15% regeneration of Total MP every minute. ]


Improves your accuracy when using any sort of projectile.

+30% accuracy to any projectile you

use. ]

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