《Izuku's leveling system. [On Hiatus]》C-rank Dungeon !


( Third person perspective )

Even though he was feeling this uneasy and errie aura, he wasn't feeling scared or threatened. This was because of his everyday exercises and stats, he had became very strong and none of the persons emitted an aura that was strong for him.

After his had , the '' option from the system had become available. He saw that it was filled with all sorts of items from to to and . Luckily, due to all the killing of monsters and selling their loots, he had earned a .

' . ' was what izuku though while seeing that his menu said that he had with him.

With some of that gold, he had bought various potions for health, mp, and some other stuff as well.

Also, when he went into the dungeons and trained outside, as well as watching other heroes fight the villains during the five months, he had earned a few more skills. They were as following.

[ * Skill *

Vital point strike.

Focus to find the weak point of the opponent and fiercely strike it to cause 150% more stronger attack. Increasing the chance of a critical hit. Requires 20 MP and any Dagger equipped.

+40% chance to hit a critical hit when using skill. ]

[ * Skill *


Through continuously observing others, you have got the ability to look at people and get information about them and save it in your information gallery. Higher level will reveal more information.

30 MP required to perform skill. ]

[ * Skill *

Your constant use of daggers has increased your mastery over it's usage. Causing you to be more lethal when using daggers.


+33% increase to damage

dealt when any


is equipped. ]

After getting these new skills and all those potions, he was pretty confident that he could survive many strong attacks.


( Back to present)

( Third person perspective)

When he felt that errie feeling and the dark aura from the group, he used the '' skill on the leader. It then gave the information about him.

[ Glossary:

Name: Hwang Dong-Suk.

Nationality: South Korean.

War Cry .

Occupation: Licenced Hero.

Hero Class: C Rank.

Hwang Dong-Suk is a South Korean hero who moved to Japan to make a living. Only prefers to enter gates with his party and does not prefer doing hero work outside of the gate. Many a times few people of his party die. Often times questioned by the hero association but due to ??? being an ??? , he does not get into trouble.


Unavailable due to low skill level.

Unavailable due to low skill level. ]

' I'll have to be careful here, something seems off. ' Izuku thought as he picked up the bag filled with pickaxes, shovels and other stuff for mining the mana crystals and followed the group.

They then reached the place where the gate was located and stood there.

" Hey this one is pretty big, do you think we'll be ok." Said one of the guys from the group.

No, that doesn't matter, it's the energy it emits that matter. The association scans every gate and ranks them, then they sell the rights to some of the gates to people or companies who want it. Those companies then hire group of professional or unlicensed heroes and reward them on completing the gate. ' Izuku said to himself.

" Let's go! " Hwang said.

Upon entering the gate, they noticed that it was pitch black. Hwang quickly told one person from the group with fireball quirk to create light with his fireballs.

When the surrounding area lit up, they found themselves in a cave and there were many different holes from all the directions.

" What? This is wierd, there's no monsters around. " Person 1 said.

" There is no light as well, it's normal for the dungeons to have luminous stones. " Person 2 said.

" Wait, are there any dungeons with no monsters in it. " Person 3 said.

" Shh... " Izuku quickly said to shut them up as he was able to hear something.

He thought. While he was thinking and trying to listen, his ears heard something.

It was like there was an army with thousands of legs coming towards them.

' THIS SOUND! ' His suspicion was confirmed when he heard the sound.

" It's Insect- Type monsters !! " He yelled to warn the others. Everyone started looking around for monsters.

" ABOVE US !! " He shouted as he heard them coming from a hole above them.

As the saw above, they saw a large swarm of dog-sized ants coming down rushing from the hole.

" Quick, burn them down. " Hwang said to the one with fireball quirk.

The person then launched a fireball upwards into the hole from which the ants were coming.


A few of the ants were burnt away while the rest avoided them and climbed down. The ants then started rampaging around. Everyone in the group then started fighting the ants and killing them while Izuku stood behind as he just had the job to just carry their stuff around.

Everyone from the group wereusing their quirks. Hwang roared louldy which turned his eyes red and a shield was formed in front of him. Immediately all the ants started rushing towards him.

' ' Izuku thought to himself.

' ' he added as he could feel that all of them were weak compared to him.

After a while, all the ants were cleared up, then Hwang came to Izuku and started talking.

" Thanks, you saved us. But how did you know they were coming from the above. " Hwang asked.

" I just felt it. My senses are sharp. " Izuku replied.

" It's great that everyone was saved because of you, but it would be good if you didn't pay attention to small things like that. " Hwang said.

" Huh..??. " Izuku replied before he was cut by the guy with the fireball quirk.

" Hwang, take a look at this. They seem to have wounds we didn't inflict on them. Their body seems to be bitten by something. " Fireball guy said.

" That means that there is some monster stronger than them here. Perhaps the boss. Or... " Hwang said.

' This.. Smells like money.. ' He thought as a creepy smile crept across his face.

Izuku felt the same errie feeling once again.

' ' Izuku readied his mind.

It was then that Izuku remembered an advice from one of the people he once worked with inside a gate.

' ' the old guy had told him.

While locating the boss room, they came across many dead ants who were bitten off and they followed the trail. They then came across a dark passage in the cave. Hwang asked the fireball guy to shine the light there.

" My god.. " Was the only thing that left Hwang's mouth upon seeing in front of him.

" This seems like the boss room, get ready. " Hwang said.

( Izuku point of view)

As we moved on carefully inside the passage, we came across a large mine of mana crystals that was there.

" Oh god, after mining this, we will be pretty rich I think it will be around 90,000 yen each. " Some guy said.

" Sorry but shouldn't it be divided in 10 parts? " I asked.

Everyone went silent for a moment, then Hwang replied.

" Off course, I know. But first, we have to take care of something else. " Hwang said as he pointed towards what was above the heap of crystals.

This surprised some people who didn't notice it other than me and Hwang.

" Hopefully, he looks asleep after eating many of the ants. " Hwang said.

" Jin, have you brought the mining gear with you. " Hwang said to the fireball guy.

" No I forgot it in the van. " Jin replied back.

" Mann, This is troublesome. I'm sorry but you will have to stay and guard this place. " Hwang turned and said to me.

" ..... " I was silent.

' ' I was thinking.

" Don't be like that, I don't think it will attack if you don't enter it's territory. This is your first C-rank gate right. So " He said as they all left me there alone.

' So, those are the main members of the team, and they cut off their 10th member to get better profits. They are the lizards. ' I was thinking.

( Meanwhile, on the entrance of the room. )

( Third person perspective )

" Jin... " Hwang said.

" Block the boss room's entrance. " He added.

" No problem. " Jin replied with a grin on his face.

( Back with Izuku )

After they left, suddenly a large explosion was heard at the entrance of the room.

' ' Izuku thought.

' ' Izuku looked back, he could feel the power of the boss was far stronger than any other monsters.

" A C-rank dungeon boss, huh. Let's see how strong you are. " Izuku said.

Author's note

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