《Izuku's leveling system. [On Hiatus]》Ruler of the Swamp


( Third person perspective.)

Izuku was standing in front of the stairs that led down to the third Underground floor of the dungeon.

Because of his Sense stat almost reaching 30, he was able to feel that whoever was down at the third floor was pretty strong.

" No, I am not gonna go back. I don't know when a chance like this is gonna come again. And this sword, it's gotten dull because of all the blood. I don't know how much longer it will last much more. " Izuku said as he put the heartstone back in his inventory.

He then proceeded to go down the stairs cautiously while looking for the powerful monster. But the total change that the place had been through was too much.

" Is this even the same place? " Izuku asked confused as to how the thing which appeared to be the Degoba subway terminal had turned into a swamp.

There was water flowing in and out from the train tracks. Izuku then noticed a dark shadowy substance lurking inside the waters, but before he could react, the tail of a giant blue serpent came rushing towards him and he got catapulted to the walls, making a large dent in it.

The giant serpent then emerged out of the water. Izuku saw the name of the serpent. It was written in The serpent's strike had caused the sword to break into two.

' . ' Izuku started thinking for a way to damage the serpent.

" Even though I levelled up, your name is still orange. So you're the of this dungeon. " Izuku said as he stood up, jerking his arms " Let's go then! " He added.

He then jumped and tried to use the broken sword to attack the serpent's body, but it was futile. The sword didn't do anything.


The blue scales of the serpent were almost as hard as if it were an armour made of steel.

" Well, I guess I'll just have to do it the hard way. " Izuku said as he rushed towards the serpent with the blade in his hands.

He ran all around the swampy area while looking for weak spots on the serpent's body. He was still trying to injure the serpent, but the serpent was faster than him.

' was going through his head. Suddenly, he remembered something. He had a Skill for speed.

" " Izuku said as his speed was increased. He jumped and landed on top of the scales and started running upwards towards the head.

When he was near the head, he jumped to land on top of his head. Then, he immediately jabbed the broken sword into the eye of the serpent. A message popped up.

[ Critical Hit! ]

He immediately followed the attack with wrapping his arms around the serpent's neck.

" If I'm not able to pierce your body, I'll just crush your scales. " Izuku said as he used all the strength he could muster and put it in his arms.

The sound of bones crunching filled the room as the serpent coiled around and unleashed it's tail around the room in the pain.

A while later it stopped the motion, and it's body plopped down on the floor.

[ You have defeated


[ Level Up! ]

[ Level Up! ]

As Izuku left the grip of his hands from the body of the serpent to look at the drops after taking back the broken sword from it's eyes. It were as follows.

[ : Rasaka's fang

: C

: Dagger

Attack : +25.

A Dagger made from the Rasaka's fang. Able to paralyze due to residual venom. Grants bleed effect.


( Effects )

: Attacked foes have

a chance to be

paralyzed and unable

to move.

: Attacked foes have

Chance to start bleeding

and lose 1% of their

Health every second. ]


[ : Rasaka's Poison Sac

: A

: Potion

A pouch that contains the venom from the ' Swamp Ruler, Blue Poison-fang Rasaka. Drinking it will give you hardened skin but weakens your strength.

( Effect )


20% Reduction to

Physical damage taken.


-35 to total strength. ]

Another message popped up from the system.

[ You have defeated

the of the dungeon.

. ]

The surrounding around Izuku instantly change back to normal and the swamp also returned to normal.

" I have got a great blade from the system, but I don't know about the other item. I know that I have immunity to poison, but will the debuff be okay, or else all of my strength will go away. " Izuku said.

" AAAHHHH!!! Here goes nothing. " He added as he swallowed the poison from the sac.

[ flows through your veins. It caused the

. And the

. ]

[ A Harmful substance

has entered the body.


the debuff. ]

[ 3...2....1...... The

. ]

" Yesss!!! It worked. " Izuku punched the air as he was leaving the subway.

He was instantly stopped by A soldier who was on duty for clearing the surrounding and keep the citizens away.

" Hey you, what are you doing here, don't you know it's blocked here. ( after looking at Izuku bloodied and with a sword ) Ohh! Are you A hero? Were you killing the monsters underground. Let me take you to the others. " The soldier said.

' . 'He thought while looking at A particular direction.

When he reached the location, he saw that there was a group of heroes who appeaed to be a C-rank were trying to defeat the giant stone golem that came out of the dungeon.

They seemed to be struggling to kill it. Seeing this, Izuku thought of helping him, he took up his sleave and threw the broken sword towards the head of the monster.

[ You have defeated


[ Level Up! ]

The broken sword hit the stone golem and caused a loud impact which caused it to topple down.

" Yeah! We killed it. " One of the heroes said.

" No, it wasn't us. We weren't even able to damage it even a little, there was something that came and hit it. " The leader of the party of heroes who were fighting it replied as he found a piece of a broken sword stuck on the golem's body.

He looked towards the direction from which the sword came from.

" Hey sir, would you happen to know the one who threw the sword." He asked as he showed him the sword.

" Oh yeah, it was a hero who is standing right here. " The soldier said as he pointed towards the place where Izuku was standing. Only to find him gone.

" That guy, whoever he or she was, is definitely a . " The leader of the C-rank heroes said to himself.

To Be Continued.



Name: Izuku midoriya. Level: 18

Job: None. Fatigue:58

Title: ' Wolf Slayer '

HP: 1056/ 2010

MP: 270 / 285


Strength: 38 Vitality: 31

Agility: 33 Intelligence: 31

Sense : 31 Luck : 31


Remaining points : 0

: 20%

Reduction to damage taken. ]

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