《Izuku's leveling system. [On Hiatus]》Level Up!


( Izuku's point of view)

As the large wolf pounced onto me, I noticed, that even though it was fast, I was still able to react to it just in time.

' ' While I was thinking, the wolf once again made a leap to catch me. But surprisingly, I jumped back an dodged it.

' ' I said to myself as the flashback of the double dungeon played in my head.

( Third person perspective )

" I am not going to allow anyone to kill me now. After all, I have already died once. " Izuku said as he took a fighting stance.

The wolf then began running towards Izuku. Seeing this, Izuku Sidestepped the wolf and countered with an uppercut straight to the jaw of the wolf.

This made the wolf fall back onto the ground. But it had quickly risen back up as if nothing had even happened.

Izuku then charged towards the wolf and unleashed a flurry of punches on it's head.

' ' Izuku said to himself.

Suddenly, Izuku remembered seeing something in his inventory that he could use. He immediately opened the inventory and took out something from it.

It was . When he was about to die in that dungeon, he had that sword in his hand. So the system had apparently stored it in the inventory for him.

He then swung the sword vertically with all his power to attack the wolf. The blade passed right through the Wolf's body and it's body was sliced clean in two halves.

Suddenly a message popped up.

[ You have defeated


[ Level Up! ]

Since the sword he swung had hit the ground, it caused the sword to make a loud noise which attracted the attention of the other mobs in the dungeon.

Two more wolves stepped out of the shadows.

" Well, come on, since I have a weapon, I am not afraid. " Izuku said as he tried to lift the sword, but the impact of the sword with the ground was so much that it had stuck on the ground.


The two wolves started running towards Izuku and started to bite and scratch him. Izuku put all his strength in his arms and was able to remove the sword from the ground.

He then proceeded to fighting the two wolves. He was able to slice one of the wolves horizontally in half.

Seeing this, the other wolf started to wince and ran away back to the shadows.

" Compared to those monsters, you are too weak. " Izuku said as he recalled the double dungeon.

" Status! " Izuku said. The status screen then came up.


Name: Izuku midoriya. Level: 2.

Job: None. Fatigue: 0

Title: ' Chosen successor of

the Symbol of peace. '

HP: 210 / 240

MP: 40 / 40


Strength: 21 Vitality: 14

Agility: 16 Intelligence: 14

Sense : 14 Luck : 14


Remaining points : 0 ]

" Okay, so when I level up, I get , and . " Izuku said after doing the calculation in his head.

" It seems, that even someone like me, can get stronger. " Izuku said as he got excited.

" I think that leveling up is a better way to grow stronger. As I get 6 points instead of 3,even though I cannot distribute it freely. " Izuku said as he picked up the sword.

He then checked the monsters for Mana crystals and took them. But there was also some more things.

[ Wolf's steel fang.



A large and sharp steel fang of the steel fanged wolf. Can be kept or sold in the . ]

The item's description had something that piqued Izuku's interest. There was A store in the system. He immediately opened the store after speaking it.


What do you want to do?


Just to see, Izuku chose the buy option. A message then popped up.

[ Your level is too low. option becomes available after ]

" I guessed something like this. " Izuku said as he sold the Wolf's fang in the store.


[ You got . ]

" Gold huh, well I guess it is exclusively for the system. "Izuku said.

" Well let's get going. If I want to get stronger as a chance like this won't come everyday. " Izuku said as he got up.

He then saw there were many wolves coming out of the shadows in front of him.

" Well, I won't die easily, so you all shouldn't die easily as well, Or I'll feel sorry. " Izuku said as he began going to the wolves and started killing them one after another.

' ' Izuku though to himself as he began killing the wolves, one after another.

[ Level Up! ] x5.


After he had killed all the wolves on that floor. He proceeded downwards, only to be greeted with another large pack of wolves.

This time, the names on their head were white, instead of red.

' ' Izuku though inadvertently.

" Well, if even someone like me can become strong, I am even willing to follow all these bullshit rules. " Izuku said as he charged towards the wolves with his sword in hand.

------------------( scene cut )-------------------

[ You have earned the


He quickly switched his title to this one as he noticed that this title was better suited for most growth in this dungeon.


You have dedicated yourself to killing each and every beast monster you come across.

( Effect )

40 % increase to all stats

and a 30% increase to

experience earned when

fighting beast type monsters. ]


There was one particular thing about this Instant Dungeon that piqued Izuku's interest. Unlike normal dungeons, the monsters Respawn here. That meant while he was busy killing the ones on the second floor, the ones on the other floor Respawned, and if he went to another floor, the ones on the second floor will respawn.

Izuku used this to his benefit as he hopped between the first and second floor until his level didn't rise any further.

He used this same stratergy as he went down the floors one after another.

Along the way, he got so used to the movements of the monsters that he could predict how they were gonna attck him.

' ' Izuku thought as he jumped up to pierce the Monkeys chest. While still in mid-air, he cut the two Panthers's necks.

[ You have defeated


[ You have defeated

] x6

By the time he reached the end of the second floor, he realised that he wasn't leveling up anymore. He had already reached level 15. His stats have improved pretty much too.

[ Status

Name: Izuku midoriya. Level: 15

Job: None. Fatigue:30

Title: ' Wolf Slayer '

HP: 1250/ 1680

MP: 240 / 240


Strength: 35 Vitality: 28

Agility: 30 Intelligence: 28

Sense : 28 Luck : 28


Remaining points : 0 ]

With his Strength and Agility above 30 and his other stats approaching 30, he could clearly tell the difference.

He was able to easily dodge the monsters without any problem. It was as if he was seeing things in slow motion during the fights. He noticed as the agility grew that

As he was standing above the staircase to the Third floor, he didn't want to go down because he was clearly able to feel that the one at the floor below was clearly pretty strong and probably the boss of the dungeon.

Izuku took out the heartstone that was dropped by some of the monsters in the dungeon, he had a total of 6 heartstones in his inventory.

" What should I do. Should I go ? Or should I ? " He questioned himself.

" What will happen to this dungeon if I leave? After all, the key disappeared as soon as I entered the dungeon. "

To be Continued.

Bonus :

[ : Rin's Steel sword

: D

: Sword

The sword left by Rin

In the Double Dungeon.

+10 Attack ]


[ : Heartstone.

Gives the Player the ability

To leave Instant dungeons

And similar dimensions

immediately. ]

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