《The Stars Are Falling: Book 1 (Sonic Boom Fanfic)》This Means War


Trix P.O.V

The sun was setting when we heard explosions near the village. We raced there as fast as we could and found an enormous army of robots, much more advanced and sophisticated than anything we'd seen before. At the head of the army, Python stood proudly. His broken fang had been repaired and he was covered in reinforced steel.

"We meet again. And I see you have unlocked the secret of the amulet." Python hissed.

"You have lost before and you will lose again." I said. Python cackled.

"Oh, but you haven't met my new friend yet!" Python said. As if on cue, a gigantic black winged lizard flew over us and clawed at my face. I dodged as quickly as I could and the sharp claw missed me by a hair's width.

"And I have an ally." Python said. Torin stepped out from the crowd.

"Please, Trix. It doesn't have to be this way. You could join us. You could be safe if you served Python's forces." Torin said. I scowled.

"You were always the coward, weren't you. Always saying grand declarations until something goes wrong. Then you change sides. This isn't the first time, but it will be the last." I growled.

"What do you mean?" Tails asked.

"He said he loved our friend, I, until she became sickly and weak. Then he abandoned her in her time of need. I could tell you were lying about how she died too. You were in a tight situation and she offered to sacrifice her life for you, didn't she? And you accepted without question, didn't you? I'm not dumb. I can tell when you're lying." I said. Torin's head hung low in shame.

"I knew it." I said between my teeth.

"Enough talk. Minions, attack." Python said, as calmly as if he were ordering them to fetch him a magazine.

My hands went down to my swords hanging at my belt. I drew them in a flash and slashed through about a dozen spider-like robots in a whirlwind of sharp metal. Thalia grabbed a nearby metal pole and hit the robots with it. So that's why I had naturally fought with a stick on my first battle on the beach when I'd first met the team. It made sense. I'd gotten it from Thalia.

Shadow and Sonic spin dashed the attackers at mind blowing speeds while Amy crushed them like bugs with her hammer. Sticks jumped up behind robots and tore them to pieces before running off yelling war cries to her next victim. Knuckles destroyed the metal nuisances with his fists.


I heard the whir of a plane engine and looked up to see Tails' plane flying overhead. He started shooting at the dragon, that I assumed was subject X. But the dragon was quicker, stronger, and more agile.

I flew over as fast as I could to where he was so I could help. I landed on the scaly reptile's back and impaled my swords in its back. I forced them as far as I could and twisted them. The lizard let out a deafening shriek. I clung to my swords to avoid falling off as the dragon flew about wildly, crashing into trees and houses.

Thalia saw this and rushed to help. She impaled the sharp end of the metal pipe she was using into the skin of the dragon right next to where I'd planted my swords.

"Hello, dear sister." Thalia said.

"What do we do?" I asked.

"We need to get to his heart." Thalia said. Right then, my swords slid out of my hands and I plummeted to the ground below. I started spinning my tails but not quick enough. I crashed through the roof of a building before landing on the floor of a house. I looked over my shoulder to see a large group of families huddled in the corner of the house. A few young men were pointing various blades at me.

"What are you doing here? It's not safe here! Get to Eggman's base before you get hurt!" I said.

"I never thought our heroes would betray us." one of the young men said.

"Yeah! Making us go to Eggman's! The very one who's attacking us right now!" another said.

"Eggman isn't attacking! It's Chimera! A new foe! Eggman is out right now! You need to get to a safe place before-" I was cut off when someone burst through the door. It was a familiar antelope. He was holding a knife with blood dripping from it.

"W-what did you..." my voice trailed off.

"Families were hiding in solid houses. It was my job to rat them out." he said. I could hear the guilt in his voice but he was unforgivable.

"Killing civilians? I can't believe you." I said. I didn't have my swords but I wouldn't let Torin hurt these people.

"Stand b-back!" one young man exclaimed, holding out his knife. Torin lunged towards him with his knife. The world slowed. Torin brought his knife down on the man but I jumped forward. I pushed the man aside and the knife penetrated my shoulder. I winced.


"T-Trix, I-" Torin stuttered.

"Save it." I said, grasping the knife and pulling it out of my arm. I punched Torin in the stomach and kicked him violently, sending him flying backwards into a wall. I pressed the knife to his neck.

"P-please! I was wrong! Give me a second chance!" he pleaded.

"Coward." I said, punching him in the face. His head banged against the wall behind him and he fell unconscious, blood dripping from the back of his head.

"Can you manage this traitor?" I asked the group of people.

"We have some rope." a woman said.

"Great. I have you to stay huddled in that corner. And if an enemy comes, shout for help. If you see Shadow the Hedgehog or a fox that looks like me but with darker fur, they're on our side." I said, racing out the door.

I looked up and saw that Thalia was still hanging onto the dragon. He had pulled out both of my swords and was holding them in one hand. When she saw me, her expression turned to relief and she tossed me my blades. The flying lizard swooped down and I raised my sword. I sliced right through the middle of the beast's stomach, but my swords didn't penetrate too deep.

Tails was blasting robots and occasionally firing shots at the dragon. Sonic and Shadow were fighting Python in a losing battle while Sticks, Amy and Knuckles were slowly getting overwhelmed by robot minions. I need to intervene.

I slashed a few robots while passing by my three friends in need and dashed to where Sonic and Shadow were fighting Python.

I let out a war cry before slicing my sword through Python's eye. He howled in pain before lunging towards me, fangs bared. Right then, a spider bot shot a sticky substance at my feet. I struggled but it was no use. I was stuck. Shadow and Sonic simultaneously spin dashed the serpent but the snake just opened wide and both of them disappeared down Python's throat.

"No!" I yelled. Thalia dropped down form the lizard, pole in hand.

"I need to save Shadow." Thalia said.

"But how?" I asked as Thalia freed me from the spider robot's sticky substance.

Thalia leaped in the air and jumped into the snake's throat, sticking her pole in his mouth as she went down so that Python's jaw was stuck open. The serpent shook and whirled its head around in attempt to dislodge the metal pipe. I stuck one sword into his back and fended off the spider bots swarming around their master. Tails dropped a few grenades on the outer shell of Python's armor to weaken it before shooting at the dragon again.

The dragon was slowly climbing higher and higher up into the sky. That couldn't be good. It was definitely planning something.

I let my primal instincts take over and aim one sword at the dragon's heart. I took a deep breath and hurled it as high as I could. The sword went right through the flying lizard's heart as it came plummeting down to earth. Its bloody corps crashed on top of Python.

Most of the spider bots had been smashed by then thanks to Sticks, Amy, and Knuckles. Suddenly I heart a snapping noise. I saw that Python had snapped Thalia's pole in two. He slithered towards my friends who got in defensive positions. I realized that Thalia was still in there.

I was about to rush to their aid when my vision turned blurry. I felt a sharp pain in my back, piercing all the way to my heart.

I fell to my knees.

"I'm sorry. But I wanted to prove to you that I wasn't a coward." I heard a voice say. I turned around to see Torin.

"Well played." I said.

"I escaped from the people in the house. They're still alive if you wanted to die in good conscience." Torin said, a single tear rolling down his cheek. I almost felt sorry for him. Almost.

"Who said I'm going to die?" I said, I got back up on my feet, ignoring the writhing pain in my back. My clothes were soaked and I was feeling a bit light headed from blood loss. I picked up the one remaining sword I had.

Suddenly, a piercing war cry was heard. I turned my head in python's direction to see Thalia burst out of the serpent's stomach with Shadow and Sonic. The robot's limp body dropped to the ground as its distorted voice wailed.

"It's over." I said.

"No, it isn't." Torin said.

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