《The Stars Are Falling: Book 1 (Sonic Boom Fanfic)》Ice Cream


We rushed to town and saw Eggman destroying buildings and attacking innocent civilians.

"Team Sonic is here!" they cried when they saw us. Sonic came shortly after and Trix flew to the scene.

"You! Well, there's no water around this time!" Eggman said when he saw her.

"I don't need water." she said, pulling out her extendable swords.

"Thanks, to my newest invention, the Evil Ray, all of you will be turned to the side of evil!" Eggman cackled.

"Fat chance!" Sonic said, attacking some scorpion bots.

I hopped into my plane and started shooting the robots from the air. The rest of the gang punched, sliced and smashed them from ground level. Seeing as he was being defeated, Eggman started unleashing his weapon. He smiled evilly as he saw that Trix was surrounded by scorpion bots with nowhere to go.

Before I could react, Eggman fired his weapon. He missed the first time, but he got her square in the chest the second.

"Trix!" I yelled. She seemed unaffected by the ray. I didn't see any injuries on her skin. She was just dazed for a moment before she sliced the scorpion bots to pieces.

"I think she's ok!" Amy said, smashing some crab bots with her hammer.

Suddenly, Trix jumped up in the air and landed behind Eggman. She put her blades against his neck, immobilizing him.

"Command your robots to stand down or you lose your head." she growled.

"But I love my head!" Eggman whined. Trix pressed her swords deeper into Eggman's neck, drawing a bit of blood.

"Trix! What are you doing?" I yelled. This wasn't like her.

"Ok! Ok!" Eggman said, pressing a button on his remote control and making all his robots return to his lair.


Trix released him and hopped down from his Eggmobile.

"What was that all about?" Sonic asked.

"You have to be stricter to get something done." she said.

"Want to go get an ice cream?" I asked.

"I don't have time for a stupid-" she started. A rock flew out of nowhere and hit her hard on the head, making her crumple onto the floor.

"Trix!" I cried.

"I had to be done." Sticks said.

"What? You threw it? Why?" I asked.

"Don't you know? The only way to cure evilizing rays is getting hit hard in the head!" Sticks said.

"That's nonsense!" Sonic said.

"You guys never believe me!" Sticks said.

"Ow, my head..." Trix said, getting up and rubbing the place where the rock had hit her.

"How ya' feeling'?" Sticks asked.

"Weird. Like I was bent on hurting people. It was terrifying. At least it's over." she said.

"See? I told you so!" Sticks said.

"Well, I asked you whether you wanted to go for an ice cream but-" I started.

"Sure! That sounds great!" Trix said. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in. I guess I was pretty nervous around her.

We decided to go to this cute ice cream shop downtown. It was pretty empty but had delicious ice cream according to Knuckles.

We pushed the door open and stepped inside. There must have been dozens of ice cream flavors. It took a couple minutes just to go through them all.

"How about we share an ice cream?" Trix asked. I blushed.

"Sure!" I said. We ordered a three scoop ice cream with raspberry, lemon, and mango. We were glad the girl at the counter was way too engulfed in her phone to notice who we were and the other customers didn't seem to pay us much attention.


But just as we were about to leave, the girl seated at the nearest table gave a fangirl scream. Everyone in the shop turned to her, then to us.

"We better go, now..." Trix said. We dashed out of the store with our ice cream and went home. When we were far enough away from town, we started eating the ice cream (with spoons). Knuckles was right. They did have amazing ice cream! We finished it and I ate the cone.

However, we frowned when we saw reporters in front of my house.

"There usually aren't this many at your house. they usually go to Sonic's..." Trix said.

When the reporters saw us, they all ran towards us, bombarding us with so many questions that I couldn't hear any of them.

Trix P.O.V

The reporters showered us with questions and it was so overwhelming that I put my hands on my ears and walked strait towards the workshop. Of course, they wouldn't let me pass.

"Can you all shut up so I can hear myself think?!" I shouted.

"Take it easy." Tails said.

"Ok. We'll answer your questions but only one at a time." I said.

"How long have you been part of Team Sonic?" one reporter asked.

"One day." I said.

"How long did it take you to join them?" another asked.

"A couple weeks." I said.

"Are you dating someone?" a third reporter asked. I blushed.

"No." I answered.

"Tails! How do you feel about breaking up with Zoey?"

"I guess I didn't realize she wasn't the right one for me." he replied.

"Do you think Trix could be the right one? You are about the same age..."

"What! No! What are you talking about?" Tails said, blushing wildly. He was kind of cute when he was flustered. My cheeks turned slightly rosy at the thought, but I quickly chased it away. No, I wasn't going to think about that. Not ever.

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