《The Stars Are Falling: Book 1 (Sonic Boom Fanfic)》Drama


Trix P.O.V

I couldn't believe it. Tails and Torin both liked me. It was the best and worst day of my life all at the same time. I only liked one of them as a friend but I had a crush on the other. If I told him my true feelings, would the other guy be upset?

I ran towards Amy's house after a long walk and knocked on her door.

"Do you mind if I stay here for a bit?" I asked.

"Sure, why not. What's up." she asked.

"Boy trouble." I said. But the minute I stepped inside, I fur stood on end and my tails frizzed up. Tails, Torin, Sonic, Sticks and Knuckles were there already.

"On second thought, I-I... Um... Need to go somewhere in... later?" I said, blushing furiously. I dashed out of the door. Phew! I needed some time to digest the situation before I could act normally around him again. I wasn't going to make a complete fool of myself in front of the guy I liked.

Sonic P.O.V

Trix was so dense at Meh Burger, it was killing me. She was completely oblivious to Tails and Torin drooling all over her and fighting over her.

Something must have happened after that. Tails and Torin kept asking us which one of them had a better chance with Trix. Apparently, they discovered that she liked someone whose name started with the letter 'T'. In the middle of our conversation, we heard someone knock at the door.

We were all baffled to see Trix.

"Speak of the devil..." I muttered. I hoped she hadn't heard our conversation. When she blushed furiously and ran away, I knew Torin and Tails hadn't told me the whole story.

"What's up with her?" I asked.


"Nothing!" Torin and Tails said in unison.

"Come on! Spill!" Amy said.

"She knows." Tails said.

"About both of you?" I asked.

"Yeah. And we're positive she likes one of us." Tails said.

"Me, to be exact. You don't stand a chance, nerd!" Torin cackled.

"Hey! If you're going to be a jerk, get out of my house! You aren't welcome at any of team Sonic's members houses anymore!" Amy yelled angrily.

"Fine! I don't need you!" Torin scoffed and stormed out of the house.

"You know, I kind of hope he never wins her heart. I don't want her being with such a jerk." I said.

"You said it." Sticks said.

"Wait, what did he say?" Knuckles asked.

Tails P.O.V

"Oh! I forgot! I have to give Trix her new communicator so she can be alerted when team Sonic is needed." I said.

Suddenly, Amy's phone exploded with notifications.

"Trix has become a huge chat topic on the internet." she said.

"Are they saying good things or bad things?" I asked.

"Well, everyone says she's pretty and young and really helps give team Sonic a fresh image." Amy replied, passing the phone to Sticks.

"Literally every teenage guy is drooling all over her. Including you." Sticks said to me.

"Hey! It doesn't say that." I complained, trying to take the phone from her hands, she passed it to Sonic instead.

"Wait! Listen to this! If you two had kids, how many tails would they have? Five?" Sonic asked.

"None! She can't even have kids! She's sterile!" I said, jumping up and down trying to get the phone.

Suddenly a notification beeped on my communicator.

"Eggman's attacking the town!" I exclaimed.

"We better get moving!" Amy said.

"All right! Let's smash some robots!" Knuckles said.

"I'll go get Trix." Sonic said.

"Okay! Meet you there!" I said.

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