《The Stars Are Falling: Book 1 (Sonic Boom Fanfic)》Chimera


Trix P.O.V

I opened my eyes. It was dark and damp. Oh, wait. That was just the wet towel on my forehead that had slid down onto my eyes. I peeled it off my face and looked around. I was on my bed in Tails' workshop. The last thing I remembered was... Oh no. It had happened again! But this time, to Tails as well. I had to find out what was going on. I couldn't afford to do nothing while this affected Tails too.

I decided to start where the gang had found me. I changed into some long jeans and wore a leather jacket over my usual blue tank top. I packed my bag and headed out the door when I heard Tails call for me.

"Trix! Wait! Where are you going?" he asked.

"To the place where you guys found me. Maybe I'll find a clue as to what happened last night." I said.

"Well, I'm coming with you. There's no way I'm letting you go on a dangerous mission all by yourself." Tails said.

"Your too kind." I said, planting a kiss on his cheek. He blushed as red as Knuckles.

"Well, let's go." I said. Tails led me to a grassy field. He pointed to a depression in the ground.

"That's where we found you. Sonic was running really fast and tripped over you." Tails said. I observed every inch of the grass.

"Look at those footprints!" I said, pointing to some light tracks in the grass.

"They're probably Sonic's." Tails said.

"No, those are Sonic's." I said, pointing to another pair of footprints that were much deeper, obviously made by a fast runner.

"Then whose are those?" Tails asked.

"Well, they come towards the depression in the ground but don't go back. They must be mine." I said.


"How can you tell?" Tails asked. I shrugged.

"Isn't it obvious?" I asked. We followed the footprints through the forest to the deepest part of the jungle. Few had ever ventured there. We were surprised to see a large building with the name 'Chimera' in bold letters at the top. We crept inside, only to find that there was no one in sight.

We heard a cry of distress coming from behind a door. We rushed towards it and tried opening it. Big mistake. Alarms blared. Robot guards rushed to the scene.

"Subject R has completed protocol TRIX. Subject R has returned with an outsider. Permission to terminate the outsider?" One of the guards said into his walky talky. I held Tails close to me. There was no way I was going to let them hurt him.

"Negative. Keep the outsider with Subject R. He may be linked to why only Subject R has returned." said the voice from the other side. I didn't know why, but I knew that I was Subject R. Vague memories were coming back to me.

A guard handcuffed me to Tails and dragged us towards a cell.

"Let us go!" Tails yelled.

"It's no use." I said.

"Don't give up now!" he said.

"No, it's all coming back to me. I was a lab experiment. One of four creatures that formed protocol TRIX. The four experiments were released with a brainwashing pill in their system. The pill makes the subject very drowsy and erases their memories. The completion of protocol TRIX would involve the voluntary return of a subject to Chimera. Chimera is this association." I explained.

"So we just played into their hands!" Tails said.

"Actually, the protocol was meant for the subjects to return voluntarily back to their 'home'. But that's not the case for me. Chimera also injected us with the Chimera virus which grants Chimera temporary control over the infected person. It's also contagious. That must be why it spread to you!" I said.


"So, why did Chimera do these things anyway?" Tails asked.

"This part, I found out when I was released. Foxes are naturally more resistant against brainwashing pills and I was the only fox subject. I snuck into the top secret basement and stole this amulet. It's an ancient relic that grants control over water. I replaced it with a fake. While I was down there, I also saw plans for an army of... things like me, programmed in their DNA to return home. If we try to escape, we'll probably come back anyway." I said.

"So this is a catch 22!" Tails said.

"Exactly." I replied. I tucked the amulet into my shirt so no one would notice it.

"What are they going to do to us?" Tails asked, obviously worried.

"I don't know, but they probably won't hurt us." I said. I suddenly let out a yelp. A giant laser canon in front of us was aimed right at us. "Or not!"

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