《The Stars Are Falling: Book 1 (Sonic Boom Fanfic)》Breakup


Tails P.O.V.:

It had been a few weeks since we found Trix. She was amazing. She liked inventing just like me, she had an amulet that gives her powers, she cooked well, and everything about her was amazing.

She had abandoned her search for her past because she told me that with great friends like us, she didn't need a past because her future was bright. How could you get more awesome than that?

Ok, and yeah... I might have had a teensy weensy romantic attraction to her. But I was happy with Zoey and I was perfectly fine with Trix being just a friend.

Speaking of Zoey... We were strolling around town one evening.

"Hey! I have a new friend I would like to introduce you to." I said.

"Really? What's she like?" Zoey asked.

"Well, she's a fox, she likes inventing so she lives in my workshop now, she has three tails, and she cooks well." I replied.

"She sounds... great." Zoey said, a bit unenthusiastically.

I led her to my workshop. Trix was welding together some sort of giant particle accelerator.

"What'cha makin' Trix?" I asked.

"Nothing much. Just trying to see if I can make a particle accelerator out of old cans." she said.

"Great. This is my girlfriend Zoey." I said.

"Wow! Zoey! I've heard so much about you! Tails has told me so many wonderful things about you! It's nice to finally get to meet you!" Trix said, taking off her gloves and safety equipment and giving Zoey a big hug.

"And I've heard so much about you!" Zoey said. It was nice to see that the two of them got along so well.

"Oh, by the way. Tails, I fished out a universal translator from the sea earlier. I cleaned it up and fixed it." Trix said.


"UT?" I asked.

"Is that really the robot that Sticks threw into the sea?" said a robotic voice. UT rolled out from behind the particle accelerator.

"What does it do?" Zoey asked.

"What does this robot do anyway? I hope it doesn't do anything lame like the others." said UT

"I guess it just translated what you said into what you really mean." Trix said.

"Well, that's just dumb." Zoey said.

"That is bad. What if it reveal to Tails that I think his inventions are lame?" said UT.

"What?!" Tails sputtered.

"That can't be? You think my inventions are lame? After all this time we've been together?" translated UT.

"No, that thing must be broken." Zoey said, sweating.

"I've been trying to give you subtle hints but eventually I gave up since I knew you would take it badly." said UT.

"I can't believe it!" Tails said.

"I can't believe that I thought you liked me for who I am, instead of just because I saved you from Eggman once!" said UT.

"That's not true!" Zoey said.

"That's true I thought you were a hero type but you turned out to be some inventor nerd." UT translated.

"Well... Shame on you, then!" Tails yelled.

"This is your fault." UT translated.

"My fault? I can't help it if some poor guy had a massive crush on me!" Zoey said.

"If that's what you think, we're done." translated UT.

"Fine!" Tails yelled.

"I never want to see you again!" UT said.

"Fine!" Zoey said, storming out of the workshop.

"Yikes." Trix said.

I sighed and slumped against the wall, my face in my hands.

"What have I done?" I said.


"You could always go and apologize to her." Trix said.

"No, I know that she's not the right one for me anymore." Tails said.

"Then why are you sad?" Trix asked.

"It's just a little hard to let go after so long." I said.

"Well, love is like... taking the subway. You always have to hold on to something, otherwise, you'll fall. But sometimes you'll have to let go of something to get hold of something else. And you're likely to fall in the process. But you try anyway. No matter the risks." Trix said.

"I don't think I get it, but thanks anyway." I said.

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