《The Stars Are Falling: Book 1 (Sonic Boom Fanfic)》Bonding


I slowly opened my eyes. I felt terrible. I sat up and groaned. Tails was sitting on a stool next to me.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You somehow summoned a giant tidal wave and wiped out all of Eggman's robots!" Tails said.

"Why do I feel so terrible?" I asked.

"According to my scans, the energy needed to create the tidal wave was drained from your own energy reserves. You overexerted yourself and passed out." Tails said.

"For how long?" I asked.

"Forty-eight hours." Tails replied.

"What?! Really? Oh, man..." I said.

"How do you do it?" Tails asked.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Summon the tidal wave." he said.

"I don't know, I just did it. It felt natural. I think it had something to do with my amulet." I said.

"Weird." he said.

"Yeah. I want to find out about who I am. Where did you find me? There's got to be some kind of clue there." I said.

"I'll take you there." Tails said.

The door opened and Sonic, Amy, Knuckles and Sticks came in.

"How you feeling?" Sonic asked.

"A bit groggy, but otherwise fine." I replied.

"What you did back there with the big wave was pretty cool." Amy said.

"Not cool." Sonic muttered.

"What was that?" I asked, completely aware of what he had said.

"Nothing." he groaned.

"Thought so." I said.

"Sonic is afraid of water." Sticks said.

"What?! No I'm not!" Sonic said.

"And yet you admitted it to us. You just can't admit your fears in front of pretty girls, can you?" Amy said. Sonic rolled his eyes.I laughed. It was fun hanging around these people.

"I still think she's an alien. But maybe she's the good kind. I don't know." Sticks said.


"How long has Eggman been attacking you?" I asked.

"Well, he started attacking eight years ago. We've been enemies ever since. But recently his attacks have been harder to beat." Tails said.

"So eight years, huh... How old were you back then?" I asked.

"Eight. Sonic was fifteen. Knuckles was sixteen. Amy was twelve and Sticks... I don't know, she never tells us." Tails said.

"No one can be trusted with the valuable knowledge of my name. No one!" Sticks screeched.

"So, if my math is correct, Tails is sixteen, Sonic is twenty-three, Amy is twenty, Knuckles is twenty-four and Sticks' age is still unknown." I said.

"Yeah." Tails said.

"Cool. I think I'm sixteen?" I said.

"Just like me!" Tails exclaimed.

"So, we were wondering... Even though you were a bit reckless yesterday, you could be valuable to the team, especially in a time like this." Sonic said.

"So... I'm part of the team now?" I asked, excited.

"Well, not yet. But you could be really soon." Sonic said.

"Yes!" I said, jumping up in the air and zipping around the room with my new flight abilities.

"Hey! You learned how to fly!" Tails said.

"Yeah! It's really fun!" I said.

"Um, that's enough flying for today. I don't want you to break something in my hut." Sonic said.

"Oh, oops! Sorry!" I said, dropping down to the floor.

"So do you all live here?" I asked.

"No, just me and Tails. Sticks has a burrow, Amy lives in another house and Knuckles is a nomad." Sonic explained.

"We'll show you around." Tails said, grabbing my hand and running out of Sonic's hut. He led me and the gang to a large building. We stepped inside and I was blown away by all the inventions inside.


"Wow! Is that a micro-atom subatomic converter machine?" I asked pointing to a large machine that was not yet finished.

"Well, a micro-atom is subatomic by definition." Tails said.

"No it isn't, since, by definition, subatomic means lesser than the size of an atom. Since a micro-atom is still an atom, therefore it is not subatomic." I said.

"Hmm... I hadn't thought of that! That's probably why it always fails! I can't mix the micro-atom converter with the subatomic charger!" Tails said.

"And you need an ionic charge too." I said.

"Of course! Otherwise the effect is irreversible! You're a genius!" Tails exclaimed.

"Oh, great! Now two people are talking all weird!" Knuckles cried.

"Wow, they're so alike it's almost scary." I heard Sonic mutter.

"But it's still nice to have another girl on the team." Amy said.

"What about me?" Sticks said.

"Well, I can't exactly do girl activities with you." Amy said.

"True." Sticks said.

"Anyone else hungry?" Knuckles asked.

"We could hit Meh Burger." Sonic suggested.

"'Meh Burger'? What kind of name is that?" I asked.

"Well, all they sell is mediocre food, so the name is quite fitting." Sonic said.

"Well, I'll gladly cook." I said.

"It's ok." Sonic said.

"No, really. I really want to be a part of this team, one way or another." I said, determined.

"Well, if you insist." Sonic said.

I dashed to Sonic's kitchen, only to find that it was seriously lacking ingredients to cook.

"How do you survive like this?" I asked.

"I eat chili dogs." Sonic said.

"Well, I can't cook if you've got nothing." I said.

"I can go pick up the groceries if that's where this is going." Sonic said.

"Thanks. Here's a shopping list." I said, handing with a scrap of paper. He dashed out of the house.

"Anyone have dietary restrictions?" I asked.

"What's a dietary restriction?" Knuckles asked.

"It's when you can'y eat something." Amy said.

"Well, I can't eat rocks, or trees, or metal." Knuckles said. Amy face palmed and sighed.

"No one has any dietary restrictions here." she said. A moment later, Sonic dashed back home with the groceries.

I immediately got to work. I prepared a bechamel sauce with cheese and poured it over pasta with a side of sole meuniere and grilled asparagus. I set the table and served everyone. As everyone took their first bite, their eyes widened. I face palmed.

"It's the bechamel, right? I knew I should have stirred more vigorously!" I said.

"No! This is amazing!" Tails said.

"I am never eating at Meh Burger again!" Sonic said.

"I can't believe you made them enjoy French cuisine!" Amy said.

"This is good! You have got to cook for us every day!" Knuckles said.

"Whatever planet you're from, they sure have good food there." Sticks said, digging into her meal.

"Well, it wasn't much, really." I said.

"Don't be so humble. This is the best thing I have ever tasted!" Tails said.

"Thank you!" I said.

We spent the rest of the evening laughing, talking and having a good time. I was starting to think that even though I lost my memory, I still had great friends who were there for me.

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