《The Stars Are Falling: Book 1 (Sonic Boom Fanfic)》Friends?


I jolted up, which I immediately regretted. My head spun. I put a hand to my head and slowly got to my feet.

"No, you should lay back down! You don't seem well." said one of the five people surrounding me. She seemed to be a hedgehog. She had pink and beige fur as well as pink hair held back by a headband. She wore a dark pink dress and pink sneakers. She carried a menacing hammer that made me edge away form her.

"Don't worry, Amy won't hurt you unless you flirt with Sonic." Another one said jokingly. He was about my height. He was a yellow, two-tailed fox who wore a sort of utility belt/harness. The pink hedgehog, who I assumed was Amy, glared daggers at him.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Don't worry. You're in our hut. You're safe." said another one. He was a blue hedgehog wearing a brown scarf and red shoes.

"She's an alien sent here to destroy us!" said an orange and brown badger.

"Really?" asked a tall, muscular, red echidna. I observed each and every one of them. For some reason, it seemed strange that the people around me were animals. I felt like this should have been something freaky for me, but who was I to speak? I couldn't remember anything.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Sonic." said the blue hedgehog, who the two-tailed fox had mentioned before.

"I'm Tails." said the fox in question.

"I'm Amy. This is Sticks." Amy said gesturing towards the badger who narrowed her eyes at me.

"And I'm Knuckles." said the red echidna.

"What's your name?" Tails asked.

"I'm... Um... I don't know." I said.

"See! I'm not the dumbest person in the world after all!" said Knuckles.

"Knuckles!" Sonic scolded.

"She probably has amnesia." Tails said.

"What's that?" Knuckles asked.

"It's when you lose your memory due to external damage to the brain or mental disorders or diseases." Tails explained.

"Didn't quite get that. But, oh well." Knuckles said.

"Well, what are we going to call you?" Sonic asked. I shrugged.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Amy asked.


"Um... I think I was dying. I was being crushed." I said hesitantly.

"That's impossible. I scanned you and you didn't have anything broken. You were just unconscious. We found you in the forest." Tails said.

I got up again and tried to walk a few steps when I tripped over something fluffy. I got up to see what it was and was surprised to find that I had three tails.

"I don't think I had these before." I said.

"Well, you can't grow a tail overnight." Tails said. I looked at myself in a nearby mirror. I was a sky blue fox just like Tails, but with three tails. I wore a turquoise sleeveless shirt and navy denim shorts. I had long light blue hair with white tips in a braid. I noticed that I had a glowing blue amulet around my neck.

I looked at myself. This didn't feel like me. I felt like I was wearing someone else's skin.

"This probably sounds weird, but I feel like this isn't how I'm supposed to look like." I said.

"That does sound weird. Hey, look!" Tails said, pointing to something stitched near the seam of my shirt.

"'Trix'." I read.

"Doesn't sound like any clothing brand I've ever heard of." Amy said.

"Maybe that's my name?" I said, unsure.

"Ok, we'll call you Trix, then." Tails said.

"Yeah, I think that feels right." I said.

"Now you just need to learn to walk." Knuckles said.

"It feels weird having three extra limbs." I said, swishing my tails around.

"Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it. And soon, you'll be able to fly!" Tails said, spinning his tails like helicopter blades and lifting off the floor.

"Wow! That's so cool!" I said.

"Yeah, well, not as cool as this!" Sonic said. He started dashing around the room so fast, all I saw was a blue blur. He stopped and glanced at me, obviously expecting praise.

Suddenly, an overwhelming feeling came over me. I felt like I was being commanded to hit someone. More specifically, Sonic. I walked over to him and punched him. Hard. In the face. He fell to the ground, dazed (probably with a mild concussion too)


"Hey, what's the big idea?" Amy said, raising her hammer. I didn't respond. I just stood there, frozen. I felt as if my actions weren't my own, like I was being controlled by someone else. She waved her hand over my eyes. I didn't react.

"Could she be one of Eggman's robots?" Amy asked. Sonic got up with difficulty and faced me.

"I don't know, but just in case." Sonic said before wrapping me up with a rope.

"That's impossible, my scans from earlier confirmed that she was real." Tails said.

"Yeah, but she could be mind-controlled." Sonic said.

"Or she could be an alien!" Sticks screamed frantically before running away.

"Wait, I think I know how to fix her." Tails said. I still stood there perfectly still. I felt a pinching sensation on my neck. Then, I collapsed on the ground. Everything went black.

The sound of clanging metal and explosions.

The ground shaking.

The feeling of being picked up.

The sensation of a cool, damp towel being placed on my forehead.

Then, it all started over.

An explosion very close to me woke me up. My eyes flew open. A wet towel was on my forehead. I peeled it off and looked around. I gasped. A bald man with a well-groomed mustache was floating around on a hovering vehicle, commanding an army of giant robots. Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles and Sticks were fending them off but I could tell they were outmatched.

I had to help them. I broke a solid-looking branch off a tree and twirled it around like a bo staff. I didn't know why I did that. It just felt right. I charged a smaller robot and hit it with my stick in its weak spot. I did the same to a dozen other of them before one of the larger robots started shooting laser beams at me. I dodged the first two, but the third hit me in the shoulder. Another one was shot and blasted me in the leg. I groaned and limped out of the way. I took cover behind a tree. The pain was searing.

Sonic dashed up to me, a worried expression on his face.

"Stay out of this. Regular people can't fight Dr. Eggman. Especially since his attacks have had a higher success rate recently." Sonic said. I snorted. I was going to prove to him that I was no 'regular person'. I spun my triple tails and lifted off the ground. I tried going up, down and sideways. Three tails packed a surprising power to weight ratio. I flew to the the nearest giant robot and forced the stick into its power source.

I battled a few more smaller robots despite my injuries. I wasn't destroying many robots compared to the gang but I helped a little. Sony noticed me fighting again and pulled me aside.

"I told you to stay out of this. You're injured." Sonic said.

"I don't care." I said.

"No! Tails! Keep an eye on her!" Sonic shouted to his fox sidekick.

"Geez, I don't need a babysitter..." I muttered. I observed the amulet around my neck. It was pulsing. I wondered what it did.

I ran to the beach and intercepted a robot that was about to blast Amy. It ended up blasting my stick, leaving me defenseless.

"Hey! Come back here! I'm supposed to be keeping you from fighting in that condition!" Tails yelled after me.

The robot was advancing on me. I raised my fists, knowing it wouldn't do much good. Then, without thinking, I dived into the ocean.

My amulet started glowing like a million stars. My wounds immediately healed. I felt power surging through my veins. I realized that I could breath underwater. Without thinking, I raised my hands as if I'd done it a million times before. I huge tidal wave barreled towards the beach. I swept my hand towards Eggman's robots and the tidal wave changed directions, charging towards our enemies. Half of them were washed away and the other half broke down because of the water in their circuits.

"Curse you, Sonic! I'll get you next time!" Dr. Eggman said, retreating on his hovering vehicle. Then, I suddenly felt exhausted. I sank towards the bottom of the sea, my consciousness slowly slipping away.

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