《The Man Between The Pages {Jikook} [completed]》~I regret everything~


visited his house in Japan yesterday... two police officers. His neighbor called me... Did we even have to do this?'' Hoseok closed his eyes in guilt.

''I wasn't planning on letting Jimin know but seeing that he is doing a terrible job, I am really tempted to tell him. Maybe we can scare him a bit like that'' Yoongi fell on the bed, completely ignoring Hoseok's gaze.

''You made me have someone's blood on my hands... I didn't want this!'' he shouted.

''Oh please darling... I didn't oblige you to do anything. You just agreed with my plan and followed my instructions perfectly. In contrast to you, I have never killed a man'' Yoongi teased him, Hoseok eyes piercing his body like a million needles simultaneously.

''If I brought Jimin and Jungkook in front of you, you wouldn't even hesitate'' the raven haired retorted.

''I would never lay my fingers on Jungkook...for now at least. Killing him would be the easiest solution and I am a complicated man. Jimin is a whole other story... since he is failing his mission, he really has it coming. I wanted Jungkook to stop writing and Jimin to stop existing, is it too incomprehensible?'' Yoongi chuckled, getting the metallic chain out of his cupboard.

''If you think I am sitting here to have sex with you, you are so fucking mistaken'' Hoseok growled and stood up, making his way to the door, flinching instantly when Yoongi's fingers engulfed his wrist like a handcuff.

''Οh, come on darling. We have tried so many things on our bed. Why would chains hurt?''.


''So Yoongi was controlling you and you were controlling me?''.

''It sounds even worse when it comes from my favorite pair of lips'' Jimin lowered his gaze.

He knew that things wouldn't ever be the same ever again. Jimin would do the same if he was in his lover's position. He was still thankful that Jungkook didn't fight him or push him away but he could still sense the repulsion in the younger man's eyes. The guilt, the betrayal, the disgust... Jungkook was indeed the strongest person he had ever met.

''It sounds even worse when the man you love is the one doing it to you'' Jungkook uttered explosively.

Jimin's heart clutched in pain yet he didn't say anything. He was going to let the younger take all his anger on him.

''I was never like this... I don't even want to apologize for saying it yet I still love you so fucking much'' he closed his eyes shut, not recognizing his own self. So that's what love is? Getting hurt over and over again while you are desperately trying to make things work? ''I feel like you have to complete the world's hardest task to gain back my trust''.


''I am hard to love, I know that... Yet you made it seem so easy Kook. But please, I beg you don't give up on me too. I promised I will fix it, I won't fuck up this time'' he mumbled in an undertone.

''Jimin'' he murmured the name, ''I am the type of person who gives people many chances despite getting hurt. And just like you said it, when nobody wanted you for your real self I fell in love with it. Not with the cunning liar but with the real Park Jimin. The only reason for me to give up on someone is to hurt me more than I love him'' Jungkook explained.

''But... But you gave me a chance''.

''I just love you so much. Have you ever fucking hated yourself for loving someone?'' Jungkook cursed at the older.

''I am sorry''.

''Don't apologize. Trusting you was only my mistake, not yours''.

Amongst all pains betrayal was the most harrowing one and Min Yoongi knew that.

He was controlling two men with a movement of his hand and he knew that too.

He was completely unaware of one thing... the two men were going to stab him in the back that is. Just like he did to both of them.


At night

''I think you should get some sleep''.

''I can't sleep knowing he might be seeing me''.

''I have told you Kook... Ι have removed all the cameras. I swear'' Jimin promised. ''But you don't believe me'' he chuckled nervously.

''Can you blame me Jimin? From all I know, you may have lied about whatever you have said and this might be happening in my head all this time''.

''Please go to sleep. Do it for yourself. I know you are tired'' he spoke. Despite being too exhausted himself, he wasn't going to drift off. He was going to sit in the living room, his eyes on the alert and patiently waiting for the right time to repair what he caused.

Jungkook didn't listen to the man's words, simply throwing himself on the couch allowing his body to get some rest even if his mind couldn't. His calloused hands gripped on the covers, the thought that someone was watching him still playing tricks with his mind. Exceedingly dejected and disapprobation flooding his senses, Jungkook felt his anger building up yet he tried to suppress it knowing that he was going to have a meltdown and lash it out against Jimin.

Jimin brought a chair next to the door and sat there, feeling as an intruder not just in the house but in Jungkook's personal space. Guilt was eating his guts from inside and out, the cold slap Jungkook had given him playing like a broken vinyl record repetitively in his head.


He wanted t make things right, not that the situation was extremely common. A woman cries, comfort her, a person dies, let the relatives remember the pretty memories. A man crying because he now feels dead inside is a whole, new story for Jimin...

''Your favorite melody is ''Four Seasons'', right?'' Jimin stood up from his chair and made his way to the turntable.

''Yes, it is... how do you know that?'' he questioned but Jimin's look gave it away. ''Nevermind, don't answer that''.

The blond placed the record on the stylus and the mellifluous melody flooded the room, instantly calming the younger man down. The said tune was always a form of escapism to Jungkook yet he didn't know if his thoughts could stop being so deprecating. His chestnut eyes averted to Jimin who was softly mumbling the tune under his breath, his head slowly moving to the rhythm.

Why did he have to be so heavenly unutterable? How did he inspire love?

There were people who loved the ocean, the so called thalassophiles. People who enjoyed the stars more than anything, astrophiliacs they were named. And there was Jungkook who enjoyed observing the sea and the stars as well. However he loved Park Jimin more.

Despite being crestfallen, Jungkook knew that Jimin had the incredible ability to make his problems drift away even if he was now playing a big part of them. But the moment he convinced himself he was going to hate him and let him go, he stared at his eyes and all he wanted was to gently caress his hand.

The fading blond color, the tanned skin, the apologizing gaze... The man between the pages was his weakness.

Cause even if Jungkook wasn't an immortal man, Jimin was ambrosial for him.

''Do you want to dance with me?'' Jimin asked him tenderly. ''You'll lead''.

Jungkook's tensed shoulders relaxed, all the acrimony and poignancy having vanished into thin air. He wasn't going to make things easy for Jimin but he was going to gift him a dance.

''Okay'' he said in an undertone. The tribulation of loving someone endlessly was the only torture Jungkook was willing to experience.

Approaching him alluringly, standing a few seconds to admire the excellence he had in front of him, Jungkook steadily placed his hands on the blond's waist and Jimin's arms followed suit, staying on the younger's delicate neck. The tarantism that things which followed would get better tightened around them like a rope when Jimin's lips touched the writer's heart with a kiss.

And just like that they swayed with the help of the music, leaving the reality to non-dreamers for a while.

''You really find me handsome, huh?''.

''I lusted over your appearance but I fell in love with your soul. If I stay, I'll be staying for both'' Jungkook's body relaxed when Jimin's head nuzzled in the crook of his neck.

''I read that page you wrote about me. It was wonderful Kook... Thank you''.

''I am now noticing it'' Jungkook chuckled with his naivety. ''You always had trouble saying please or promise or even thank you. You had convinced yourself you were a sociopath when all you were feeling was misery... and guilt''.

''Shall I make you feel loved?'' Jimin looked him in the eyes. ''Please?''.

Jungkook rested his head on the man's forehead and nodded in a positive manner.

''So...I was told you had the most unforgettable pair of eyes and oddly this was sort of like another prompting for my anticipation. I instantaneously found you charming the moment I saw you unlocking the door with a smile. And gradually I began falling in love with you... which made me jealous of everything''.

''Jealous of the rain which touched you all the time when my hands couldn't. Envious of the sunrays that played hide and seek between your raven locks when my palms were unable to get tangled in the soft maze. And of the moon that kissed your cheek when I was incapable of doing so despite my huge need to do the same'' he confessed with all the sincerity and honesty he possessed.

And Jungkook gifted him a kiss, a small one but an endearing one. As if he planted the cure of forgiveness on the blond's lips. Step by step.

''I want this to work out although I will always have my doubt... But I love us''.

Jimin smiled with euphoria.

''...and I want you to help me put an end on this'' he breathed heavily.

''I will Kook. I promise I will'' he shut his eyes, his tears falling on the younger's hand.

''Why are you crying gorgeous ?'' Jungkook uttered with all the strength he could master.

''Because if something makes you cry, it still matters to you. And you matter to me''.

''Hey... Falling for you is the only maze I never wished to escape from. Ever...''.

Jungkook licked his lip and pecked the blond's forehead. With his index, he raised Jimin's chin and soughed in his ear;

''Do you believe you can find a gun?'' the author smirked.

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