《Poems And Some Deep Thoughts》What ifs


What if something bad happens?

What if I mess up?

What if they leave?

What if it doesn't work out?

What if it's not worth it?

What if...?

What if...?

Did any what ifs ever crossed your mind?

There are so many what ifs, isn't it?

What do we usually do when it happens?

Worry too much,

Or ignore it.

Are those the only options we have?

Instead of that,

Why don't we try to find a solution to those what ifs...

Those what ifs can happen,

Or not.

There's always a possibility.

If we ignore it,

We might regret it.

And if we worry too much,

We might regret it too.

Why don't we just find a solution to those what ifs,

Through which we can be prepared for the worst,

If it doesn't work.

And can be prepared for the best too,

If it works.

If one solution doesn't work,

We can always come up with others too if we try...

Nothing is always certain,

And we don't know the outcomes.

Isn't it better to come up with a solution,

Instead of worrying,

Or ignoring,

Which won't do you any good...

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