《Poems And Some Deep Thoughts》I don't do love



What is love?

I can tell you what I think it is,

But I can't tell you how it feels.

This word gets used a lot,

But do we know the value of it?

I love you,

I love it,

I love that...

But do we actually mean it every time?


It's complicated.

It can be mistaken by like.

They both are very similar yet very different.

When do we start to have feelings?

11, 12, 13?

The early stages of teen.

Those foreign feelings invade every person's heart.

When we feel it for the first time,

It's all new to us...

Not everyone gets a perfect guide regarding this,

It's something we must deal on our own.

We all know and are taught what is right and wrong,

Helping is right

And stealing is wrong.

Yes, we all know,

But not about everything.

When these foreign feelings invade us,

We do what we feel like to do,

Not what is right or wrong.

It's all new to us,

How do we know what's right to do or wrong...

The older we get,

The harder it gets.

We might like a person and after a while, another person.

We might like more than one person at the same time.

We might like a person and after a while, lose interest in them.

We might like a person, but not some things about them or the way they are.

We might like a person, but don't know how to express our feelings.

There are many scenarios...

It's all new to us,

We don't know what's right to do or wrong,

We just do what we feel like to do.

It's confusing,

It's complicated,

And we don't know how to properly deal with it.

We try to figure it out,

Try to work things out with these feelings running through our veins.


We make mistakes,

We regret our actions,

We learn from it...


It's beautiful,


Might be the best feeling ever.


It's a mess.

It can make people happy,

But it holds the power to destroy them too.

It can make you obsessed,

It can make you crazy,

And most importantly,

It can control you if you fall deep.

In simple words,

It's a mess,

A beautiful mess,

A beautiful and dangerous mess.

It changes you,

For the good or bad.

I don't know what I'll become if I ever fall in love.

I'm scared,

Scared to love....

That change scares me,

I might like watching people being in love,

But I don't do love.


This is written by me.

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