《Poems And Some Deep Thoughts》The night of horror


A field full of brown grass

Not a lively flower in sight

Grey skies

And heavy winds

Apprising me the arrival of rain

Leafless trees

Hooting of the owls

Reminding me the terrors of the night

A small house appeared miles away in the endless field

With hope in my heart and courage

I stepped forward and approached

With each step as I neared

It became bigger and bigger

My eyes widened at the magnificent sight

Just a few miles away it looked like a house...


It's walls reached the skies built-up as a beautiful castle

It's height unpredictable...

The heavy winds became harsh

The skies roared deafeningly

Lightning flashed accross it

Expressing it's anger

As droplets of water fell on my head

I crossed the threshold and entered the castle

Little did I know,

Of what's about to come...

The grey turned black

The open doors closed

Lights of the big hall flickered

The sound of the creaking of wood became noticable


On the big staircase which leads to the first floor

Stood a shadow of a man


there was no man...

I stood frozen as I stared at it

Hearing the laughter of it's in the big grand hall

My heart thumping loudly in my chest

Sweat dripping down my forehead

Fear and anxiety building up at a fast rate

As I turned around and ran for the door

A piercing scream left my mouth

My knees fell on the wooden floor

Right infront of the door

My shirt became damp

Blood dripped from the hole in my heart

And before I could look at who it was

I got lost

Lost in a dark world

Where everything's black

The pain from earlier was gone

And all I felt was empty and numb...

No anxiety

No pain

No fear

As I got through the night of horror.


This is written by me.

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