《date a live x Depressed male reader》Chapter 50



I shoot the last Demon.

Y/n=That the last one.

Kurumi=It's quite tiring.

Y/n=Not for me.

Kurumi=Well, Y/n-san. I shall go now, i hope we meet again soon~

Kurumi then disappeared into the shadow.

Y/n=I hope not..

I then walk toward the Blue Portal.

Y/n=So this is the portal V meant. Better closed this fast.

I then summon Devil sword Sparda and slashed that portal.

That portal then disappear.

After that i went home.

[The Next Day]

In the morning.


Y/n=Rinne are you awake?

Rinne=*yawn*Nnn... Yeah... Good morning, Y/n.

Y/n=Good morning too Rinne.

Rinne=Hey Y/n....


Rinne=Since we will have a baby soon, How do we buy things for our future babies?

Y/n=That's a good idea but who will look after Rio while we're out?

Rinne=We can hire a babysitter.

Y/n=Yes but it will be expensive.

Rinne=You're right..

Y/n=Well, let's think about that later. Now, time for breakfast.

[Small Timeskip]

Me, Rinne and Rio are now having breakfast together.

While we were having breakfast, someone knocked on the door.

I stood up then walked towards the door and opened it.

Nia=Good morning... Boy.

Y/n=Nia? What are you doing here?

Nia=I'm here to meet Rio, is she here?

Y/n=Yes she is inside.

Nia then try to entered my house but i blocked her way.

Y/n=Hold up, What is your real purpose here?

Nia=Boy, i'm just want to play with your daughter. Is that wrong?

Y/n=No and by the way, i need your help.

Nia=Nnnn.... Help? What help?

Y/n=I need your help to look after Rio while Rinne and I go out. Do you mind?

Nia=Sure i Will help you.

Y/n=Thank you!

[Small Timeskip]

Me and Rinne are now at the door of the house preparing to leave.

Rinne=Rio, don't be naughty while we're gone, okay?

Rio=Hai! Mama!

Y/n=I entrust Rio to you.


Nia=Don't worry I will take care of Rio


We then left.

[At the Tengu City shopping area]

Y/n=So what should we buy now.

Rinne=Nnnn.... Baby clothes, baby diapers, Baby Blankets, Baby Pillows, Crib, milk bottle, Baby Bathtub and many more.

Y/n=That's.... a lot...

Rinne=Let's start shopping, Y/n!



It's evening now.

Y/n=Okay. They said they would deliver the stuff we bought to our house in a moment

Rinne=Okay. I think we should go home now.

Y/n=Before that's, let's head to that Takoyaki stall.


We then went to the Takoyaki stall.

Y/n=Two bowls please!

Seller=Here, enjoy!

We then left from that stall and went home.

Y/n=Ahh, It reminds me of when we were still schooling

Rinne=Yes, we always eat this together

When we walked near the small alley I saw Kurumi and Shido were playing with the cat there.


He then looked toward me.


Y/n=What are you doing here?

Shido=Um, ahh. I'm just playing with cats with Kurumi

Kurumi=Ara~Ara Y/n-san, we meet again.

Kurumi=And nice to meet you again Rinne-chan. I heard you are pregnant now so Congratulations.

Rinne=Nice to meet you again Kurumi and thank you.

Kurumi=Hey Rinne-chan I want to know something


Kurumi=How does it feel when making babies~

Rinne's face then turned red.

Rinne=Eh?! W-What kind of question is that?!

Y/n=Hold it there!


Shido=B-By the way Y/n, I want to talk about something to you.

Y/n=About what?

We then sat down on a bench nearby.

Y/n=So, what you want to talk about?

Shido=.......Are you still mad at me and Kotori?

Y/n=I already forgive you and Kotori


Y/n=But just forgiving you and Kotori won't be able to heal the wounds you have left in my heart


Y/n=..... I Will leave now



Shido=Do you still considered me and Kotori as your family?


Y/n=I don't know and i can't answer that question.

Y/n=Rinne, Let's go home now!


Rinne then walked towards me.



Y/n=It's been 7 years, hurry up and get married and stop flirting with girls.

After that me and Rinne then left.

[Y/n House]

Me and Rinne are now home.

Y/n=Rinne you go in first, I'll wait for the delivery truck to come here


*Rinne POV*

I then went to the door and open it.



Rio suddenly hugged me with teary eyes.

Rinne=What happens, Rio?

Rio=Nia-nee Chan! She... She... She always pinches my cheek!

Nia=Rio... Where are... You....

Rinne=Hey, Nia!

Nia=Oh Rinne, you're back

Rio=Mama, save me from Nia-nee Chan!

Nia=Rio, you snitch? That's not fair!

Rinne=Hey, Nia! Apologize to Rio



Nia=Hai.. Hai... I'm sorry, Rio chan

Suddenly I heard a delivery truck in front of the house.

Y/n=Put everything inside my house.

delivery person=Yes, sir

[Small Timeskip]

Y/n=This is your pay now. Go

They then get back to the car and then left.

Nia=I shall leave now

Rinne-Wait I'll make you tea first.

Nia=No, thank you. It was getting dark. I have to return to the spirit mansion as soon as possible, Bye!

Nia then left.

Suddenly I felt nauseous and my face started to turn pale.

Y/n=Rinne, are you alright?


Y/n=Let's go in now before you puke here.


We then entered the house.


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