《date a live x Depressed male reader》chapter 24


The Next Day

I was now walking around the town And I saw a lot of posters about Shiori's disappearance

Y/n=what the hell is this?

I grabbed one of that posters

*Missing person

Name=shiori itsuka

Last seen=yesterday

If you find this girl please call this number*

Y/n=huh! That haremist give everyone false hope.

Y/n=they must have spent a lot of money on this

Suddenly tonomachi called me


Y/n=Whoa! Tonomachi don't shock me

Tonomachi=hehe sorry

Y/n=hey Tonomachi, I think you and the others should stop spreading this poster


Y/n=umm Because shiori went back to Tokyo yesterday.

I lied.

Tonomachi=oh man! Why you not tell me yesterday

Y/n=well she said to not tell anyone

Tonomachi=huh! Well I think it's just the two of us now, date Sim

He then hug and kissed his phone

Y/n thoughts=huh that is disgusting

Y/n=well i must leave now, have a good day with your phone umm i mean your girl tonomachi

I then leave


i was now sitting on bench in the park while staring at that Giant ball in the sky

Y/n=hmmm did the demons cause this.

Y/n=but i cant feel any demonic energy from that sphere, if demons not caused this

Y/n=then who caused this?

when I was busy thinking about who caused that Giant sphere,

suddenly I heard a strange laugh

I then looked toward that laugh voice and i saw

Y/n=hell Vanguard huh?

I then pull out Ebony and ivory and pointed it to that demon

Y/n=well, i gues i have time to playing with you

*Bang* *bang*

I then started to

keep shooting him.

After i finished shooting him, i summon Alastor and perform Stinger to him but he manage to block my attack

I then stepped back and started shooting him again

Then that demon teleport below me and attack me with upward swing with his scythe but i manage to Dodge it


He then teleport again behind me and try to slash me with his scythe but i blocked his attack with royal guard and then i swing Alastor to fling him into the air

Then i jump and attack him with powerful overhead swing attack

He then crashed to the ground

he got up again and withdrew from me

Y/n=come on!! Get scared already.

i taunting him.

I then started shooting him again.

After that i perform Stinger to him


Then after i attack him with Stinger attack, i Rapidly stab him with blinding speed.

After that i finished my attack with high speed lunge attack

he then crashed to a tree

he then got up again and tried to run from me

Y/n=you can't run away from me!!

I then teleport in front of him and slashed his head.

he then crumbled into blue sand.

Y/n=huh that was fun.

Timeskip at night

I am now walking towards home

when I walked I saw a girl who seemed to be watching me

Y/n thoughts=Hmmm isn't that the girl I saw on the train

I then walked towards her but there was a car passing in front of me, after that the girl disappeared

Y/n=huh? She disappeares?

Y/n=is she a new spirit?

Y/n=well i don't really care anyway.

I then leave

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