《date a live x Depressed male reader》chapter 18 first date


The next two day

Rinne...she always been beside me when i need her, she even accepted me as I was even though I was a demons

She doesn't care if I'm a demons, she still care to me but i am still worried About her, demon is keep coming to me now, i am afraid if i cant protect her

I daydreaming again while eating

Rinne=hey y/n

I am still daydreaming



Rinne=just tell me about your problem


Rinne=just tell me y/n

Y/n=o-okay, i am still think about yesterday.

Y/n=i am worried About you, the demons keep coming to me.

Y/n=what if they started to attack you again

Y/n=what happen if i not there to protect you

Y/n=what happen if i failed to protect you

I then crying

Y/n=w-what happens*hiks* if-if

-if i ca-

She then holding my cheek with her both hands and wiped my tears

Rinne=hey y/n look at me now

Rinne=it's alright i can protect myself because i am a spirit

Y/n=but Rinne-

Rinne=it's alright y/n

She then hug me

Timeskip to afternoon

Rinne=hey y/n

Y/n=what is it Rinne

Rinne=let's go out today and have fun together

Y/n=Y-you mean date


Y/n=ummm sure

Rinne= great let's meet at the shopping area in five minutes okay

Y/n=okay sure

5 minutes later

I then change my clothes and wash my face then i went to shopping area

I then arrived and i see Rinne waiting for me

Rinne=hey y/n

She wave at me

Y/n=oh hey Rinne

Rinne=so y/n how do I look

Y/n=Y-you look so cute

Rinne=*blushed*t-thank you y/n

Y/n=so where we going first


Then she suddenly grabbed my hand and ran toward shopping area

Y/n=Rinne stop a bit

Then we stop in front of bakery shop and buy some cake

Rinne=hey y/n let's buy some cake



After we buy some cake we went to tengu park

Then we sit on the bench there

Rinne then take her cake and pointed it to my mouth

Rinne=y/n say aaahhhh!!!

Y/n=umm okay

Timeskip after y/n and Rinne spending time together

Now i and Rinne watch sunset together

Rinne=thanks for this day y/n

Y/n=no problem Rinne

Y/n=Rinne.....what happen if i cant protect you from that demon yesterday

Y/n=what if-

Suddenly she grabbed my cheek with her both hands and kissed my libs

After that i blushed badly and i cant say any word

Rinne=now look at me y/n

Rinne=dont too worry about me i can protect myself

Y/n=but Rinne-

Rinne= it's alright y/n

We then went home together

But before that we stop infront of supermarket

Rinne=hey y/n, do you like shopping together for our dinner tonight

Y/n=oh, sure.

Me and Rinne then heading to supermarket and buy some stuff and then we walk together home while holding hands

Rinne=y/n thank you again for this day

I then remember when she kiss me and then i blushed

Y/n=s-sure no problem

Then we went home together..

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