《Killer Bay》Into the Woods
"Oh, Adalet! How are you enjoying your stay in White Peaks so far?" Andrea asks as they stood in the lounge of a chalet, "I am loving this clean mountain air! Just smell those Douglas firs! I even saw a snowshoe rabbit from my motel window!"
"I don't know what you're so excited about, Andrea... There's way too much nature around here to suit me..." Frank grumbled.
"That's so you, Frank! You're pining for the car exhaust and noise... A real city slicker!" she smirks.
"Hey, I do like something in this podunk town: the pie! I ordered seven slices from room service last night! Still, I can't seem to find a bar around here. You'd think White Peaks was a dry district!" he complained, "and since we're not on duty yet and it's 5 o'clock somewhere in the world... I was thinking of heading over to the timber mill and asking some of the men there if they know of a good watering hole! Wanna come along and have a look around, Adalet?"
"I better," Adalet replied, "just so you don't cause an avalanche while looking for booze!"
"For the love of booze! Someone tried to saw this woman in half!" Frank cried staring at the body they had discovered, "the saw is definitely the murder weapon. Just thinking about it makes me sick."
Adalet found the operation panel, "the killer must have touched the saw operation button."
"You'll get a sample off this clue in no time, Adalet. You always do..." he smirked, "and you found a faded card with a message... It says, "Paula, let's do lunch!" Who says that anymore? And could Paula be the victim? Or someone who knew the victim?"
"So many questions," she teased.
"Only one way to find out what's on this card, Adalet! I know you're just itching to do that unveiling magic you do to find more information!" he laughs, "and, of course, I'll make sure the body's sent to Roxie. I bet she'll be thrilled!"
Adalet examined the saw emergency control button first. She swabbed a dark area beside the red button, and the cotton came back with a sample of some black powder.
"I hope you found something on that saw operation button, Adalet. The killer must have touched it," Frank reasons.
"It was super fine powder," Adalet replies, "it almost looks like cocoa."
"But you couldn't pay me to drink it!" he laughed.
"I wouldn't even try to," she smirked, "anyway, the only way to know what this is for sure, is to get that powder sample to Yann!"
Handing the sample off to Frank Adalet then picked up the card. She dusted the title of the paper and recovered the missing text typed on it. There was a woman's name followed by what could only be her title and area of business.
"Nice catch, Adalet! The card you found near the victim was a business card belonging to a certain Ruthie Samson," Frank says skimming the card, "says here that she's the "Director of Tourism" for Logan's Pass... This tiny town has a Tourism Office? You could've fooled me!"
"We should go see if this Ruthie Samson can explain what her card was doing at the crime scene," Adalet decided as they heard sirens approaching.
Once their backup had arrived and taken over the scene, Adalet and Frank were able to leave the saw mill. They looked up the address for the Logan's Pass tourist office and drove out to the small cabin building. They entered the one-roomed building and found only an older woman inside sitting behind a oak desk.
"Welcome to the Logan's Pass Tourism Office! I'm Ruthie Samson!" the woman introduced, "how can I help you explore the wonders of the best little town in White Peaks?"
"Ms. Samson, Capt. Adalet and I are with the Pacific Bay Police. We were wondering if you could help us identify this woman," Frank asks holding up a picture of their victim.
"Hokey smokes! That's Paula Mahler! I see now why she didn't show up to our rendezvous... She was a travel guide writer and we were going to meet up to discuss how she could highlight Logan's Pass in her book on White Peaks..." she continues giving them more information, "it was going to be the town's big break! If it helps, I can tell you that she was camping down by the river! But I would appreciate it if you could be discreet with your investigation. If news outlets get a hold of this story, it could keep people from visiting Logan's Pass!"
"We'll do our best, Ms Samson," Adalet assured, "but our main focus is catching a killer and not public relations... And Frank, the victim's campsite could hold a lot of clues."
"Well what are you waiting for? Let's go!" Frank says.
Adalet and Frank tracked down the campsite where their victim had been staying at prior to her death. They searched the field around Paula's tent and found some clues that could prove to be valuable to their investigation. The first thing they picked up was the victim's camping supplies, while the second item they came upon was a police officer's badge.
"Did you find anything in the victim's camping supplies?" Frank inquired.
Adalet held up the backpack, "the victim's backpack!"
He smirked, "even I could have guessed that this backpack with "Paula" on it belongs to our victim! If you want to rummage through our victim's backpack, be my guest!"
"In a minute," she replied trading the bag for the badge, "wow, haven't seen one of these in a while!"
"Is that trinket a badge?!" he questioned, "it says "Police" and "RCMP"..."
"Royal Canadian Mounted Police!" she clarified.
"Oh yeah! Those are the Canadian cops... Mounties, right?" he asked the woman, "the ones with the horses and goofy hats? You'd never catch me in that clown outfit..."
She rolls her eyes, "thank you for insulting the country's law enforcement, Frank!"
"Of course, Adalet! Mounties are real law enforcement officers just like us!" he gulped, "but what would a Canadian Mountie be doing in White Peaks? I can't make out the badge number, but I'm sure you can find it so we can track this Mountie down."
Adalet took a closer look at the RCMP badge's ID number. Some of the ID was missing more sections then others, but it didn't take long before she was able to recover the identification number.
"See Adalet, that's why I let you do the smarty-pants work. It only took you seconds to decipher this Canadian Police badge number!" Frank grinned, "Mounties... They say they always get their man. But this one's way out of his jurisdiction!"
"Hannah can trace the badge number," Adalet says giving him the badge, "she'll tell us who this badge belongs to!"
Adalet then began digging through the victim's bag of supplies. Inside she found some water bottles, cans of food, energy bars, back up hats and gloves, and a torn-up document.
"You found a torn card in the victim's belongings? Why would she hang onto that?" Frank wondered.
"No idea," Adalet answered, "but this card's suspicious..."
"Which is why your famous puzzle-solving skills will get us some juicy info, I'm sure!" he laughed.
And so with that vote of confidence, Adalet began repairing the torn card. She taped up the backside of the card with scotch tape so that in no time at all, the card was fixed.
"That torn card you found in our victim's belongings was a thank you card? It says, "You saved my life, Judd Tucker! I owe you dinner! -- Paula"!" Frank reads over his partner's shoulder, "some guy named Judd Tucker saved the victim's life? That didn't last long..."
"We better go talk to him," Adalet responds, "Judd may have been one of the last people to see Paula alive!"
Frank and Adalet returned to the saw mill to see if they could find Judd Tucker there. They walked around for a little while before a lumberjack pointed them in the direction of his co-worker. Once they had introduced themselves to Judd, they asked him about the card.
"Paula kept that card? As if I had time to have dinner with stupid tourists!" Judd grunts.
"Settle down, big guy. What's with the insults?" Frank demands, "she seemed truly grateful. That card says you saved her life."
"I almost wish I hadn't! That idiot wandered into a part of the forest where we were cutting down trees... She had no clue where she was! I about killed myself running to push her out of the way of a falling tree! Then came the incident report paperwork!" he complains, "she stopped our work for hours. I didn't meet my quota and my pay's probably going to be docked thanks to her! Paula gave me this invitation to dinner after I clocked out. I tore it up and threw it in her face... She was such a ditz!"
"Well, she's also dead, Mr Tucker," he deadpanned, "someone tried to saw her in half! And what do we find at her campsite? A dinner invitation for a lumberjack! Pretty suspicious..."
"Hey, you got the wrong end of the stick there! I wasn't the president of her fan club, sure, but I'd never kill her... Or anyone!" he defends.
"Hey there, Adalet, any more trouble at the mill? I sure hope not because the victim has told me a lot about her killer!" Roxie announced, "the cutting stopped just above the victim's heart, but by then the damage was done. Her carotid artery had already been severed."
"I'm surprised that's the only thing that got severed by the saw..." Adalet remarks.
"It looks as though the killer might have had a change of heart after turning the timber saw on, but it was too late. We also know the victim was tied up with a double constrictor knot!" she adds, "this type of knot is impossible to escape and is often used on animals... Including humans!"
"Ok... We have a killer with expert knot making skills! Thanks, Roxie!" Frank says.
Adalet and Frank left the morgue and headed over to Yann's lab next.
"I have to congratulate you, Adalet! The dark powder you found on the saw operation button would have been easy to gloss over, but nothing escapes your eagle eyes!" Yann praised, "the powder was actually spores from Agraricus sylvicola!"
"Agra-whatsit- sylvi-whosit?" Frank stuttered, "who is that, some kind of Roman Emperor?"
He laughed, "not even close! The powder comes from wood mushrooms, Frank! They're easy to find under pine trees around here. There's no doubt the killer has had contact with wood mushrooms, given how fresh the spores are!"
Now that they had that piece of evidence, Adalet and Frank crossed the hall to Hannah's lab.
"Hey there, Adalet! This badge you found at the victim's campsite is the real deal and it belongs to a very real Mountie. His name is Brian MacKenzie!" Hannah informs, "his superior officer said that Mr MacKenzie is on vacation and visiting Logan's Pass. On top of that, I double-checked the registry at the campsite and saw that MacKenzie's tent was right next to the victim's!"
"If this Mountie character really was her next-door neighbor, he may be able to tell us more about Paula," Frank pondered.
"Then it's time for a little talk, Frank," Adalet decided.
And so the two took back the badge and headed back to the campsite. It wasn't too hard to find a man dressed in a Mountie uniform, but it did take them walking around for a while before they saw him. Adalet made the introductions and returned the badge to Brian.
"Capt. Adalet," Brian salutes, "how can I help my fellow law enforcement officers to the south today?"
"We were hoping to get a few answers from you," Adalet answered, "we're investigating the murder of Paula Mahler. Did you know her well?"
"Her murder?! Who would want to kill Paula?!" he exclaimed, "I knew her, of course. She was my neighbor at the campsite and I make a point of always getting to know my neighbors."
"How sweet... What can you tell us about her? Was she having trouble with anyone around here?" Frank asked.
"Well, Paula was her own worst enemy, if you get my meaning. She needed a lot of assistance. For someone writing about camping, she was pretty clueless about the subject," Brian admitted, "oh, but I feel awful speaking ill of her now! How could I be such a monster?"
"Wow, Adalet... This sure is turning out to be a more eventful day than I had planned! All I wanted was some Gold Stag!" Frank says, "but instead we've got another victim! A woman tied to a timber saw table and almost sawed in half! Judd Tucker looks like an ideal killer, with what being a lumberjack. But this thank you card shows he saved our victim's life."
"And the last appointment the victim had was with the tourism office director, Ruthie Samson. Maybe she wants Logan's Pass on the map at any price?" Adalet suggested.
"And I don't know about you, but that Brian MacKenzie is too good to be true. People haven't acted that polite since the 1950s!" he said firmly.
"Thank goodness I found you, Capt. Adalet! Something horrible has happened!" they looked over and saw Ruthie running over to them, "there's been a sighting of the Night Walker!"
"Considering the name, why would be it during the day?" Frank deadpanned.
"For years, people in the woods have seen strange shadows in the trees and heard footsteps behind them. When they look there's no one there!" she tells the story, "there are stories of people having gone missing and WORSE!"
"Sounds like a story parents make up to keep their kids out of the woods at night... Are you insinuating this monster might have something to do with Paula's murder?" he questioned, Ruthie nodded, "and someone saw this so-called Night Walker just now?!"
"Near the Stone Circle in the woods, some tourists said a ragged man jumped out at them and chased them away!" she explained.
"Well, if someone is attacking people we should check it out, right, Adalet?" he says.
"Right!" Adalet agreed, "besides, the victim wandered all over the woods..."
"Let's go track down this wild man and look for clues around the Stone Circle to find out more about Paula Mahler," Frank says grabbing his jacket.
"Somehow I doubt we're going to run into this Night Walker character. It's a good thing you managed to find new clues about the victim while checking this place out!" Frank says as he returned from searching the woods, "that broken gadget has Paula's name on the lanyard! You want to put it back together? Be my guest!"
"There looks like a threat on this map: "Paula, stay out or evil will come to you!" Adalet reads, "whoever wrote this sure didn't like our victim!"
"Think you can retrieve fingerprints from this map, Adalet?" he inquired, "of course you can! What a dumb question..."
Both of the cops jumped as a tall, grizzly old man jumped out form the woods in front of them.
"Ah! It's a Bigfoot! Protect me, Adalet!" Frank cried.
"There's no such thing as a Bigfoot, you fritzafrickinfrakkin idiot!" the man argued.
He blinked, "what did you just call me? You better pull up a rock and get comfy, buddy. Sit tight until Capt. Adalet is ready to question you!"
"Frickinfrakkinratzafratz..." Allen grumbles under his breath.
"Listen mister, if you could stop grunting and say something that made sense, it might help," he informed him, "why in the heck did you jump out at us in the woods?"
"I wanted to scare you away!" he explained.
"Just like you tried to scare away those tourists? You know some people are saying that you're the Night Walker!" Adalet tells the hermit.
"The Night Walker?!" Allen shouted, "I'm no more the Night Walker than I am a Bigfoot! But I'm glad that legend's around. It keeps people away!"
"People like Paula Mahler? Is sawing people in half part of your strategy to be left alone?" Frank inquired.
"I don't know anyone named Paula. I don't know anyone around here! I'm a hermit. That's kind of the point. Whenever I saw tourists while I'm hunting game or gathering wood mushrooms, I do my best to hide and avoid them," he answered, "I want to protect my home... There have been more people around lately, so I decided to take action! But I didn't kill anybody!"
They let Allen leave the stone circle and got back to work. Adalet picked up the broken gadget she had found and glued it back together. It turned out to be a familiar object, which explained why it was so easy for her to repair. It was a compass, with the victim's name stitched into the pink band.
"That rickety gadget is a compass? Did you manage to find any new information about Paula from it?" Frank asks.
Adalet looked at the face of the compass, "there's some strange black specks in the glass!"
"Well, I'm sure that you'll be able to collect something from that compass! You can never resist showing off!" he teased.
Adalet smirked as she got to work. She picked off a sample of the dark flakes with her tweezers from the cracked glass of the compass, and placed the sample one by one into a small glass dish.
"It looks like these chunks of whatever are getting a trip to see Yann," Adalet jokes, "he'll find the answer!"
She handed he sample over to Frank so that she could work on the map. Adalet dusted the edges of the map with her black powder and recovered a clear and clean set of perfectly usable fingerprints.
"I knew it!" Frank proclaims, "whoever wrote the threat to Paula on the map you found near the Stone Circle left fingerprints all over it! Since you're the crème de la crème at comparing fingerprints in the database, Adalet, I'll let you do the honors!"
Adalet headed his orders and pulled out her table. After uploading a image of the fingerprints to the database, she began comparing the sections of the prints to some of the closest ones they had matched on file. After she had matched up the entire fingerprints, a profile popped up for who they belonged to.
"The fingerprints on the Stone Circle map belong to a certain Melody Rivers," Adalet skimmed the file, "it says here she's an archaeology professor at Pacific Bay University..."
"Is that bunch of rocks that old?" Frank questioned looking at the stone circle, "we better go ask her about this map... And her threat to the victim!"
Frank and Adalet surprisingly found Melody Rivers at a cave entrance not to far from the stone circle. After confirming it to be her, they made some quick introductions so that they could get on with the questions.
"We found a map of yours, Ms Rivers," Frank says holding up the paper, "Capt. Adalet and I have some questions about how you know Paula Mahler and why you threatened her."
"I was heading back to my camp to clean wood mushrooms when I found an intruder. This woman was eating her lunch like the rocks were some kind of picnic bench! The Stone Circle is sacred ground!" Melody tells them, "I couldn't risk her ruining my archaeological research about the prehistoric period of Logan's Pass! After that woman defiled the Stone Circle, I made snare knot traps and placed them all around the site just in case she came back!"
"Whoa!" he gasps, "you're not kidding around, are you, Ms. Rivers? We'll be sure to watch our step around here..."
"That material you collected from the victim's compass contained traces of wood mushroom spores and sawdust!" Yann tells them.
The Desecrator's Tomb - A Numbers Lit-aRPG
A man appears in a dungeon full of undead. He tries to leave. This is my attempt at writing a litrpg where the system is more formalized. This means that there will be a fair amount of min-maxing and we will hopefully be able to calculate the dps of every ability by the time I am done. Expect math. The main character will become a Drain Tank. This story uses an aRPG item and stat system. Oh and one last thing. Beware the penguins. update 1/8/22: I am trying to simulate things as faithfully as is reasonable. As of chapter 17 there are animated gifs depicting Chilly's life throughout encounters. update 1/11/22: Kreksyte drew me a cover! All hail our artist overlords! update 5/25/22: Going on hiatus for a bit. The second arc is complete. Will come back for the 3rd and final arc soon. update 7/15/22: ayy...I've returned. Starting the third and final arc. [was once a participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
AN ILLUSTRATED NOVEL • UPDATES TUESDAY AND FRIDAY In a time before living memory, the King Dragon of the Void watched the world and realized there was a crack. He realized that humanity was destroying the rock upon which they lived; they leaked life’s code into the churning chaos. At first the change was imperceptible: nanites overtook microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, amoebas. Insects became increasingly inorganic; birds and lizards followed soon after. Even humans were infected by their own advances, cell by cell, till there was not a person left on earth who wasn’t at least part synthetic, the product of a prior generation’s carelessness. The world’s population was ravaged by mechanical viruses with no vaccines; they were mercilessly overtaken by bacteria that knew no death. Soon, most of the planet was empty and only a handful remained who remembered the hedonist realm they came from; only a few were left who remembered what the world looked like when their buildings touched the sky. The King Dragon of the Void watched the rock turn. He watched humans cower as the Old World fell down around them; watched their great monuments crumble into dusty ruins; watched their codes become precious, ancient gem memories forged under the crushing pressure of so many fallen stones. The world has spun many times around the sun since chaos swallowed man whole. It is a simpler time than the one that died out, but the people now are not immune to the folly of the people before. There is old code everywhere: in the water, in the air, in the trees. The heart of man has been replaced by power cores, many of which are hard-coded with preternatural abilities—when they die, an esoteric mountain sect collects their cores and stores them in their hollow mountain home to preserve the sanctity and dignity of human death. They’ve learned to harness artifacts of the old world, gemstones full of codes their nanite infused bodies can parse as spells imbuing their users with great power; they inlay them into their bodies, into their skins, connected to their cores by copper conduit and gold tracers; they dress themselves in tattoos to advertise their prowess; they battle for relics in arenas, fight for them in the open world wherever they are found. The King Dragon of the Void watches the rock turn and wonders: when will this hunger finally make the rock stop spinning? WELCOME TO FANXING CITY … Twenty-five years ago, Fanxing City and the surrounding lands were commanded by the mad King Zao Beiguan. For many years, the King hoarded wealth, artifacts, food; he demanded tribute from a people already taxed to the edges of their existence and expected they be happy with their circumstances. Noncompliance was often punished harshly, bodies displayed proudly on Fanxing’s streets as a warning, from the city gates to the Zao palace’s golden doors. The youths of several prominent clans came together to overthrow the tyrant and made names for themselves as legendary heroes across the land: Tian, Ren, Feng, Gui, Ma, and Zhenxi. Even wanderers from the Luanshi sect descended from Yunji mountain to aid the rebellion. When the dust settled after three years, Tian Yunyong ascended the throne of Fanxing and swore to honour his slain father’s memory, and has maintained Fanxing’s peace with generosity and mercy where fear and cruelty once reigned.
8 72The Crippled Seed
Even a small child in Adrias knows that everyone is born with some magic. It is common knowledge that magic blooms at around the age of 13, and even though the gift of magic varies from person to person, everyone possesses it. When Nina is 14 years old, her magic tests report that she has no magic inside her. To hide that fact, she has to quit school against her wishes and live a sheltered life. That lifestyle, however, lasts for a mere two years as bandits strike her village and she has to move out, forced to survive and be something—anything—in this world full of magic...without possessing a single speck of it.
8 162Future of Rogues (Series 1 - Book 1: Into our Journeys)
Chaos... and Rogues... Btw, how do I draw a good cover? ^^;;;
8 116incomprehensible thoughts
This is just the weird & random shit it my mind, for when I can remember them and when I have time to put those thoughts & feelings into words, IF I can even do that. Writing is one of the things that I couldn't live without, and it's weird because it's something that bloomed from some things that I now hate. Anygays, enjoy the show. On with the magic! highest rankings: #1 in poems (November 10th, 2021)#14 in poetry (April 28th, 2022)
8 139One-Shots (Stranger Things Cast x Reader)
Since I did the Mileven and Fillie one-shots, I thought I'd do the cast (kids) with you guys, the reader. Enjoy!
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