《Queen of Krampus》Memory of the Forgotten



The dark elves watched from above the roof and behind bushes, the nearly frozen men entered the home and locked the door. One of the elves slid down the snowy rooftop and landed to get a closer look in, staying low in the order, not risk being seen.

Two of her brothers followed. The three watched Thomas place Howard on the couch, both Linda and Sarah kept asking what happened out there but they didn't answer yet. "Haha, 'Must've been a bear trap under the snow.' He says. Ha! Humans are so stupid!" a dark elf, Ketkrókur, laughed underneath his mask.

"No comment," Stekkjarstaur said blandly to his brother's rudeness. "Oh what's wrong, didn't get enough cuddles in your sleep?" Ketkrókur cackled. Stekkjarstaur growled dangerously and twisted his head to his younger brother with a deadly glare. "" The two elves argued (quietly) over each other leaving the female elf, Gluggagægir, to ignore them. She was too busy watching the poor baby crying her eyes out by the commotion inside.

She sighed in pity for the tiny child for living in a terrible family, none of the family members deserve the child except her mistress. Stekkjarstaur broke out of the argument as he noticed his little sister's miserable mood. "Glug?" He asked calmly, "" the only word that came out of her mouth with a sob. Both he and Ketkrókur looked at Baby Chrissy in the playpen. Stekk shook his head and sighed. "Glug, you can't steal the babe." "" Glug faces her older brother, stomping her foot into the snow like an upset toddler. "We have enough children at home." Stekk listed to her. "" She mutters as she watches the children and their Aunt Dorothy heading to the kitchen.

The grandmother joined them shortly after ordering her son to keep the fire hot. "Schießen. (Shoot.)" "We need to tell the others, Ketkrókur goes up first." Stekk declares but sees his brother standing there with saliva dripping out of his mask's mouth. Stekk frowned at him, knowing who he's drooling for. "Queen Eira is not up for grabs, Ketk. So stop!" "Whatever you say, wuss." Ketk barked. Without taking her sight away from the window, her fist slammed into Ketk's head. Knocking him down to the snow. She snatched the back of Stekk's neck, causing him to duck down with her. "" Stekk shrieked in Icelandic, but her hand covered his mask's mouth to shut him up. "Shh, they're going to board up the windows and door. So we must be as quiet as possible." She clarified, removed her gloved hand from his mouth, and received a nod of acknowledgment. She looked at her half-passed out brother and fiercely kicked him square in the ass. ""


As soon as Maxie came to the living room with a first aid kit, I immediately seized it and started working on Uncle Howard's calf. It's a good thing that I took a health class over the summer and training from Dad. While I was working, I overheard them saying that they couldn't find Beth, the storm was getting worse, and the truck was destroyed. Torn to pieces by Uncle Howard's words.

Dad concluded that we all stay in the house barricading the windows and door for safety. All of us were too nervous to sleep in our rooms, so we made the living room a little camping spot. Both Dad and Uncle Howard took a watch for any threats. The girls agreed on sparing their I-pad battery life to play a cute Christmas movie for Chrissy. "Won't the battery die?" Mom asked with a couple of blankets for us. "Got to die sometime, might as well enjoy it while we can." Aunt Linda concluded. Causing both of them the chuckle. "Hey, Beth's a tough girl." She reassured Mom, who had a sad smile. "Takes after her mother," I added with a grin. Holding her hand, receiving a smile.

The moment ended when there was fussing and whimpers came. Jordan looked at her dead I-pad in complication. "" Jordan blurted out, which caused Chrissy to cry more. Aunt Linda took her, bouncing her, Mom came over to rubbed her back to comfort her. Chrissy's cries became screams for some reason. Then an idea popped into my head. If Chrissy wanted a song, she was gonna get it.

Without a word, Eira got up from her spot on the couch and took the screaming child from the nervous women. The children looked at her with suspicion as she cleared her voice.


Eira began to sing to the baby, gaining the attention of the men and Aunt Dorothy.


"Cha chrodh is cha chaoraich, Tha mi 'caoidh ach mo cheile. O'n la dh'fhag e mi 'm aonar, Gun sion san t-saoghal ach leine. Mo run geal og!"

Baby Chrissy's cries altered into whimpers but it was progressing calmness. Sarah sat down on the couch listening to music that came from her daughter's voice, triggering something from her past. Linda sat down on the carpet once again, having the same reaction.

"Bu tu fear mor bu mhath cumad- O do mhullach gu d' bhrogan. Tha do shlios mar an eala, 'S bias na meala air do phogan. D'fhalt dualach donn lurach. Mu do mhuineal an ordugh, 'Se gu camalubach cuimir- Gach aon toit urram d'a bhoidhchead. Mo run geal og! Bu tu 'm fear slinneanach, leathann. Bu chaoile meadhan 's bu dhealbhaich- Cha b' e taillear gun eolas. A dheanadh cota math gearra dhut."

"What the hell she's sing?" Howard whispered to his brother in law, Tom shook his head. He looked to his mother for a solution. The feedback was a smile and shrugged. "Scottish Gaelic." Both Max and Howie Jr. said together. Max sat down by his mother listening to his sister. She barely had a chance to perform from previous years because there wasn't any time for it. Eira watched Chrissy falling softly to sleep.

"No dheanadh dhut triubhais. Gun bhith cumhang no gann dhut. Mar gheala-bhradain do chasan- Led ghearr-osan mud chalpa. Mo run geal og! Bu tu iasgair na h-abhann, 'S tric a thaghaich thu fein i. Agus sealgair a'mhonaidh, Biodh do ghun' air dheadh ghleusadh. Bu bhinn leam tathunn do chuilein', Bheireadh fuil air mac eilde. As do laimh bu mhor m' earbsa, Gur tric a mharbh thu le cheil' iad. Mo run geal og!"

With tears covering her cheeks, Dorothy remembered the days when her father would sing lullabies in his language every night. After he died the songs were passed on to her sister, Marigold. She remembered when Marigold would sing to her daughters at a young age. When Marigold got sick and passed away, Dorothy grieved so much, it even pained her to speak in Scottish Gaelic. Both Linda and Sarah knew little of the language but only remember that one song. The three women were starstruck that Eira managed the song perfectly. Heart of how she resembles Marigold. The golden hair, blue eyes, her angelic voice, everything. Eira passed the sleeping baby to Stevie as she finished. Well almost-


Dorothy began as more tears shed.


Sarah joined in with the memory of the words.

"Cha tog fidheall no clarsach. Piob no taileasg no ceol e."

Linda came in, wanted to savor this moment. All 4 women sang together for the memory of Marigold.

"Mo run geal og!"

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