《Obsession 《Michael Myers Fanfic》》《 21. M I N E. 》


The final chapter.

To that young woman, the next couple of intense minutes passed by like a blur. Michael had been going too far. There were times where he almost killed Laurie and all she could do was watch. She tried to stop him, but he was quick to know what her motive was. Her attempts to stop him weren't really enough to buy her time to escape that damn horror house and look for help.

In this situation, she felt completely useless.

Her long black socks covered most of the cuts and bruises on her legs. Her dark shorts are coated in dirt and her long, dirty white T-shirt had a few holes and dried blood.

She was a mess and she felt extremely weak now since she'd been forcefully pushed to the side various times. Her backaches are killing her.

(Y/N) stops for a brief second, trying to catch her breath. Getting Michael to stop had become a difficult task. He seemed more aggressive as time passed by.

He stepped out of where he was looking for her and finally found Laurie near Loomis's body, her whole body was covered in dirt and her face was wet from all the tears.

(Y/N)'s body froze.

Laurie stood up and hid once more, but this time, Michael knew where she was. As he was about to get her, a hand tried to stop him. It was Loomis, though it was easy for Michael to escape his weak grip. He just went on to get his sister.

The ceiling creaked, meaning someone was there.

The young woman went to Michael, begging him to quit doing what he is doing and just take her away, but he didn't answer her request.

He instead, grabbed a wooden stick. A LARGE wooden stick. Her (E/C) eyes widened in shock. The next thing Michael did was the most dangerous thing she ever witnessed. That could kill Laurie!

She gasped, grabbing his arm as tightly as she could, but that only ended in another violent shove. Her back hits the torn-down wall, almost breaking the old wood.

The girl cried out in pain. It was a loud cry, which got Michael's attention. He finally noticed how fucked up her fragile body was. All those cuts and bruises that covered it. He'd done it, but he didn't want to care.

Michael took his eyes off of her and focused on his task. His younger sister had been constantly squealing in fear as she made her way to another hiding spot. He rammed the wooden stick upwards, some dust and debris falling onto (Y/N)'s body. Michael growled in annoyance. He wanted his sister to give up already, but she was too afraid of him.

She wanted to survive.

Laurie screamed as the masked male had almost struck her multiple times. (Y/N) got up, her legs are almost giving up on her, but she needed to save Laurie. It was like the old man said.

It's not Laurie's fault.

If there was someone in this world that failed him...it had to be her.

She didn't bother to try and contact him back when she was a kid. If she did keep contact, then this would not have happened.

Everything could have been avoided.

There would have been no need for all those death he committed earlier.

" Michael... " She whispered, but the loud sound of smashing wood overpowered her voice.

She sobbed, leaning her head against the wall, a few tears ran down her cheeks. (Y/N) hugged herself gently as she walked slowly towards the violent male.

" Stop it! Stop it right now!! " She screams at him, throwing him a small piece of wood she had found on the floor. He didn't flinch, he didn't answer.




A loud smash was heard. It was from Laurie.

She must have fallen from the ceiling.

Terrified that something may have happened to her, she made an attempt to run in before Michael could and saw the girl lying on the floor, a gun on her hand.

" Laurie...! " She calls, shaking the girl lightly.

A little while later, the teen slowly got up, nearly falling forward a couple of times, but she managed to keep her balance. (Y/N) grabbed her arm and took a good look at her.

Just the state she is in.

It horrified (Y/N).

This wasn't the same teen from earlier. She looked completely different. Laurie was beaten up, bloody and her eyes are filled with a bunch of fear.

(Y/N) turned her head and Michael was at the entrance of the old room. He was just standing there, looking at the two people that mattered the most to him. Michael was quiet and all that could be heard coming from him were loud breaths.

No one talked.

Then, Laurie raised her arm, pointing it directly to him. At the same time, Michael dropped the big stick. (Y/N)'s heart raced. What would happen next was very unpredictable.

Michaels heavy footsteps made their way towards them. He ran to Laurie and both of them fell down the two-story home. (Y/N) was left there in a state of shock.

" W...What... " her parted lips let out shaky breaths, she went down the crappy old stairs to find Laurie on top of Michael.

A few clicks we're heard and then.

A gunshot.

Laurie had shot Michael.

Then a scream followed.

And that was the last thing she remembered before she had passed out.


The cops and ambulances surrounded the whole house. Laurie was nowhere in the scene, that is until

Sheriff Brackett found her walking down an empty road and took her with him.

The young woman was unconscious on the floor, a few feet away from Michael. Loomis was back inside the building, just as unconscious as her.

" The woman seems fine. No serious injuries. A few bruises and scrapes. She probably fainted due to shock. " A paramedic tells his partner as both of them pick her up to place her on the stretcher.

They wheeled her body inside the ambulance and took her to the nearest hospital.


In the beginning, she had no clue as to where she was, that is until she heard various beeping coming from the machine right next to her.

It was the hospital.

The girl sat up and looked out of the window, it was still dark, but she didn't know what day it was or if it was the same horrible night. The door opened and her head immediately snapped to its direction.

It was her teary-eyed mother.

" You're awake! " She ran to her and gave her a warm and gentle hug before she sat down in the chair next to her.

" When I heard from the police that you were in the hospital, I immediately rushed my way over here. It's been a few hours since you were found at the Myers residence.

I still can't believe he targeted you...Michael Myers I mean. "

So it was the same night.

She had a little ray of hope that it wasn't.

" I am... I'm his weird obsession. " (Y/N) sighed, laying her head back to the pillow and looking out the window.

" I hope she's fine... Laurie I mean. " The (H/C) woman muttered, loud enough for her mother to hear her.


" That young girl? I heard that she was in a horrible state when she arrived, she's probably still in the operation room as we speak. " (Y/N) gripped the thin blanket tightly as tears spilled out of her glassy eyes. Her mother looked at her with worry.

" Is there...Is there something wrong? I get it. You must be traumatized. My poor baby. " (Y/N) shook her head.

" I couldn't protect Laurie. I couldn't protect that child. That small child I saw as a kid. " Her cries are loud, feeling guilty for what happened to her. For failing that person...Michael.

" His sister... She didn't deserve that! "

" Honey... Calm down...baby please calm down. What are you saying?! "

(Y/N) covered her mouth and looked up at the blurry ceiling. Her mother, on the other hand, tried to figure out who she spoke of.

A sister? Was it Michael's younger sibling? That Laurie Strode girl was actually his sister?!

It was a shock, for sure. Her mother had just thought that she perhaps was adopted and taken away from Haddonfield.

How small was this world?

A while later, visiting hours were over, therefore her mother had to leave her. The woman calmed down a bit, but her mind still went back to Laurie.

Her dull eyes stare at the dark sky for a few minutes. Most of the staff had probably left for the night, so there wasn't anyone on the other side of the door anymore, so she took that opportunity to go use the toilet.

Her feet had socks on them, which didn't make her feel how cold that floor was. It was a good thing since her legs ached like crazy.

She stumbled to the door and took the small machine with her as a form of support.

It was oddly quiet for a night shift and the hallways were dimly lit. There was no sign of a nurse, doctor or security guard. There was literally no one around.

She shook that feeling off and went to the lady's room where she commenced to do her business. Her eyes wandered around the stall and her ear twitched as it heard heavy footsteps from outside the restroom.

(Y/N) flinched.

Those footsteps are familiar to Michael's. Her body then relaxed when she thought back to when Laurie shot him right in the head.

There was no way he could have survived that now.

Those footsteps stopped outside the door.

It could probably be a janitor.

The girl finished her business, flushed the toilet and went over to the sink to wash her hands. She looks at her reflection for a second. A few bandages are on both her arms. Her face had little bruises.

Nothing compared to what Laurie had.

(Y/N) hissed and got a paper towel to dry her clean hand. She tossed it to the trash can and got out of the restroom.

To her surprise, there wasn't any janitor around. It could have possibly been a doctor racing to see a patient.

She started to walk back and then...

Nothing could have prepared her for what happened next. A hand covered her mouth and the other held her torso. Her heart rate sped up.

Her mind raced, praying that it wasn't who she thought it was.

Too bad her prayers weren't answered. From the reflection of a framed picture, she saw that similar white mask from earlier.

He's alive.

Michael survived!

The male smirked from under his mask. He had finally tracked down his girl.

Michael held her tight with one hand, the other released her from the wires that connected her to that machine. Once that happened, he dragged her out of the hospital, the crying girl squirming to break free.

She was not sure where he was taking her, wherever it was, it had to be pretty far, since now, Michael was recklessly driving a stolen vehicle. The woman was huddled in the back, her whole body trembling.

Her eyes look out the window to see it was already dawn. A few hours after they left the hospital.

It was then when he stopped the vehicle in front of an abandoned barn. To (Y/N), it looked haunted, but it was a suitable place for a serial killer like Michael to hide in.

Michael gets out of the car and slowly walks to her side to open the door for her. The female shook her head and Michael pulled her out of there and dragged her inside.

" Why? Michael...let me go! I won't tell your whereabouts. " Michael pushed her inside and the girl fell on her knees. She clasped her hands together and looked at him.

" Mickey...please. "

The masked man tilts his head.

He did remember she wanted to go with him. Why was she suddenly backing out? This got him angry.

He stood in front of her and crouched down, taking his blade out.

Michael knew that terrified her.

The cool blade was dragged from her neck and down to her chest, where her heart is. He added a bit of pressure, not much to hurt her, just enough to threaten her.

His piercing blue eyes met hers.

They were filled with mischief, anger, love, and lust. It was a mix of emotions.

One of his hands slid up her thigh, his fingers running up and down her smooth, warm skin. The hospital gown got in his way, but that didn't matter, he could still get the job done.

One of his fingers made familiar movements on her skin.

It was a letter. The letter 'M' and that's when she knew he was trying to communicate with her. (Y/N) breathed heavily, fearing for what might happen next. She pushed his hand away from his thigh and he growled, smacking her hand.

She gasped, closing her eyes. His cold, bloody hand touched her skin, now tracing another letter.

(Y/N) whimpers, Michael beginning to pull her towards him. He had put his knife away and now held her tight and in a protective manner.

His large hand pats her back in an attempt to comfort her.


Her eyes finally snapped back open as Michael soon used her other hand to hold her.

' Mine '

She was his.

Michael sat down and pulled a trembling (Y/N) onto his lap, stroking her damp cheek over and over again. He finally took off his mask, revealing himself to her for the second time.

His hair covered his entire face.

Michael stared at her for a moment and grabbed her chin, making her look at him. He leaned in and pressed his forehead against hers, finally feeling the warmth.

(Y/N), however, just questioned his actions. Michael had changed within a few seconds. His eyes no longer had that cold look in them, they turned soft.


Just maybe...if she keeps him that way...she will finally have the chance to escape.

Michael still knew what her motive was, but if she ever did escape he'd always be one step ahead.

Anywhere she might hide... Anywhere she might go... He will always make sure to track her down.


No matter what.

Ahh!!! The end!

I really, really enjoyed this story, although I could of done better with the ending! I thank everyone who read my trashy book and for voting on each of my chapters.

UwU I love seeing this book grow and I literally published this a month ago...that's the shortest I've ever written a book

Anyways...any questions? Just ask away. Please.

Ah! And as for a sequel...I haven't planned one yet. I don't think there will be one, mostly because I'm out of ideas:( Lmao imagine a Michael Myers and Brahms crossover. No NO QWQ I have to s t o p!

But like...they fight for (Y/N)



I'll keep you guys updated.

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