《Obsession 《Michael Myers Fanfic》》《 18. Old Friends. 》


(Y/N) threw the rope that was binding her ankles. She was free to run away but knew that it would not be that easy. The man that kidnapped her must probably be looking at her from afar. Running away isn't an option.

Laurie was next to her and was quickly recovering consciousness. Her eyes squinted and looked at her surroundings. Her sleepy eyes saw a familiar face from earlier.

" You? Where am I? " She asks, rubbing her head in discomfort.

" Wish I'd known. " (Y/N) muttered, hugging her legs and staring at the dead teen from earlier. Laurie followed her gaze.

" Linda? " She whispered, crawling over to the deceased girl, tears falling down her face, shaking her limp body and desperately trying to wake her up.

" Please wake up! Linda wake up! " she cried, holding the girl in her arms, hoping that she was just playing dead to save her life. That wasn't the case, that Linda girl was really gone.

Laurie sobbed, hugging her cold body close to her. (Y/N) went over to Laurie and checked for any faint pulse, coming from Linda, but no such luck. (Y/N) bit her lip, not wanting to cry anymore. She wouldn't know how Laurie was feeling, just looking at her cry made her want to do the same.

" Linda! " Laurie yells, the grown woman rubbed her back, trying to calm her down a bit.

That's what she had to do right now. She needed to calm down. The enemy wasn't completely gone from the basement and could still be lurking anywhere.

Yes. He was there.

His loud breathing under his mask was heard coming closer and closer.

His footsteps aren't loud and he's making his way to them very slowly.

It was as if he was being careful.

The only problem was that he had a knife on his hand, making (Y/N) think that he was getting ready to attack.


Was it the end for them?

The blonde quickly picks up her head, looking at the masked male, who slowly approached them. (Y/N) sniffles, looking at him with teary eyes.

" Who are you? " Laurie was the first to speak, but as he took a few more steps, Laurie begged him not to hurt her.

" D...Don't. " (Y/N) stammered, sobs escaping her lips. She placed her hands on Laurie's shoulder and pulled her back. There was no knowing what this guy could do, so she tried her best to keep the young one safe.

Michael didn't listen to their cries, so he instead got closer, throwing his knife to the side, showing them that he didn't mean any harm. Confused by this, (Y/N) gaze went from his bloody possession to his masked face.

She didn't understand a thing.

Neither did Laurie.

Although, even without the knife on his hand, they didn't feel comfortable and never let their guard down.

(Y/N) scoots back, right next to Laurie and glanced at her for a moment. The blonde's eyes are on the knife as if she was planning on stabbing him with it.

Her (E/C) orbs went back to the tall figure. He got on his knees and reached into his breast pocket. Out of that pocket, he took out two worn-out papers. When he turned them around, though, they happened to be pictures.

Pictures (Y/N) was very familiar with.

He extended his arm, hoping one of them took them.

" There's no way... " (Y/N) whispered, a tear falling down her right eye.

" Where did you get those?! " She asked, her blood running cold. She didn't like it. Why was it that everywhere she goes, Michael Myers ends up haunting her? Why was it suddenly popping up since the day her mother found her childhood memories?

She was on the brink of insanity.

Laurie, on the other hand, was nothing but confused. She didn't know the people in the image, so she shook her head and yelled at the masked man that she did not recognize anyone.


" I don't know them! " Laurie yells at him.

Michael is stubborn. He really wanted his sister to remember him. It wasn't going to be that easy.

(Y/N) swallowed the knot on her throat, having the courage to reach out and get that last Halloween picture she took with none other than Michael Myers.

" We are them. " She muttered, sending the masked man a curious look. Laurie looked at (Y/N) and then at the knife. The blonde took the other picture.

(Y/N) eyes scan that picture, remembering how everything went to hell today, almost two decades ago.

Those murders.

Again, flashbacks of that incident replayed multiple times in her brain, letting her know those memories we're going to be with her for a long time.

After seeing that picture and having an odd gut feeling, the man removed his mask, his messy hair was on the way, but (Y/N) knew exactly who she was looking at.

Michael Myers.

Her old friend.

Without any other thought, she slowly crawled to him and pushed a couple of locks out of his face to get a better glimpse.

That familiarity she saw in his icy stare before had told her something.

It was him.

She clicked her tongue and weakly slaps him on the chest a couple of times, her eyes spilling a bunch of tears.

" You're supposed to be in another facility, goddammit! " She covered her mouth, not wanting her sobs to be heard from him.

Michael didn't move.

He was there, now wondering if his sister recognized him.

His hand reached out to get the picture (Y/N) had in her hands and finally stroke her cheek. His fingers successfully wipe those tears away, hand returning back to his side.

" I...I want to be able to help you... " Laurie spoke from behind them, crawling.

" I just can't seem to understand... " She whispers. (Y/N) looks at her then remembered what her true intentions were right from the start.

" Please... H...Help me understand. "




Another soft whisper.




Before the grown woman could even warn her not to do that, Her pale hand grabbed ahold of that knife and stabbed Michael's shoulder. A very loud " Fuck you. " was heard coming right out of Laurie's mouth.

She just made a HUGE mistake.

Laurie got up and started to frantically yell for help, her hands looking for any type of opening that may lead her to the outside world.

As for (Y/N), she was looking at Michael's body laying there, as if he was dead, but she knew he wasn't.

She was frozen right on the spot.

The blonde did finally break some old wood from the basement and went through there, possibly getting to the other side of the wall. Though a lot of yelling was heard, meaning that she was stuck.

That is when the male got up, taking that knife out of his shoulder and putting that mask back on.

Shit was real.

(Y/N) caught a glimpse of his eyes and they were dark as hell.

(Y/N) shook her head and got up.

" No! Michael stop! " She yells at him, but when he didn't listen, the woman grabbed his hand.

Michael was furious and pushed her away harshly, making her fall back.

" For fuck's sake...she was a baby you huge dumbass! " She screams at him, trying to make him understand.

He didn't listen and instead smashed his hand through the wooden wall, surprising Laurie and making her scream.

" She won't remember you! "

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